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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. Brent, you're right, I may havehelped make your point. The three weekend course I took isn't the same as your course or the week long course that Eamonn may have taken at Gilwell. We did have a porta john, not a hand dug latrine. We also wore the uniform of today, not knee socks with the garter and tassles I know with BSA, there is no turning back. Check PM. G
  2. Brent, I'll agree that the courses are different. They covered LNT things in my course, but we still cooked over wood. They even said I should camp while wearing combat boot becasue of the boot tread - like my boot are going to harm the dirt. In a developed camp site, I see no problem with using wood, the campsite has a prepared fire rings. I've never dug a trech around a tent, but I know how to if I need to. We didn't dig a latrine either, we had one port-o-let for 2 patrols. Oh well.
  3. Movies???? You had movies???????? Sheeeeesh!!! Let's just bring back the Wood Badge course from the 20th century and have an Intro to Scouting Programs over one weekend. We didn't have movies, we had outdoors skills, leadership and mangagement training, scoutcraft skills. Granted, some people were more skilled at some things than others, but the course was outdoors. We cooked over wood fires, used a hand pump well, had no instructors other than WB staff (no ventureers setting up model campsites), we had patrol method. we had different leadership exercises, etc. It was a nice course. I know some people here think I have no business commenting on the WB21C course because I haven't attended it. I attended WB in 1994. I see no reason to attend again. Movies and staff cooking meals for the attendees, you've got to be kidding!!!
  4. Right On Beavah! Prairie, I think what Beavah said is right, women trying to be man like, proving themselves like Annie Oakley. Hot Foot, the absence of the Eagle knot does not necessarily lead to manscoutness, but it's probably a start.
  5. I'd like to see the old course brought back! Then, take elements from this course and re-name it so it has nothing at all to do with WB. Then, have this revised course serve as a pre-requisite to WB. That way, we can have the WB21C with a new name, maybe just one weekend and the old Boy Scout Leader WB where the course director is actually the Scoutmaster. Gonzo Eagle Patrol SR-59
  6. Joni, There's a BIG difference between complying and supporting. Look at the kids in the open truck. Complying with the "no kids in the back of truck" policy, you could simply not allow it in your truck, but supporting it might be that you wouldn't allow it in your truck AND would discourage it from others in your unit, at council events and so forth. you might even emphasize it if you were conducting training somewhere.
  7. Some adults just don't get it. My son came home from a recent campout and said that Mr. "Billy Bob" smoked a whole pack of cigarrettes during the campout - in front of scouts. He had been reminded on the previous campout but must have forgotten, since it was just a month or so before.
  8. I've chimed in on this thread some. I agree there are a couple ways this could go. I attended WB in '94, so, I've only heard about WB21C, I personally think that a course that incorporates Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Venture Scouting, etc could have been ADDED, and not been the change to WB, for it seems to have coincided with the turn of the century. WB21C is not the old course we took. If I had to guess, yours was one week long. Mine was three weekends and a couple of patrol meetings in between. But, that isn't the way it is. Kudu makes some valid points, Brent does too and the rest of us do as well. If I had to guess, I'd say Kudu is older, probably 60 something and kinda "stuck in his ways". I'm stuck in my ways. I prefer the green poly-cotton uniform, small collar to fold under, never liked the collarless shirt, outdoors program (never slept in a cabin as a boy scout - EVER) I prefer some color on the uniform, but not the tan background for today's patches. The patrol method IS alive and well, more so in some troops than others. Let us all resolve to make the patrol method a primary focus of our efforts. It's taught and reinforced at IOLS and WB. Robvio, the benefits of attending WB are numerous. You get out of the course what you put in to it. Go, have fun! Never do for a boy what a boy can do for himself.
  9. Troutmaster, I agree, however, someone lese says that "National's" position is that "take part in SMC" doesn't have a pass / fail component, only sit and chat, get it signed off. I think you're right, the SM should hold them up on the Scout Spirit aspect, BUT, if he doesn't, the BOR could. BOR: Gee son, tell us how you've helped your patrol as PL? Scout: Uh, well, uh, I just wear a patch and don't do nuttin' BOR: Congratulations!!!!!!! You pass!!!!!! You're now a (next rank higher) scout!!!! Gonzo: Um, no. Go back and try some more. I't not a gimme at the BOR. The BOR is part of the process, not a rubber stamp. I once actually had a dad give me his son's handbook and asked me to sign off on the Life BOR. I didn't sit on any BOR, but the asked asked me to sign it anyway. This dad wanted his kid to hurry up and get an Eagle. I refused to sign the book. He said, "C'mon, you know he knows this stuff, just sign it." I called the lad over and asked a couple of tenderfoot rank type questions, like describe the frist class badge, some easy stuff. The kid couldn't do and I didn't sign it. Let's have and keep some integrity in the program.
  10. I know you can't add to the requirements, but you can't do the job if you arent' there. It seems reasonable to hold up a scout's advancement if he isn't doing the job - at least for a little while, give him some guidance, just a thought.
  11. Merlyn Stay on topic, it works better. Forget about Copernicus and heliocentric cosmology, BSA doesn't allow homosexuals. Packsadle, I'm glad you call me sweet, as long as you don't think I am *sweet* (wink wink) Nothing wrong with affection to dad, grandpa, etc. It's when Billy's dad is kissing Tommy's dad, THAT"S the problem. See PM I'll concede this point to the group: There are gays and atheists in BSA. BUT, if they come out of the closet, we should throw them out of the house!!
  12. I think it has to be more blatant. If two adult men kiss each other good night, that's a problem. If a boy scout refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance or Oath and Law because of regerences to God, that's a problem. If someone refuses to say grace because he says he doesn't believe in God, that's a problem. If some one "outs" himself or herself, that's a problem. It's not about hunting people down, they sign the application, for youth, the parent signs, everybody knows what is expected.
  13. Brace yourselves everyone, I actually agree with Merlyn, at least as far as DADT. Long Haul, You may be committing an act of omission by not asking. There is no DADT policy, rule or procedure. The scout and adult agree to live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Merlyn, you can join too, but you have to believe in God (and can't be a homosexual and as andult pass a background check). Your God, not my God. I don't care what religion a person is or if the person attends church (or other place of worship) regularly or not. Merlyn, it's not a case of **if all members have to agree with them as written** but rather I may not like the rule, but I can abide by it. Two example, no one can ride in the backs of pick up truck because there are no seats and no seat belts and Women are now allowed to be scoutmasters. Forget my personal view, some people think it's OK to let kids ride for short distances in the backs of truck and some think it's OK to have female SM's. Not trying to spool anyone up, these are just two examples.
  14. Simply being elected to a POR and sewing on a badge of office (I'm sorry, having mom sew on the badge of office) doesn't *satisfy* the requirement. The scout should perform at the office, to include a laudry list of items like attend and participate in PLC's, get trained, lead your patrol in __________, etc. Corrective action may or may not be another 6 month term, that's up to the unit. Instead of whining about poor performing leaders, MAKE 'EM LEAD or they haven't earned the next rank. Look at it this way: Scout joins at 11, he has until he's 18 to earn Eagle. If the scout drags his feet, that's HIS problem.
  15. Gonzo1

