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Everything posted by gour0

  1. Ok, I did ask him. He basically said that that form is used to evaluate private sites for suitability. If a site has approval, you're all set. If someone has a problem with the sites you're using, you may want to ask him what his issue is. It may be just a matter of "that's not how I would do it" or "that's not how we always did it before"....
  2. I meant to say Council. Sorry, late and I'm tired. It was Blue Ridge Council. 864-233-8363 talk to Matt. Dates for 2010 are Aug 4-7
  3. you should call your district and see if they have it. http://scouting.org/LocalCouncilLocator.aspx I know that I called a district near you and they do. I think it was Greenville.
  4. Great question! I called every council within a 5 hour radius of our pack and received a variety of answers. Several had Resident camp for Webelos only. Some had no resident camp at all. A few of the bigger councils had one session for wolves/bears and one had two. I did not get the impression that many people attend at the wolf/bear level. It's hard to get enough leaders who can take off a few days of work and hard to juggle vacations and other activities. Our council scheduled the wolves and bears for resident camp on the same week as twilight camp. That immediately eliminates one or the other, and guess which one gets eliminated? My son will have to settle for day camp and cub family camping this summer. Hopefully, next year the weeks will be different.
  5. I like that site approval form! Showers are a mandatory item. I'll have to show that to our CM. He'll just laugh at me.
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