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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. "have respect for the office and the man that the majority of the people in this great country decided was the right leader for this difficult time in our history." Sure, like all the liberals did for our current president. How many entertainers said they'd leave the country . . . but never did. Of course, there's Michael Moore, Chris Rock and Bill Maher who took every opportunity to not just comment on policies but to make personal attacks on the President. "the only idiotic comments I read in this forum come directly from you on just about every topic." I'm just wondering how any one can lead us into the past without a time machine. Claiming that anyone can lead us into the past is pretty stupid. Kinda like assuming the name of the founder of Scouting.
  2. " That is my hope, that is my dream." Sounds like you have a personal stake in the issue.
  3. Since I no longer have a mortgage, can I ignore my credit card bills?
  4. "Look I know lots of you live in Red States and maybe havent travelled much." Ohhhh, typical left coast jab at the Midwest. "This last June I was lucky enough to visit Chicago and have stood in the spot where Obama made history last night" Oh goodness me, I have goosebumps. "I have now been to almost every large city in the US including Boston, Dallas, Seattle, Baltimore, DC, New Orleans, Miami, Denver and more. I have also been to Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean." So what? I've been to the White House and numerous embassies and sat across the table from Governors, Congressmen and Senators. Big deal.(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  5. "We have elected a president who will lead us into the future and not further into the past like the last eight years. " We're always being led into the future, at least those of us who don't have a DeLorean. Sorry but that comment of yours bordered on the idiotic.
  6. Well Melvyn, it may be legal but not permissible. When I was an engineering students a group of my classmates tried to form such an organization but the university refused the application because it was deemed to be both racially and sexually discriminatory.
  7. Not at all, Al and Jesse will still be around because Miss Black America is still around. I still want to know why it is okay to have Miss Black America but not Miss White America. The Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers are okay but not the Society of White Male Engineers. Why?
  8. Well, once again, I agree with BeeDubya.
  9. "He enters the Presidency with what looks to be the biggest mandate in a generation," 4% is a "big mandate"?
  10. "today, i actually heard one of the obama-zombies in line stating that if mccain won she'd be forced to leave the country. huh?" You don't have to worry about that. Remember all the celebs that said that they'd leave the country if Bush won? I recall one being "confused" about why we'd actually expect her to keep her word. I'll be waiting for my big check which I figure should arrive on January 22nd.
  11. " I will be very uncomfortable with my son going on a weekend campout without me or my husband going." Fwhup, fwhup, fwhup, fwhup, fwhup, fwhup . . . Wazzat? That's the sound of the helicopter parent.
  12. "I think the over abuse of the term creepy which I used once can be substited for intuition. I dont want to put my small child in a position where I dont feel comfortable." Back peddaling as fast as she can, ScoutMomSD tries to justify insulting half the Scouters out there. Reminds me of that Irish politician, O'Bomba. "Its just something I have never seen in Girl Scouting except in leadership positions, which are not troop involved." Could explain why GS troops fold at the drop of a hat and why GSUSA is struggling to hang on. "And the Girl Scouts dont have the same rep as Boys scouts with regard to discrimination, leader/boy "issues" etc. " BSA does not discriminate against anyone who meets the requirements to join. "Leader/Boy" issues? Hard for that to happen in the Girl Scouts, isn't it? However, my daughter's SU leader told me of a few horror stories about women in GS who did things with girls but it got hushed up very quickly. Also, BSA has a co-ed program. Does GSUSA? Noooo.
  13. "As a youth it was a known fact that you HAD to wait 1 hour after eating before swimming else you would cramp up and drown" I don't know about you but I can't swim well shortly after eating. Running flat out after eating doesn't do me any favors either. "Becareful GW, owning slaves was viewed as being normal for quite awhile before that attitude changed" Sex with sheep may be considered normal some day as well by the apologists. What then? Necrophilia? Why not pedophilia? After all, they're just wired funny and it isn't their fault.
