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Everything posted by Gonzo1
Troop meetings, activities, outings, district events and meetings, Field Uniform: (shirt, pants or shorts, green or leather belt w/ axe in log buckle, socks, running shoes or combat boots, only approved patches/awards, beads, WB neckerchief at WB functions) Campouts: Field uniform to travel, in camp, while hiking, etc. If it's raining, I may go to troop t-shirt or gray or brown Army T-shirt with pants or shorts. Troop committee meetings: civilian clothes.
I like to switchback pants, haven't bought them yet, but I will when I need new pants / shorts. I tried to bring two new boys to the troop last week. The dad said NO because he didn't want his boys wearing corny uniforms. These 2 kids play sports. I think there's nothing cornier than knickers (football pants). NOW who's corny?
exclamation points, they only bring out your wingnuttery. Now THAT's good.
Merlyn, send me a PM, I'll give you my phone number, THEN, we can further discuss the matter or any matter. Tone cannot be transmitted in type. I find it hard to believe that you are now for religious freedom.
I'm sorry if you feel "insulted". You insult almost all of us here nearly daily. now, take it private.
I've seen just about everything. In our troop, it was "voted" that the "Class A" uniform would be shirt and neckerchief and then only worn on the first meeting of the month, other meetings would be class b t-shirt. We were recently in the public eye on a military base. Class A uniforms to messhall, but as soon as they got out of the door, some of them started stripping, even the scoutmaster. I really can't figure it out. I asked him on the spot, what's the deal? why get out of your shirt (he doesn't own scout pants) and he said that the class B t-shirt is the uniform. I really disagree. I hope he goes to WB someday, he'll have to get the pants.
Huntr, Congratulations, Try a phone call or two, and be cheerful anyway if they can't make it. Maybe the other folks could do a patrol bading ceremony? Gonzo1 Eagle Patrol SR-59
I had almost forgotten what it was like to have EVERY sentence and phrase dissected with scalpel like precision. I am opposed to any government proclaiming a particular denomination as the denomination for all citizens. If Russia requires that all citizens practice the Russian Orthodoz faith (religion), I'm opposed. If a school offers or has a moment of silence, I'm OK with that. If the PTA or similar organization begins the meeting (with or without students and parents present) I'm OK with that. I'm also OK with student lead prayer at football games (let's pray that no one gets hurt - not praying for the win) I'm OK too. I'm OK with Bible Club, Chess Club, most other clubs, I'm not OK with clubs that might not be appropriate for kids. I might agree with the technical difference between towns rights and powers. If one assumes a state has "rights", towns do too. By extension of representation, town have rights. Most displays are harmless anyway. If you don't like the cross, look away. you said "No, the issue is never who is offended, because not being offended is not a right. This tells me you don't even know what the first amendment covers. Offense is actually *protected* by the first amendment, since people have the right to say things that are offensive." Actually, if someone is offended by "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, there's now a movement to remove "under God". Someon was offended by the big cross in southern Califnornia, same thing, someone is trying to remove it. I think it's OK for a town to put up signs that say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" and Happy Easter too. Someone is offnded that Merry Christmas signs go up, now they must come down because someone is offended that tax payer dollars are used. You know what? I'm offended that tax payer dollars are used to widen a perfectly good road or adding sidewalks along a road or changing perfectly good traffic signals, we now have new traffic lights, there was nothing wrong with the ones we had. So, don't waste $$ on that. The point is, someone got his feelings hurt - too bad. I AM for freedom of religion, I don't want Gainesville to promote Methodism over Judiaism (sp) or catholicism or atheism. I'm wondering if the Merlyn of these last few posts is an imposter. Merlyn, for further comments, send me a PM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Moderator - communications ban back ON.
