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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. I don't buy the global warming BS. It's politcal scare tactics. For all of the gajillion years man has inhabited Earth, we have only been keeping weather records for about 150 years. At first, our thermometers weren't very accurate, now we use computers, so there is a difference in measuring instruments. It's great to be good stewards of what we have, we'd be foolish to not "give a hoot, don't pollute". On the other hand, there is no way on God's earth man can have any influence (short of nuclear holocaust) on the sun, the source of our heat. High temperatures today, cool tomorrow. Temperatures are cyclical, kinda like a wave, high for a while a nd low for a while. Science is based on fact, NOT CONSENSUS. Now, let's be good stewards, reduce trips, save money, improve fuel economy save money, recylce newspapers, cans, bottles, used motor oil, good. Change light bulbs for the sake of being "green" - nonsense! Reducing your "carbon footprint" by buying "carbon credits"? It's just Al gore's way of making people feel less guilty for driving to the store while he jets off in a private plane. Think about this - Cheryl Crow ("environment expert") wants people to use ONE SHEET of TP per trip to the can. One sheet? she's nuts!!!!! In the end, we must be good stewards, shaft mines are better than strip mines. BTW, have you seen the picture of some giant strip mine machine in Germany? it took 10 years to build and has 5 drivers, it ate a bull dozer. The thing is huge, I wonder why the liberal environmentists aren't screaming bloody murder over that. Do you really know the difference between a developer and an environmentalist? The developer wants to put some houses in the woods, the environmentalist already has his house in the woods. Now, let's be good stewards, reduce, reuse and reccle, it makes good sense.(This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  2. Lot's of good suggstions, I agree with most, not with others. Return cooking, swimming, lifesaving and add backpacking to the required list. I'd like to see orienteering added also. Bring back Skill Awards .... They were fun and everyone got a change for immediate recognition, and the scout learned basic skills quickly. SM, ASM and COR training / re-training as suggested. Add CC as well. All SPL's and PL's should go to JLT as well. Change the uniform, keep or modify switchbacks and do something with the shirt. Let's get a shirt that will stay tucked in, is functional, and looks good. Keep adult knots No knot for den chief Add some kind of scoutcraft requirements for Star and Life. Keep DRP and G2SS the way they are. Nothing, I say nothing can teach you more about the penalties of poor prior planning than backpacking. This phrase will be routed into a piece of wood and hung up in our meeting place (with uz2bnowl's permission)
  3. Lisa, I didn't call Merlyn any names, I don't think I was out of line. I did a little research, I found out that Merlyn goes to many forums and argues about atheism. I had made a few other posts in this thread too. Good day.
  4. kahits, Step back, take a deep breath and relax, he'll be OK.
  5. Merlyn, Your one note song is over. BSA and the United States Army gets to hold the jamboree at Ft. A.P. Hill. I did some research and found you are as committed to non-religion as the religious. It seems the vast majority of your posts are as old as Rocky and Bullwinkle and on one topic only. It's just a matter of time before you or someone like you becomes Bishop of Atheism. Good Bye
  6. Scoutldr, Hmm, displaced sacroiliac joint, one of the most common reasons why people visit chiropractors. Be patient, each adjustment moves a bone (as in a joint) only about 1 millimeter. So, it will take several adjustments to correct the problem, continue with the ice and electrical muscle stimulation (tingly thing) and you'll be as good as new, or real close anyway. Local, I grew up in chicago, so I know winters. But, there's nothing like living in Georgia, it's real nice here as I'm sure it's real nice there. John-in-KC Those older green uniforms were great! They looked good, fit well, and as a youth, e never needed a "class B" because the green uniform held up well. Maybe it could be updated with cargo pockets on the pants, hmm, switchbacks. G (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  7. GNXguy, I think there are costs associated with scouting. like the VCR repairs, time spent away from wives, other family members, time at work spent on scouting, the small expenses that add up over time. In the end, though, it pays. When the scout earns his badges, finds a new career opportunity through a MB session, learning self reliance, etc. It does indeed have both costs and rewards.