  14. Interesting. Quoting a homosexual, no wonder you think that they're "normal."
  15. "And ignorant people with no training in psychology/psychiatry who have done no scientific research in the area have tried to convince us for decades that it is a "mental disorder", but it isn't." I find it hilarious that it was considered a mental disorder for decades until the homosexual apologists invaded the world of psychiatry. Suddenly, there is a massive campaign to prove that homosexuals are normal. At best, psychology is a pseudoscience and flops about in the wind promoting whatever cause is popular. You can present all your 'research' and 'facts' that you want but that doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is not normal any more than a man having sex with a sheep is normal. Or does your 'research' indicat that that's "okay" as well?
  16. I find it interesting that BP Scouts in the US is headquartered only about 15 miles away from BSA headquarters.
  17. Someone recently put forth the proposition that it is "creepy" for an adult to stick around after his son has left the program. What is creepy behavior? When I was kid, my neighbor was an old guy with a big wood shop. I'd go over and watch him build stuff. Some would say that it was creepy that an old guy would be willing to share his interest with a boy. I'm pretty sure that he didn't do anything funny to me. You could argue that it is creepy for women to want to go camping with a bunch of young men. What are they after? Many say that BP was creepy because he liked "boyology" and enjoyed watching boys at play. Is that any different than men going to a basketball arena and watching sweaty young men playing? It's pretty creepy for all of those sportscasters to want "locker room access" so they can be around a bunch of muscular men in various stages of undress. (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  18. I'm always leery of wholesale organizational changes. Even in an imperfect system, people figure out how to get the job done and now, suddenly, everything is mixed up and everyone needs to figure stuff out again. Hopefully stuff at the local levels won't change much but don't be surprised if we start getting confusing and conflicting policy changes.
  19. "I love it. A STATE law regarding how you can or can't use your FEDERAL Tax ID. (shakes head)" Since many states use the Fed ID number as their, it does become a state issue when dealing with state taxes. It has been discussed on this board that there are other states that consider Scout units to be seperate entities from the CO and they require seperate tax numbers from those units. "Go back to tax ID's - sorry I had an opinion." Oh, you're entitled to your opinion just as someone is entitled to their opinion that O'Bomba will be a great president because he's black. However, be aware that when you tell a bunch of people that they are creepy, there will be a negative response. I'm sticking with the idea that is rather creepy for moms to want to go camping with a bunch of boys.
  20. Mormons on their mission have a calling and that is to convert. They have to collect information to do that. It isn't that different from what we do, "do you want information about Scouting?" and then the phone calls start. I had Mormon friends in college none ever tried to convert me. They'd answer questions but that was about it. The Christians that got on my nerves were the fundamentalists who'd manage to working into almost every conversation that I was going to hell because I drank beer and chased girls, usually unsuccessfully (successful at beer drinking, unsuccessful at girl catching, the two may have been related). Then there are the Christians that lie to get you into their dens. One day a pretty girl struck up a conversation with a friend and after a bit of non-religious talk, mentioned that she and her housemates were having a party and would like us to come. Pretty girl? Party? Sure. We get to this big old house off campus and there's probably 50 to 75 people there. Hey! Looks good. Until we're handed a bible as we pass through the door and the conversion talk starts. I'll take ten Mormons over a single bible thumper anyday.
  21. "homosexuality is a complex disorder and something not to be promoted." And that's a load of hogwash, right there. Your hogwash is hogwash. The apologists have tried to convince us for decades that it's "normal" but it isn't.
  22. "I just thought it was interesting that in 1982 the market hadn't yet decided and now it seems to have settled on SS blades. I should compare with a current general purpose outdoor handbook and see if it even mentions the great blade debate." In 1982 most pocket knives already were stainless and the debate continues among in the user community today.
  23. "That, plus there will be more need for innovation from the five million new jobs Obama wants to create by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future." Yeah sure. We'll create jobs for bunch of PhDs and engineers who'll develope the technology and then China and India will get the rest of the jobs.
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