BrentAllen, Only on days that end with "Y" Is this the same Merlyn who hates any mention of God in schools? Attention Moderator * * * * Brief pause from self imposed communications ban * * * * Merlyn, "PS: Gonzo1, I don't care who you were addressing, your statement was ludicrous. And you seem to approve of the Russian Orthodox Church's efforts to get their god into government schools in Russia -- I prefer religious freedom instead of having state schools impose some official religion." The Merlyn I know who posts here does NOT believe in religious freedom, but rather religious prohibition. Religious freedom would mean that a Bible Club could meet at school and anyone (who meets membership requirements) could attend, the Ladie's Bridge Club could too. Even scouts could meet there, because you now claim to believe in religious freedom. I do not approve of government sanctioned religion. If I choose to be a Methodist, so be it, if you want to be ______ religion, good for you! My problem is when the school bends over backward to encourage these muslim kids to pray. If they are encouraged, my kid better be too. But, since my kid is prohibited, they should be too. sticky wicket, eh? Freedom of religion would mean that Skokie, IL ( a Jewish community) could put up a Menora or almost any town in the Bible Belt can put up a Nativity scene, but we can't, because someone might be offended, I'm offended that someone else is offended and now I can't enjoy our town's usual display.
Merlyn, My comment was addressed to OGE. Trevorum, I guess I didn't see it that way. OGE, I heard something about that just the other day. It's not that schools are mearly allowing moslem (sp) to pray according to their faith, but that the schools are bending over backwards to make it happen. The school in particular actually sets aside time and a special place for them to pray. Hmmm, we could call that a chapel, couldn't we? If moslems get a chapel, Christians should be able to have one too, at tax payer expense. But ohh nooo, we can't do that, someone might get ofended. Guess what OGE, I'm offended, that tax payer dollars can pay for a moslem to pray, but my kids can't.
Wood Badge-what do I really need?
Gonzo1 replied to alexsma's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
If you have the right kind of attitude, you'l feel like a kid again. Allow yourself (and patrol mates) for guided discovery. Be prepared, soar high and be an Eagle! -
OGE, I think schools do support atheism, to some degree. There is no more Easter Vacation, it's Spring Break, and we know what debauchery that brings. There's no more Christmas Vacation, it's now Winter Break. We can't have a Christmas Pageant or play, but Winter Program. It seems a little strange, doesn't it? We win the Cold War and triumph over the Soviets, We kick God out of school, they put God in school.
jblake47, It's only a matter of TIME before atheism becomes a religion. In the original post: "California atheist Michael Newdow, who challenged the Pledge of Allegiance in schools because of the "under God" reference, said he thinks the Texas law is unconstitutional." ....................I guess Michael Newdow runs the supreme court now. Beside as long as algebra tests take place in schools, there will be prayer in schools.
Acco, It might be interesting to point out that this judge was appointed by Jimmy Carter. Judge Cohn was appointed as a United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan of Michigan by President Jimmy Carter effective October 9, 1979.
Wood Badge-what do I really need?
Gonzo1 replied to alexsma's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Bring a smile, good attitude, willingness to learn and creativity. Gonzo1 SR-59 -
Gotta agre with John-in-KC, If the scouts who left early are not in OA, don't submit their names for cndidacy. You gotta have 6 nights of long term camping, leaving on Friday is only 5 nights.
Eeeeck! It is Brianbuf! Run for the hills!!!!! Jambo, you're posts are odd at best. I have met Packsaddle, I exchange numerous emails with ASM915, Local1400, patch trading too with Local, some email with John-in-KC and Beavah and some PM's with other members, sorry if I left anyone out. I'd like to meet most of the folks who regularly post here. At the risk of seeming unkind, I don't intend to though, I find your posts kooky.
