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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. Beavah, You know what makes perfect sense? Getting Uncle Sugar out of the education business. Stop property taxes for schools, let the home owner keep the money, send junior to a private school or home school. Where does it say that Big Brother needs to be indoctinating our kids.
  2. When camping, I prefer Folger's single serve "tea bag" style servings. boil some water, dunk the bag a few times in a couple of cups and splash in some french vanilla creamer, m m m m Not a big fan of the french vanilla, but the sweet flavor seemd to satify the need for sugar.
  3. AnneinMpls, Sorry, I guess I'm the one with egg on MY face, no pun intended. I assumed Boy Scouts, not 9 year old girls (Brownies?) Otherwise, I hope you find helpful suggestions here and have a great trip! Gonzo
  4. J Dawg, Welcome, I'm afraid the mom won out. My son and he are buddies, hang out during the summer, etc. Mom just doesn't want her son in scouts. She's actually afraid he'll get biten by a snake or attacked by a mountain lion, no fooling. The thought of filtering drinking water from a stream and going poop in the woods was too much for her.
  5. Wow, this one is fun to watch! PeteM, A long time ago, in a Supreme Court Chamber in Washington D.C., a landmark ruling determined that the Supreme Court was to be the "final arbiter" of what is constitutional and what isn't. It's not actually in the constitution, the court just decided it. So, it has become the way it is. A ruling here, a challenge there. The Supreme Court is actually not the final arbiter, but rather the people. You and I, all of us are the final arbiters, we the people decide. The is no "Separation of Church and State" in the constituion. There is the freedom of religion, freedom from religion and the right to peacably assemble. Isn't is odd how when an area church is under construction, the congregation will rent space at a school? It's OK as long as the church forks over the dough, but watch out if 2 teachers each get $1,226.50 Beavah and Evmori, There are no civil rights being "taken away" from anybody. Its an extracirricular program that is completely voluntary. Join if you wish, don't if you wish not to. Perhaps the program can be held at some other place, but man, that's inconvenient. Evmori, Just a side note, if there was a fire at a church, is the fire department going to respond? That would be using taxpayer dollars at a religious institution. BTW, I still don't buy Levi's and Docker's, but that's another discussion.
  6. There's a picture of 2,3,4 digit unit numbers in the print catalog. Call the scoutstuff number, place the order for unit numbers and simply order your unit number, a minimum of 12 required. You can even get 25 50 and 75 year bar in the patch if needed.
  7. Cast iron skillet and dutch oven also work well. Since it's patrol cooking, allow the boys to decide and have the boys cook for themselves - period. First campout or not, give some guidance, have their guide assist, and then stand back.
  8. If you had cancelled the canoe trip and this one also, that would have left 1 outing in the quarter or an average of 4 per year if numbers hold. I a cancellation has to be made, have the SPL announce it. In boy led, a boy announcing it will put peer pressure on others to attend. In short, don't cancel them, go and have a great time. if one had to be, SPL announces the decision - the decision the PLC made.
  9. It starts at the top. If the SM wears a uniform, the troop probably will too. On the other hand, our SM rarely wears a uniform, I've never seen him in uniform pants, other ASM too, never wears uniform pants. The other comte members don't wear uniforms. I asked the other ASM about uniforming, he told me "they 'voted' on it and said 'no pants' " I told him that's not really an option, but I'll fight that battle later. My son and I wear complete uniforms.
  10. GWD, BSA gives wiggle room that may be uncomfortable anyway you look at it. http://www.scouting.org/forms/28-102.pdf I would have him do a minimum of time in Webelos, then move him into boy scouts as soon as he can comfortably get there because of his age. At the rate he's going, he may be 24 before he gets a high school diploma. He doesn't qualify for anything less than webelos and his age qualifies him for boy scouts.
  11. There is another child at home. Scout's younger brother is 7 or 8 months old. Money isn't an object for this family. Nanny is brought in to watch the baby so mom can sleep. They're disfunctional. The thing that bugs me most is that every tackle is like a car accident, lots of damage to the body, but no scots.
  12. It's Me, You and I are in similar boats. My son also chose the weaker troop of others available. SPL is frequently absent, PL's frequently absent too. SM is weak, CC is OK, other ASM is OK. At times, it's Webelos III, at times it's a troop. Get the CC to get him trained, yourself too (if not already) and be part of the solution.
