I just took over a Webelos 2 Den and am working on getting the Scouts caught up in order to get their Arrow of Light and crossover in Febuary. First a little back ground I just moved to the area and worked with one of the parents in my last den who is now my assistant leader. Last year in Webelos 1 the scouts only earned the 3 required activities badges needed for their Webelos badge, some put in the time on their own to earn more. My issue now is that a Parent of one scout that still needs 4 activity pins for their Arrow of Light, tells me that she plans on her son to cross over to boy scouts before Christmas. She also got defensive when I told her that her son, even though it was signed off from last year, need to memorize the Boy Scout Oath and the Scout Law because he could not repeat it when asked. Any suggestions on how to handle this?