    Contest medal

    ScoutNut, Thanks for the correction.
  16. It was posted some time ago that a BOR des not "withold" advancement, but can declare that the scout has not earned the next rank - yet. Allow him ( and his parents )to know why and what corrective action to take.
  17. Someone posted here cometime ago that BOR's do not *withold* advancement, but rather decide that *advancement hasn't been earned - yet* Accordingly, I think it's OK if a scout is delayed in advancement as long as he knows why, and what to do about it to correct the deficiency.
  18. Gonzo1

    Contest medal

    Contest medals are to be earned and possessed, not worn. You wouldn't wear a trophy or plaque, would you? The contest medal is another award, like a trophy. Medal that are worn are like the Eagle Scout medal, but on formal occaisions only.
  19. Let's not allow the Ed and Merlyn show to become the Brent and Packsaddle show! What happended to that little tiff anyway?
  20. Best behavior is paramount as John-in-KC points out. No horse play where others will see you. If you use the chow hall for any meals, EVERYONE behaves properly. Same for flag ceremonies, etc. Also, if using the chow hall, an adult may ask a soldier or two to join the scouts are their table and ask the soldier to just start talking to the scouts. The kids will love it, and so will the soldiers.
  21. It's helpful if the unit has a military member with them. A reservist, active or retired member can navigate the system and everyone can be his or her guest. Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, AL is near the space center, rockets, exhibits, fun!!!! Plan ahead, enjoy.
  22. Gonzo1

    Knot Me

    The knots are to be sewn on, no military ribbons placed on ribbons holders and easier to move around and attach to a shirt. Don't sew them and remove them and re-sew in my opinion. It might look more military to do so, but not required.
  23. Gonzo1

    Knot Me

    GNX Guy, Actually, if the wearer has one or two knots for a row, they can be either centered or set to the side as if waiting for the complete row. I wish I could provide chapter and verse, can't find it right now.
  24. Statred as a cub scout in second grade, went through Webelos and earned the AOL. Did not "cross over" into a troop, but a 6th grade classmate asked me to join his troop, so I visited and liked what i saw, joined right up. Went camping alot, earned some badges, became a Brotherhood Arrowman, went to Philmont, stayed in the same troop and earned Eagle, stayed on as ASM for 2 years and joined the Navy. Took a break for a while, it's hard to serve scouting in the military. Became an ASM in 1991 or 1992, SM in '93, WB in '94, UC in 2000. Then, when son became old enough to join up as a cub in 2002, I served as Tiger den leader, later as WDL and still served as UC. Son crossed over into a troop Feb of 2007 and I became an ASM again. I "got" many things from the program. Scouting helped be become prepared for many things in life. For example, when I had military training experiences like swimming fully clothed and turning your pants into an improvised life vest, I had already done it as a scout, so I did it again. Same for rapelling and wilderness survival, etc.
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