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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. " I would welcome girls in a Cub pack (but not Webelos) if national said so." National has already said: No Girls.
  2. It's Me, No comment here or any other thread is "stupid" A scout is kind, courteous, cheerful. Ask questions, get answers. Use the skills you've learned. Read and apply the responses here you like. Do you know an SM nearby who's PLC does it they way you'd like to see it done? Ask him if you can bring your SPL to observe a PLC meeting. No harm, no foul. You won't know if you don't ask. You can use Woods Wisdom or Troop Program Planning guide (or whatever the current title is) as a guide. Gonzo (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  3. I can see where parents might think it's "cute" to see daughter in a cub scout uniform, but it isn't right. You could say "what's your name" and if you get Chris, Terry, Sam or Pat, well, then you gotta go to event staff. If the kid say Tom or bill or some other boy name, I think you're OK. I think we should all uphold the rules, it's HOW we approach it that matters. Don't go yelling at the kid or parent, not even the unit leader, go to the event staff, PD, DE, etc. on duty. That way, one of "us" brings it to someone elses attention. (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  4. John-in-KC, Yes I did. Packsaddle, I laughed so hard, my side hurts, that was grrreaaatt!!! Hops, There are many ways your friend can serve, even in uniform. He could volunteer with the USO at an airport. He could join the state defense force for his state. The Georgia State Defense Force is all volunteer, no pay (except in rare circumstances0 and good training. I'm not affiliated, but a friend of mine is. (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  5. Coke syrup? C'mon, the only thing really hazardous about coca-cola is the phosphoric acid. I hope there is a separate certification for ammo. I'll conceed that some things may be silly, like requiring fingerprints to transport coke syrup. I also think the Gov't is incompetent in some area like passport distribution and other things requiring red tape. I haven't heard much about a national ID card, we already have state ID cards, it's a driver's license. You can obtain a state ID if you don't drive. I would be in favor os stream lining the license, like adding voter registration info to the card, hmmm, one photo, one vote, but that's another thread I'm sure. Packsaddle, I'm sorry the mother-in-law gets the full treatment. I'm all for profiling. If the attackers were middle eastern men between 17 and 40, that's who we should be watching out for, not little old ladies.
  6. LongHaul, I suppose interstate commerce is the difference. I agree that having the libert to move about freely is paramount in the USA. I don't want checkpoints where we would have to show papers anymore than you do. But, truckers do just, at weigh stations, right? Now, conspiracy theorists say that big brother has all sorts of technology to see who is where and when. Someone told me once that big brother can 'scan" your house and "see" howmuch money is inside. If "they" feel it's too much, they bust in and look for money and drugs. I don't personally buy it. Not trying to argue, but I don't see the problem with fingerprinting, but I gues you do. Not argueing.
  7. As having served in the military for 24 years, I see no reason why a finger print would hurt someone. My question would be "what do you have to hide?" You don't HAVE to drive a truck, you choose to. You could do something else to keep your prints personal. Drive a forklift, sell insurance, work in a restaurant, do something else. If it keeps us safe, give em the finger, er finger print.
  8. It's not pink shoes that make a girl a girl, it's.... well, .... you know. definately go with what Eamonn said. I've seen cub scouts with girly looking long hair. They say they grow it long to donate it to a wig program for cancer patients. Noble cause, but confusing.
  9. ManassasEagle, I read that as Newer might mean New and Improved rather than old and lousy. Maybe with elastic, better fabric, better fit, bigger cargo pocket, something, gee, better. That's all.
  10. Thanks to everyone for the (da) comments. Beavah, thank you, as usual, you have sound comments. I'll hold off for now saying anything to the committee. It seems to be working, but there's just "something" about it. Perhaps the treasurer could ask for something like "Eagle Project Account Report" right after the Treasurer's Report at committee meetings to show public accountability. As you mentioned in a different thread, we're going on 2 nighters, and for the Friday night and Saturday morning, we'll just make it the best darn time. Then the stragglers will find out what they missed and eventually, they won't want to miss.
