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  1. Each coucnil does their own thing about training but soon as your daughter is in grade -K she will be a daisy for 2 years is the enw rule this year. It is a great time to be part of the troop and show them things cub scouts do wouldnt hurt. Maybe offer to do father daughter things. That is a great way for dads to be part of groups. I know other farthers and I put on the powder puff derby in my daughter service unit.
  2. Im also a father of 4th grade cub scout and 4th grade junior girl scouts. They are twins and im the asst. Cub master in our pack and my wife is the leader of girl scouts. I do ahve to say things are ran differnt between the two groups but some times i think the girls are better off. because each group has their own money and get to do more things like field trips and dont have to do it as a pack. Plus if the leaders want money to buy supplies they dont have to bring it in front of the pack to ask for it. Now my daughters group does a powder puff that the cub scouts let them use their track. We work together on the same day and share the fee of the rental of the school. But for camps I finaly took my sons group camping and they had a great time but as parents we sleep with another parent or with our son. Now for girls yes we cant sleep in the same room but neitehr can my wife unless there is another female adult who is unrelated to my wife. Nothing wrong with that due to now does you cant trust no one. But if i go with my daughter and she wants to sleep with me in a tent she can. no rule againts that its just she and i and another girl cant share a tent. Now every council is differnt on rule in girls scouts and also some councils run camps but its up to the leaders in girl scouts were they take their girls camping. My wife perfers to do cabin camping but this last summer they did go tenting with the girls. So it depends on yoru age group and what they want to do. Girl Scouts have more freedom on what they earn and dont have to have certain things done to bridge to the next group as cub scouts witch some times i wish cub scouts was more like that for the boys who fall behind the others and miss meetings. I have been with my son since he was a tiger and i enjoy it very much and look forward to Boy scouts. but I know if my daughter wants to go to summer camp with my son and i can take her i was told by our council but she knows its our time to bond like her mother and her get to do when they go on trips. but I agree with the parent who saids half the time girls cant agree my wife usaly takes a vote and the vote with the highest is what they do.
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