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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. I agree with some of the other posters. I don't think it's worth the trouble for $300, but I admire your stand for the principle of the matter. Since some of the parents are upset that their sons will be in court to testify, I think you should let the money go, move your son to another troop, preferably in a neighboring district, and move on.
  2. Merlyn, Here's a citation for you: The Boy Scouts of America is for boys and adult volunteers who believe in God. You don't have to join. Neither do your daughters if you have any and neither do atheists. It's for boys who believe in God. Membership is voluntary, not compulsory. * Girls can participate in Venturing from 14 to 20.
  3. I don't know why the number isn't zero, I'm not in charge. I don't have a problem with scout groups meeting at a school, but I certainly wish the remaining 15 or so would straighten out their charter partner situation if for no other purpose than for YOU to have no argument here.
  4. I know that BSA isn't supposed to charter BSA units to so called "public or government entities" like schools and police anymore. I think you agree that "Friends of _____ school" are acceptable. I asked my district executive yesterday how many units are chartered to these public entities across the country. Would you believe that it is less than 15. He didn't have the exact figure, but it's real low. And getting lower, I think you don't have much to squabble about anymore. I'm sure you're going to slice and dice this post into little segments and address each phrase. Let me summarize it for you. There are less than 15 scout units chartered to government entities across the country. That's a pretty small number. But I'm sure you'll say that 15 is too many. Soon, it will be zero and you won't have anything to complain about.
  5. Gonzo1

    uniform tents

    Kudu, I thought you said that troop owned tents are an example of adult led. You would have the troop haul 60 tents if that's what the boys want. I like patrol method, in fact, I love it! however, at a recent district event, a Klondike Derby, I saw Ramen noodles for lunch, I think we have to draw lines for boys to operate within. Otherwise, we would have the inmates running the prison. In other words, troop tents are fine, real meals are better than cheap, salty ramen noodles..... but I digress.
  6. Gonzo1

    uniform tents

    Kudu, Loaning out tents hardly teaches the boy to be responsible for his own gear, it's no worse thanusing troop gear. I hardly think that a troop using troop (patrol) gear is adult led. I like the idea of troop owned tents, but I'm OK with it if a scout wants to bring his own. When I was a scout, we had troop owned canvas tents, but once you earned Eagle, or became and ASM you could use your own tents.
  7. Merlyn, A person's civil rights ARE NOT VIOLATED because that person isn't allowed to join the Boy Scouts. joining is VOLUNTARY. I'm sorry you think that tax payer dollars may be spent for the utility bill while scouts may be in session, I just think you're being too sensitive. No one's rights are being violated. I could understand it if someone were being forced to join. There are other groups available.
  8. Merlyn, You won't be satisfied until the BSA admits atheists. It's not going to happen.
  9. I heard in the news recently that a public was forced to provide a place and time for muslim students to pray, each day the students were in the school, in accordance with theri religion. Do you see the irony here? A school forced to provide a place and time for muslim students to pray, but Christians and Jews are not allowed. I don't kow how many public schools now charter scout units, frankly, I don't care. For the sake of "keeping up", I wish to remind you that the BSA is a private organization and can admit anyone it wants to. it can also refuse or reject admission as well. I'm sorry you have a problem with that, but seeing that you're an attorney, you should realize that the court has spoken. You know Merlyn, sometimes we don't like a court's decisions, but we have to live by them, kinda like abortion. I don't agree with it, but hey, it's supposedly the law of the land, eventhough the woman in Roe vs. Wade has found God and regretted having an abortion. The point here is that the court has spoken. Now, all of us "pro-life" people are told to shut up by the pro-abortion people. You're smart, do the math.
  10. A school is not REQUIRED to sponsor a scout unit, it may if it wishes, if the community wishes and if the entity wishes. If cops want an explorer post, what's the big deal if the cops want, the kids want it, the community wants it. Now, we know that "Friends of XYZ school" can, the actual school can't. In your pronouncement of my "wrongness", requiring government entities to sponsor scout units is more like the following: "Effective immediately, all police stations shall sponsor explorer posts, all public schools shall sponsor cub scout packs" A subsidy means that governement would be paying for the scouts, I guess you count the electricy use to run the lights and a/c or furnace. I think it all boils down to this: We have something you want, either for yourself or as you claim to "advocate" for others, for them. I realize that not all members of this forum agree with me or you. The rules are the rules. CalicoPenn, The Globetrotters are entertainers, and not actually playing "competitive" games.
  11. The Globetrotters have FUN! Maybe "Friends of the Globetrotters" can. You continue to fail to see the Free Exercise thereof part. I don't care if a government entity sponsors an atheist group, jewish group or whatever. If you really want to learn to camp, earn badges have fun and learn to build fires, go join the Spiral Scouts . . . . or get religion and come with me.
  12. It's not about the Globetrotters, it's about the humor you failed to see. I like that the BSA is the way it is. You fail to see that too.
  13. Ed, I literally laughed out loud at that patrol name!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! Gonzo1
  14. I think electronics are OK only as long as they stay in vehicles upon arrival - including cell phones owned by youth.
  15. I think the Washington Generals basketball team is all white and the Harlem Globetrotters is black. Hmm, I wonder if a white guy wanted to join the Globetrotters? Doesn't matter to me. I'm glad BSA is the way it is.
  16. Invite them and have something for them to do! Make sure they have fun and participate.
  17. I remember learning CPR in scouts and then having it re-enforced many times over as an adult in the military. You never know when you may need it. Thankfully, I haven't, BUT I have used the first aid training many times.
  18. I like the name continuity. To my knowledge, my old troop as a youth (30 years ago) still has the same names.
  19. Gonzo1