  13. Lisa, Being an Eagle Scout probably means that the guy should have some mastery of basic skills. However, it doesn't necessarily makes him a good MANAGER like a CC. If you have an Eagle who refuses to get trained, tel him that it's required and that he'll get "refresher" training and be brought up to speed on current information. Tell him if he doesn't learn ANYTHING, you'll buy him lunch. G (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  14. I think there's a big difference between arriving at camp at 9:00 p.m. and arriving at 2:00 a.m. Common sense should prevail, most weekend campouts are probably planned for a 2 - 3 hour radius from home anyway, right? So, no big deal. Use a 3 day weekend for the 5 or 6 hour trip.
  15. Gunny, Welcome to the forums, Semper Fi! It's not that football and karate are "uncivilized", but one would not normally expect to sip tea and eat crumpets at a football game. According to the nanny, mom wants him in football in order to get a scholarship to college. My point was more that he can do physical things and sweat but can't go camping. Mom is actually afraid he'll be bitten by a snake or attacked by a mountain lion. She's afraid he'll be out of cell phone range. At Webelos Woods last fall, dad bought all new gear for both of them and the dad , the son and a friend of the dad all came along.
  16. One way the BSA could "improve" the G2SS (and other documents) is to define some terms in the front of each manual. The Navy does so in some flight manuals: Note - A operating procedure, practice or condition which is essential to emphasize. Warning - An operating procedure, practice or condition which pmay result in injury or death if not carefully observed or followed. Should - has been used only when application of a procedure is recommended. Shall - has been used only when application of a procedure is mandatory. Other terms have been defined as well. Source: OPNAVINST 3710 series
  17. Another deflection. I'm done with you Merlyn, on this topic and all others.
  18. The G2SS says "should be done in daylight." not must be done in daylight. So, if your unit is travelling a coupld of hours, I'd say OK, but if you were planning to travel 6 or 8 or something, break it up or leave earlier.
  19. Merlyn, It's no secret, I don't like you, but I have been courteous. I find your last comment "That'd be mighty white of you." to be particularly rude and offensive. Besides, you have mastered the art of "deflection" by not addressing the other questions I asked, I really want to know the answers and now I demand an apology for your rudeness. BTW, rent from a city at a low price described here as "peanuts" is not really a subsidy. A subsidy is paying farmers to grow weeds, not crops.
  20. The main thing I really don't understand here is this: How is Merlyn hurt by all of this stuff? How is Merlyn, you personally affected by the BSA? Do you want to join the BSA? Do you want to go camping with us? Join us at a campfire? Maybe you'd like to attend WB? I don't see (in your legal terms) your "standing". How are you, Merlyn affected? If you'd like to join us, find a religion you could pigeon hole yourself into and join. On the other hand, maybe Spiral Scouts is more your speed.(This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  21. Merlyn, you wrote: "Tolerant" in your definition seems to mean subsidizing the BSA with their tax money. You want to be a private organization? Be one. Pay market rates." The council had a lease and did not violate the terms of the lease since 1928. It seem that Philly just wants some cash and find the scouts an easy target. I hope the councilmen who vote again the scouts get voted ou themselves. Merlyn, you also wrote this: "I've explained before I was a cub scout long ago. I'm also against my tax money used to support a supposedly private religious organization." The lease was in place since 1928 and all of a sudden, there's a salvo against the scouts. If it were the other way around you'd be moaning and complaing about discrimination against your group. Also: "I'm a member of Scouting For All (which is pro-atheist in the sense that they advocate that the BSA be open to atheists), and yes, you can join them. I'm also a member of Minnesota Atheists, which is part of American Atheists, and no, you can't join them, because it's a private organization of atheists. You'll notice that AA doesn't leech off your public tax money the way the BSA leeches off my public tax money." I think I'll try to join MN Atheists and AA, that way I can try to get them to change their membership rules to allow Christians too. But a quick check of both websites reveals that AA is very bitter, only a handfull of protestors show up at your events, I counted no more than 13 at any event. Also, and this is the best part, your MN Atheists group membership is tax deductible, TAX DEDUCTIBLE????? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING, RIGHT? After all your complaing about the scouts getting "subsidized", you're taking a tax deduction? I challenge you to pay your fair share.
  22. It's too bad that the homosexual group in Philly can't be tolerant of the Boy Scouts. I would wager that if it had been the other way around, and that a homosexually oriented group had the lease and was getting the boot, the homosexual groupd would be screaming about intolerance and discrimination against them. Perhaps a scout friendly individual or business will donate some land or building for the council. But then again, someone might complain that the council uses city water or sewage or doesn't have some other thing or widget and will try to beat down the scouts then. Merlyn, what I don't understand is why, why you come here to this scout oriented forum when you are clearly not a scout(er). Why? Are you a member of some pro atheist group? If so, can I join? If not, why not?
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