  11. Secret DE, Welcome, What would be different about the newer switchback pants? Should I get them now, or wait?
  12. Beavah, As you know, I usually agree withyour comments. I have even sought out your advice through PM's. So, let's look at it this way: Beavah is the Troop Outdoor Activities Guy and happens to notice the SM driving his pick up truck with 2 scouts in the back. Do you say something? Let's say ASM Beavah notices that Timmy is sgned off for First Class, but hasn't been on the required number of outings. Do you say something to the Advancement Guy? Neither is really your business. Now, Beavah, I'm just trying to make the point that I'm asking the question HERE before doing anything else. 13K is a lot of money. There is a group of scouts and their parents who fear outsiders, like me. They don't like me and I couldn't care less. They don't like that I try to do it by the book. After all, that's why we have a book. Here's another example: No MBC in the troop is actually listed as MBC. They didn't kow what Blue Cards were until I mentioned it 6 months ago. So, if asking about $4,000 or whther we use 2 signatures isn't my job, whose is it? It seems reasonable to at least ask. Beavah, I'm not trying to argue, I'm trying to clarify. Gonzo
  13. Pack, We're headed to Warwoman Dell in September, second weekend I think as first weekend is Labor Day weekend. The boys want to do more backpacking. The boy who was SPL in may was actually the ASPL, but has since beomce SPL. He want to do more also and wants to go to the Conasauga River Trail, but I said we'll need a litle more training for that one. He agreed, but wondered if the Venture patrol could go, of course I said yes. I'll check with the SM, it should be a problem if you like to join us again. I'll double check the dates and get back to you. About the boy, his mom won't let him go backpacking because he might have to pop in the woods, sans poop tube and he would have to filter water. Maybe someday though with enough gentle pressure.
  14. Only one, if the forum member is a chiropractor. But then he'll have you go back over and over again, until it's perfectly aligned.
  15. I think another part of the "wimpification" is the 'calling out' vs Tapping Out. As long as no collar bones are broken, what's the harm?
  16. Political Big Wig has a son in the troop and is on the committee, he asked for donations from some of his friends for ELSP for one or more boys. The good ol' boys decided it would be too hard for the treasurer to keep track of everything, so they (good ol' boys) put the ELSP money in a different bank. My thought is that if the treasurer can keep everything else separate, why not this money too? Treasurer keeps accounts for popcorn, cummercamp, etc. why not ELSP money too? I'm definately recommending two signatures on all checks on both accounts. I was under the impression that money raised belonged to the CO, but I can see in this case where money raised for the ELSP would belong to the intended recipient, whether spent for materials / supplies or not. Thanks, Gonzo
  17. Beavah, Yeah (or yah), I'm a first year parent with 25+ years BSA experience. I'm asking the question here FIRST, because it sounded fishy to me. One committee member said the excess funds raised by one Eagle candidate could then be used by another candidate later. I just thought that to be a bit awkward. As I understand it, the money for ESLP wasn't raised by the scout, but rather by a big wig in one of the political parties. It's not MY problem, I'm curious. There seems to be the potential for money problems. The troop has once checking account, to date, the treasurer and secretary can sign checks. But Only one signature is required. Expenditures up to $50 do not need committee pre-approval. The troop has about $9,000 plus about $4,000 (I'm told) for someone's ESLP. That's a lot of money. With only one signature, if the secretary gets ticked off, the account could get cleaned out. Just curious, I haven't brought it up at the committee, and now after reading everyone's posts, I probably won't. Thanks, Gonzo
  18. I was absent from a recent committee meeting when "it was decided" to place funds raised for certain Eagle projects be placed in a separate account in a separate bank. Is this proper? If not, how can I encourage to committee to get this money into the regular troop account? Should I ask someone from the CO (IH or CO Treasurer) to approach the committee and "remind" them that everything raised by the troop really belongs to the CO and get those funds where they belong? Please help. Gonzo
  19. So as it happens that Johnny and my son are friends, and my little daughter just thinks Johnny is adorable, Johnny came along to Chuck E Cheese today. Chuck's is very close to REI, my son said "cool, afterwards lets to to REI", so we did. Johnny had never seen so much outdoor gear before, he wanted to pick up stuff, climb on the fake wall, etc. I told him he'll have to check with his mom and dad, but he could come back if he wanted to - sometime. He looked at some maps and thought how cool it would be to go here or there. Then I said, Mason, remember, you're going backpacking withthe troop in September. Who knows. I'd like to see him return to scouts, but I'm afraid the ice cream man might get him first.
  20. I hope he turns out OK. Dad is a good guy, mom is wacko. Here's another one of Johnny's comments though: I don't like going to Gatlinburg, we don't have our maid there. I'm thinkin' he needs to pick up his own laundry and learn to cook and use the mower. Fire Consuela and the lawn service.
  21. Here's the result: The scout is out. But it gets better. While I remain friends with the parents, and my son is best buddies with their son Johnny. The over-protection goes to this extent: Johnny is NOT ALLOWED to get ice cream from the ice cream truck in the neighborhood!!!!! Parents are afraid tht the ice cream will kidnap area children. This kid is doomed, let's stick him in a bubble.
  22. I think part of the problem is 11 year olds having cell phones. Mommies apparently believe thier kids need thier own public utility in order to know where they are. When I was 11, I would be on my bike 4 or 5 miles from home. As long as I was home by sundown, I was OK unless I called.
  23. asm206, Excellent suggestion. My son is starting one this weekend. Gonzo
  24. onhouraweekmy, welcome to the forum Makes a great case for keeping copies, scout, advancement chairman, maybe a backup. Our troop uses troopmaster I think. Keep copies. Gonzo
  25. And then's Hawthorne: Dim the factory lighting, productivity goes up, turn up the radio, productivity goes up, raide the lighting, productivity goes up.
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