    uniform tents

    I like a limit of two guys to a tent, even in "3 man" tents. I think four guys is too many, and too little sleep, plus, four man tents are heavy and an less you car camp, too heavy to carry, especially on your back.
  20. Gonzo1

    uniform tents

    I like reasonably priced, decent quality troop tents. That way, when Johnny joins the troop, he and his parents can see that the troop has it's act together. The patrol takes care of the gear and all is well. If a scout joins and then is faced with uniforms, handbooks, messkits, and so on, $100 for a tent might be too much. Then you'll have some guys tenting with another who spent the money, but isn't sharing in the burden of the expense. With today's equipment, nice tents suitable for backpacking cost about $100. I'm not talking about about ultra light, one man (person) tents, I'm talking 7' x 7' "3 man" Eureka which really slep 2 just fine and only weigh a few pounds. Easy to pitch and strike and are virtually waterproof! Gonzo1
  21. When i was a youth in the 70's, we had some scouts with collars, some without, but all scout wore the same neckerchief. NO ONE CALLED IT A SCARF as some do today. I recall folding my collar under and wearing the neckerchief. I think the neckerchief started to go under the collar when Oscar de la Renta uniforms came out. Those old green uniforms just looked better and fit better. We did everything in them and never had a troop t-shirt.
  22. Gonzo1


    Merlyn, I have a couple of college degrees (similar to you) and I know what an analogy is. I don't care for your attempt to pigeon hole me into you jews vs atheist example. I don't really see it as a school "running" the scout groups that happen to meet there. I see it as the school providing a place for them to meet. I've never seen a "scout hut" at a school. When I was in cub scouts, our pack meetings were in the gym. There was no real evidence that scouts met there except during the monthly pack meeting. If a private group want to exclude another group, so be it. No girls (except for venturing), no gays and no atheists. I see this whole thing as you continuing to have your nose out of joint and you don't like it. You really seem to want to get in for your self or for other atheists to get in, but atheists aren't allow. An atheist can't do his duty to God if he doesn't believe in God. We've been over the whole scout oath/law aspect of it, just give up. BSA isn't going to change for you. Go join Spiral Scouts! I see you point that it isn't about the group, but rather where the group meets. AFAIK, public entities are not supposed to charter scouts anymore, but "Friends of _____" can.
  23. Gonzo1


    I continue to disagree with you. We welcome Jewish kids. We welcome all people of all faiths. We just believe that believers are people we want in our organization.
  24. Gonzo1


    Merlyn, What s the actual, REAL harm if a few grade school have a cub scout pack? Really, doing something good for the community, trying to teach a few kids that something is good, keeping them (or at least trying) out of trouble. Is that really so bad. I'm not really certain if any public entity actually charters anymore scout units. I think "Friends of XYZ School or Friends of Anytown Police Department" may, so what? I know, you say your civil rights are being violated. But they're not, remember the "free exercise thereof" part. And if you want to mention precedent, The court has ruled (insert your citation here) that the BSA is a private organization and can admit anyone it chooses. And if I'm not mistaken, you should be reasonably "happy" with "precedent".
  25. Thank you for your hardwork! We all apreciate it! Gonzo1
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