  8. Local, Everything costs less here in the south. $52 just for the adjustment, more for therapies, rehab, etc. I'm sure it's nice in NH, but the winters are harsh too, right? I can play golf year 'round, almost. G
  9. Merlyn, If I send you a few crumbs of a cookie, that might more accurately represent a prorata share of the $5000, wouldn't it?
  10. Merlyn, send me a PM with your address and I'll mail you some cookies.
  11. I agree with local400, you can cook almost anything. You can even take a small cooler, with a cargo tie down strap, cinch the cooler lid closed tightly and now it won't spill out ice if/when you capsize. Rather than using pre-prepared sandwiches, use pita bread, it's healthy, it's already flat, slice it in half, open it up and put in PB&J or ham and cheese or whatever. Go down the rice and pasta aisle at your Piggly-wiggly and get some dehydrated stuff and buy ones where you just add water, not water and milk. Get some produce and eat well!!
  12. CNY, The example you cite is the epitome of Troop Method. The PL didn't decide anything for his patrol. In a troop of 80 scouts, say 8 to a patrol, that's 10 patrols, it would every other campout before each patrol did something. Each patrol should plan and do it's own menu, cooking, etc. 2 side notes: 1 A troop at 80 scouts could easily multiply into 2 or even 3 troops and still remain healthy. 2 Just wait until Kudu gets a hold of this thread, watch out! (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  13. Scout handbook - $12 Scout shirt - $30 Switch back pants - $40 Chiropractic Adjustment for low back pain - $52 Meals on a campout - $12 Repairs to 3 VCR's - $200 Cost of Scouting - PRICELESS!
  14. ASM915, Princess can become a Venturer is she wants to, I think she'd like it. Lisa, Oaktree, et al, I checked with the SM before comitting to go. The other ASM on the last trip came along, but his son did not. If there had been other adults on the trip, I would have sent the son, and visited the camp-o-ree and scout-o-rama.
  15. Local, For the real story on the economy, visit the folks who maintin the correct information, not Katie Coric, the other network talking head, David Letterman and Jay Leno. The Conference board has the data. Visit http://www.conference-board.org/economics/bci/pressRelease_output.cfm?cid=1 No offense friend, G The real reason may be that Green Bar bill has passed away and some manuals are now written by comittee, some kids don't have an interest in vocations, vocational schools seem to be disappearing too, maybe kids play too much gameboy.
  16. Local, So often I try to preach the way, then I bring Little Miss Princess, BUT, she's quiet, out of the way, a helper too. If she would just get up to speed on setting up the rain fly and master the taut line, but it just isn't gonna happen right now. As a general rule, in our troop, if siblings have to tag along or lose the parent, we'd have the sibling come along, but the parent watches the kid, not scouts.
  17. After all of this, I admit I have brought the 6 year old little sister on a camp-o-ree. Only two adults going, the wife was out of town and if I didn't bring "Princess", no one would have gone. She stayed out of the way, and probably has more nights camping than half the troop anyway. I checked with the scouts and the other adult first, no one minded. The scouts kinda liked having her around.
  18. I agree with Lisa. another way to minimize this problem is to reduce the number of these trip to maybe one (or two maximum) per year.
  19. I agree with Scoutldr that the two should not be mixed. There isn't enough time for the ordeal anyway. Tap out ceremony could be done though.
