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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. I think I'll suggest it as a patrol activity, but anyone other troop member is welcome to tag along.
  2. I've heard the SM declare openly, in public that it is a "boy lead, boy run" troop. Hah! Tonight, he had the troop and asked them all (not the PLC who already decided on a 2 night campout) "boys, would you like to go camping on Friday night when you will probably have to set up your tent in the dark and maybe use a flashlight, but you'll probbly have to do it yourself since your buddy will be setting up his own gear? Or, would you like to leave out on Saturday morning and set up in the daylight?" My son raised his hand for 2 nights, 14 raised for 1 night. I think it now ties in with the "Nation of wimps" thread. Sheesh!
  3. Make sure nothing touches the sides. I leave my pack outside the tent, since I waterproof the pack and pack everything that shouldn't get wet into name brand zip-lock bags, then I lean it against a tree and put a large trash bag over it. Once covered, then rain or dew doesn't get inside.
  4. dScoutr, I don't think it's butt so much as the it is "suck" or the overall tone and attitude. I have overheard at summercamp older scouts in another troop as I walked by one called another an **shole, I said "watch the language fellas, a scout is clean" and they said "yes sir, we're sorry" and went about their business.
  5. FScouter, I continued along the same lines, but got the "deer in the headlights" look. The I got something like "we hear these words on TV and mom and dad use them, what's the big deal?" Then, our ASPL told the guys to say that " _______ vacuums" I let him know I wasn't amused - - but it is kinda funny.
  6. I've tried the "scouts don't use that word" and got "huh? We use it all the time" right along with pissed off, freakin', friggin' and a few others.
  7. Thank you Scouter Terry! Thanks for a great service and speedy repair! Gonzo1
  8. GNX Guy, The kind of "toy" I referred to is the kind of tent some people buy at the local dollar store and are just plain CHEAP! I guess if you spend $419 or more for a tent and it happens to have a window in the rainfly, it must be good. Big difference between your tent for $419 (or more) and the $15 special at Big Lots!
  9. In IE, I can use the back button when outside of scouter.com but not while at scouter.com
  10. Scouter Terry, It's still happening in email notifications. Gonzo1
  11. One parent is actually afraid her kid will be attacked by a mountain lion. Bear however are a real possiblity in North Georgia. I think some are afraid of Jack the Tree Jumper or your version of the Boogey Man (or is that Boogie Man) Band is an issue, so is football. There is nothing stopping a parent from bringing the scout on Saturday morning. My point is this - why short change the scouts because someone plays clarinet.
  12. I tried to edit my post, when I get an email notification of a response here, I also get this link in the notification: http://www.xvgaoke... what is this link? It can't be good. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  13. I get this message in my inbox also: _______ has just replied to a topic that you are subscribed titled 'Litttle girl in a Cub Scout uniform', on the SCOUTER Forums. What is the link? (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  14. Acco40 posted a list by Bob White of Common traits of a successful troop, what can we add? Here is what Acco posted orinally by Bob White: Some Common Traits of Successful Troops 1. Currently trained adults. 2. Leaders wear correct uniform. 3. Scoutmaster concentrates on training Junior Leaders, and knowing the needs and characteristics of each scout. 4. They use the Patrol Method for everything. 5. They follow the contents of the Boy Scout Handbook. 6. The committee supports the decision of the scouts, they dont make decisions for them. 7. They have at least two Assistant Scoutmasters. 8. They recognize scouts three times for each advancement. 9. They DONT use troop meetings as merit badge classes. 10. They plan everything in advance and put it in writing. The difference between a wish and a plan is a plan is written down. 11. The only rules they have are that scouts and leaders follow the Scout Oath and Law. 12. They get outdoors once a month (even if just for a day event) 13. Troop meetings are filled with hands on activities 14. New scouts make First Class, First Year. 15. They keep in contact with Webelos Dens year round. 16. They select leaders they dont recruit them. 17. They participate in District and Council events. 18. They attend Roundtable. 19. Adults smile and play nice together. (If you are not enjoying yourself then neither are the scouts.) How about #20 Say grace as a patrol before meals. (This message has been edited by Gonzo1)
  15. It's not adding to the requirement, it's actually doing the requirement. It says "identify" not "describe".
  16. I know Packsaddle I've spoken on the phone with John-in-KC and BrentAllen I've exchanged numerous emails and PM's with Local1400 and ASM915 and some PM's with Beavah, Eamonn and others. There are some of you I'd like to meet too.