Update to Retaining the New Scout & Over-Protective Mom
Gonzo1 replied to Gonzo1's topic in Working with Kids
Pack, Beavah, you guys beat me to the punch, they're already in therapy, been there a while. Like I say, they're nice, but nuts. -
Update to Retaining the New Scout & Over-Protective Mom
Gonzo1 replied to Gonzo1's topic in Working with Kids
While I like both parents, they are my friends, I believe her overprotection is unwarranted. I'm not a psychologist, but I know it's unhealthy for an 11 year old boy to sleep in the same bed as his parents - alot! The 11 month old brother does too. As it happens, last week, Johnny went to mom and dad and said he was scarred, as he was sleeping, mom noticed he wasn't breathing and was "having a seizure", mom woke up dad, dad called 911, someone did CPR, they went by ambulance to hospital and were discharged by 6:00 am. If it were REALLY serious, he would have been admitted, possibly for a couple of days. Since Johnny had recently been vaccinated, I, hospital ER docs and pediatrician) attribute the event as a reaction to a vaccine. BUT, it warrants further investigation. If it were my kid, I wouldn't stop until I know for sure. All I know for sure is that they are nice people, and mom won't let Johnny out of her sight. -
Adult Leader Physical Fitness
Gonzo1 replied to Gunny2862's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Lead from the front. When the new scouts go out for the fitness requirements, let the SM & ASM's show how the pull up is done, doe the requirements right along with the scout. SPL too. Encourage the committee and ASM's to earn the Physical Fitness Award and present it at the COH and encourage others to earn it. Until now, I was unaware of it, I'll go earn it. How about you? I agree with Gern, if you have a handicap tag, you get a pass, in the Army - we called it a "profile". Sing with me Gunny! Ain't no use in looking down! Ain't no profile on the ground! WDleader, Sorry to hear about your illness, I hope you get well soon. (This message has been edited by Gonzo1) -
Update to Retaining the New Scout & Over-Protective Mom
Gonzo1 replied to Gonzo1's topic in Working with Kids
The parent said he wasn't breathing,someone did CPR. They called 911, went by ambulance to hospital. It's serious to stop breathing, but the kid was discharged by 6:00 am from the ER. Pediatrician will order MRI, "run some tests" and make some decisions. My opinion is that if it were womething really serious, the MRI and test would be done by now, not scheduled for a later time. And, yes, people can have a similar reaction for some vaccines, usually DPT, but it's VERY RARE! -
Update to Retaining the New Scout & Over-Protective Mom
Gonzo1 replied to Gonzo1's topic in Working with Kids
And now, for the final update! It seems Johnny had a couple of vaccines in the last couple of weeks and one night, Johnny suffered a seizure. He had never had one before and may have had a reaction to a vaccine. He had CPR performed, ambulance, hospital, the whole thing. Consequently, and rightly so, it seems mom and dad won't let him out of their sight. Thanks for all of your comments. Gonzo -
Eagle Scout Advancement and POR requirements
Gonzo1 replied to ASM915's topic in Advancement Resources
ASM915, others, Just because the EBOR failed him today, that doesn't mean he could go back to his troop, take on the POR or another POR and then come back and go before the EBOR again, instead of whine, complain and appeal. John-in-KC You hit the nail on the head, JOB DESCRIPTIONS are necessary so everyone know what is expected. -
Eagle Scout Advancement and POR requirements
Gonzo1 replied to ASM915's topic in Advancement Resources
derf56, I disagree. If the scout fails blame the SM. I see in this case, blaing the scout and his family. Instead of being a man about it, he whined and appealed. He could have assumed a new POR and performed at a level of higher expection. You say the EBOR can't question if a scout did his POR? That's nuts! EBOR: So son, what position have you held lately and what did you do? Candidtate: I was QM and really didn't do anythng, I didn't do any inventories and lost 5 DO's and 3 tents. EBOR: Oh, you were QM and didn't issue any gear? You lost 5 dutch ovens and 3 tents? Result: He passes because we don't want to hurt his feelings - nonsense! I agree that the SM should have removed him sooner. There apparently was little supervising and mentorship. -
Local, I think it's the pink neckerchief that makes the outfit.