  20. Hunt, The tallness example is perfect! It provides a set of membership guidelines and if the applicant doesn't qualify, the applicant can't join, period, exclamation mark! BSA is completely non-sectarian. BSA doesn't really care what church or other place of worship you attend or that it's members attend a place of worship at all. Members must however believe in God in order to become members, and presumably remain as members. I get it, I know BSA doesn't charter units to schools and that the chartered partner "owns" the unit, again, I get it. Scoutldr, Anyone is welcome in BSA, I might even say that Merlyn would be welcome if and only if Merlyn believes in God. Merlyn, you can believe in any god or "Higher Power" you wish. The report card should be enough to get minorities interested in math and engineering. Affirmative action is not necessary in my opinion. I am a minority and I don't need Uncle Sam (or Jesse Jackson's Mono-chrome Coalition or LULAC) to help me out. Role models, information, etc. is important for everyone, not some some. Yes, I read the disclaimer above. If gay atheists show up and sign the application, take the Oath and Law, then they are frauds (as things are today) The idea of black troops and white is ridiculous. But, how many white kids would "feel welcome" in da 'hood and joining the local troop? Because there isn't forced bussing for scout troops, the troop in the hood is probably a "black" troop. Merlyn, It seems like it's more similar to "fraudulent enlistment" in the military. If a soldier completes the application process and forms and swears UNDER PENALTY that the information provided was correct, but knowingly falsified information about prior drug use, the applicant will either be denied entry into the military or be tossed out once discovered. I'm aware that BSA made a recent change to charter units to places other than schools and government facilities. That's a nice way to expose Explorers / Venturers to police and fire departments, oops, did I say that out loud? No one in public schools is going to try to convert anyone to Christianity. Schools doen't have the time anyway. Trying to teach RRR and all the PC stuff (what ever happened to Dick and Jane?). I dare say that no one in a troop is going to cram Christianity down your throat either. Merlyn, I've noticed you don't really post many things except as related to atheism, why?
  21. M t E, Welcome to the forum For you webelos scouts, get a compass that is liquid filled, the needle moves slowly and smoothly. A compass with 2 degree increments is great, less than 2 degrees is somewhat difficult to get a good bearing. For younger guys, something cheap will probably be OK, then have them fo north, east, southwest, etc.
  22. Merlyn, I have purposefully sat this one out until now. You simply do not understand what the deal is. Let's review: BSA is a private group, BSA can decide who joins, who doesn't. Schools can have clubs like Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Gay, BI Straight Homo alliance groups, chess club, glee club, band, baseball teams, Spanish club, German club, etc. It now seems the only club schools can't have is BSA units. If a school has a chess club, I don't think I would be welcome if I don't play chess. What about the geek who like Yu-gi-oh? why can't he join the chess club, chess players are geeks, right? He can't join if he doesn't play chess. Let's use the example of a Tall Ballroom Dancers club. If the club sets membership requirements as being 6 feet tall or taller and a ballroom dancer, I can't join (no matter how much I protest) because I'm 5'9" and I only dance to country music, not ballroom. Your arguement fails - miserably. You don't have standing. Your rights are not being violated. If I had to bet, I would bet that you are an attorney. so, counsellor, take your case to the SCOTUS and when it upholds a lower court, we'll say "We told you so".
  23. OGE, I like the jokes in boy's Life. My favorite is this one: A Book Never Written: Race to the latrine By Willie Maykit Illustrated by Betty Woant
  24. CNY, Your "judges" can judge "Best of Show" for Tigers, other cubs including Webelos and siblings (if entered). Depending on the size of the pack, show competition could be for each rank too. You could have a judge determine which is winner and one could serve as starter. Ask the pack if one of their people will manage a scoreboard to see who wins overall in speed.
  25. Lisa, The dual hat thing is a little uncomfortable for me too. I'll be asking for a switch soon in the UC role, that way the unit will get someone different, but have a "second UC" "undercover" . I agree on your other comments as well. I was the UC before coming on as ASM as my son crossed over in Feb. Dan, The SM is weak, well meaning, but weak. The CC is the same to some extent. Betty doesn't hijack all the meetings, just a couple. The CC adds things on the calendar too (a hijack of sorts) at the last minute like "Lakeshore Clean-up" next weekend. C'mon, it's 10 days away, and this after the semi-annual fundraiser and camp-o-ree. I'm trying to be effective, positive and help out. I'm doing my best.
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