  17. I've explained the merits of 2 nights camping over 1 night camping. I've explained the fun of camping more (2 nights instead of 2), I've tried to reinforce patrol method, uniform method, yada yada yada. The troop is about 4-5 years old. Some parents still treat their sons like Webelos, parents set up kids tents or take 'em down, etc. I've seen parents cook for their sons, but not on this last outing. I've brought up the 20 nights and Camping MB, some parents feel as long as a scout has 20 nights, he doesnt "need" any more than an absolute minimum. The committee doesn't understand that the PLC is supposed to plan EVERYTHING! One well meaning dad worked out a visit to a local police station. That's nice, but not in the plan. The SM sent me and a few other ASM's an email, I replied that I'll talk to the PLC, see if we can work it in, the next thing you - - We're going next week! That's not a "work it in" - That's a hijack. The parents treat the boys like cub scouts.
  18. Scottteng, The one night vs two night issue is really a symptom of the health of the unit. The SM doesn't believe too strongly in uniforming, doesn't personally get involved with PLC - I do, on the last campout 9 adults were present, SM may as well have been a flea (just along for the ride), while one dad and I cooked for adults, he went and took a shower. We had other fleas along, some helped out. When I suggested some training at the last committee meeting, you would have thought I said the Earth was flat - my goodness, their hackles got riled. Insanescouter, The more I tried to explain, the more resistance I got. "It's too hard to get home, get dinner, get gear and get to the meeting place by 7:00 pm" so, I suggested we leave at 8 pm, that was even worse. They whined about getting there in the dark, the boys would be tired, every excuse but going on Friday.
  19. One mom said "the boys don't need to go on Friday night, it'll be dark" and the same mom said, "well!, you don't have a son who has a girlfriend or a job." And while I agreed that my son is too young for girlfriends and jobs, I reminded her that I once did and always camped on 2 nights. This mom's husband (both committee members) decided to change the October campout from 2 nights to 1, we're going to an exciting event on Saturday, but this dad wants to have non-scout related camping on Saturday night. My assumption is so he can drink. I'm the ASM working with the PLC, they don't understand that the PLC decides and that the committee arranges travel, sometimes food, fundraising, etc. When I suggested that committee members get trained, the s**t hit the fan! Another dad said he wasn't going to set up in the dark all the time. Fine, arrive Saturday, but the boys shouldn't get short changed. Even the SM doesn't like setting up after dark. On the last campout, the SM and an ASM slept in tents with their sons. I don't understand this herd.
  20. Fscouter, It seems that parents don't want junior to maybe be away from home or to be challenged or maybe use a flashlight. The committee seems to think there would be better turnout of scouts and adults on campouts if we left on Saturday morning and returned on Sunday. I suggested leaving the meeting place at 8:00 pm instead of 7:00 pm so that folks could have more time to get dinner, get gear, do whatever it is they think they need to do BEFORE they go camping. They didn't like that either.
  21. Eamonn, We recently took a trip to a military base, I coordinated the event, i.e. travel, mess hall, activites (PLC wanted the activites, adult needed to arrange). The location was farther away than I thought. 4 hours instead of 2.5 OK, I goofed. While everyone who went had a good time, adults now complain "it was too far" "we set up in the dark" and they are already whining about the next outing, backpacking, by being a two nighter and that "my son might have a date" or "my son has a football game" or "why can't you go on Saturday and set up in the daylight, they don't have to be hardcore" or ""it's too much of a hurry to leave at 7:00 pm Friday, can't you leave at 8:00 Saurday". Insane scouter, 24 hour town? no wonder you're "insane"
  22. Does your troop do campouts with one night or two? I know LDS units do not camp out on Saturday night, so please LDS exception for religious purposes already noted. If one night, why? Which night? If two nights, why? Troop committee seems to want to limit campouts (half the year) to one nighters. They think the boys shouldn't set up tents in the tents in the dark or hike on a backpaking trip in the dark on Friday night.
  23. I wore the garters and tabs, but that would not be acceptable today. I wear crew length BSA red top socks with long pants or shorts.
  24. I forgot to mention, in the summer, I usually wear the Army's new digital cammo pattern boonie hat, in the winter, I wear the BSA expedition hat. I'll rarely wear the BSA ball cap with red front panel.
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