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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. "As to camouflage, the USAF people do operate in hostile evironments and may as well wear that rather than the old olive green or gray." Computer operators in Dayton, Ohio are not in a hostile environment.
  2. I don't know about the insulated part unless you're doing some hiking in the serious cold weather.
  3. "Were you the same people that complained when the BSA changed the Tiger program to where the Bobcat Badge was earned first? Or when cyberbullying awareness was made part of the First Class Scout regiment?" On the first, no. I think that the Tiger program is a complete waste of time. On the second, yes. It's plain stupid along with all of the "anti-bully" stuff. "Don't stand up for yourself, run for teacher or mom" what better way to be bullied more. That's the French attitude, "Go ahead, invade and we won't fight back." However, I would like the organization that has trumpeted for years that they "buy American" to sell quality American made stuff. The prices didn't drop with the Chinese made uniforms and the cost of numbers went up. If I ever need another pair of uniform pants, I'll have my Italian born, American citizen run them up for me. (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  4. seems to be promoting widespread uniform changes and even some silliness. Not just BSA is changing their uniform amid controversy. The Army has announced that the green class A uniform is going away and the dress blue uniform will become the basis for all dress uniforms. That's soldiers in blue pants and white shirts. The Navy is eliminating dungarees and has replaced them with "aquaflage," a non-camouflage camouflage blue uniform which is supposed to be better at hiding splashes of grey paint and black grease. Also 1st Class Petty Officers and below will have a new uniform consisting of a khaki shirt and black pants with a black garrison cap. The Air Force is chaning dress uniforms again. Nearly 20 years ago, airmen complained that their uniform looked too military and that it didn't reflect the professional nature of their service. So millions of dollars were spent to roll out a new uniform that looked less military and more like aviation professionals. Now the airmen complain that their uniform doesn't look military enough so they're going back to the old uniform with the addition of belt on the jacket. Also the Air Force has adopted their own camouflage uniform. Why? Most airmen don't need to hide . . . ever. If anything, they should wear grey uniforms so they can blend into the airplanes. The Marines? They don't change much at all. They just keep going with what works.
  5. "I guess its a three sided rectangle . . . " Three sided rectangle? That's worthy of Yogi Berra.
  6. all the Devil Dogs, Gyrenes, Leathernecks and Marines out there. Hoo-rah!
  7. For my part, when I'm tired and hungry, I just want calories. As long as it doesn't taste or smell like dung or vomit, I'm okay. Might even eat it then. Heck, dogs eat both dung and vomit and we know what picky eaters they are.
  8. If there is no troop nearby, your nephew could become a "Lone Scout" and could then have an official position and be a Boy Scout.
  9. Hmmm . . . a bear proof food container. Sounds like a good idea until the bear gets frustrated and turns to the plastic bags filled with campers.
  10. One of the biggest problems with the minimum wage is that Congress lets it languish tooooo long. Instead of writing the law so that the min wage goes up automatically every year based on economic indicators or tied to military raises or Social Security or Congressional raises. However, they wait 20 years and then it becomes a big hot potato. The sad fact is that there are many people out there trying to feed families on minimum wage. If you're sitting comfortably, whining about how your 401K took a hit, you really have no idea what life is like for the underemployed.
  11. Hey! Where was this law when I was 30 years younger. I would have loved to have used the ladies locker room in colleg. Of course, the men's locker room would have been empty so all the women would have gone there. As silly as that law is, Gov. Bill Ritter is an Eagle Scout.
  12. My attire usually doesn't embarass my son but my dancing on the tables in the dining hall at summer camp does. Also when I pick him up and carry him around upside down, he's 17 and 6'1" tall. I only do that when he gives me some grief in public but it always amuses the bystanders. I suppose that could be considered hazing.
  13. "You know what GW I thought I was asking a simple question I didnt know your opinion was the final word on the subject. " Ohhhhh . . . dig. Let's see the answers range from "can't do it" to "what does it matter." Pick whichever makes you happy. " I actually have been attending adult leadership specific training and a trainer was there with a 2001 Jamboree patch last week he told me it was ok as long as I earned it. " After ten years in this organization, I've learned that "trainers" often don't know the answers because they really don't study the subject like the folks here do. When you figure that there are millions of Scouters out there but only a few who are interested enough to actually discuss issues, it is really saddening. It speaks well that you actually sought the information. This isn't just the case in Scouting. I officiated youth sports for two decades and I was always astounded by the number of officials who saw no need to attend meetings to learn about rule changes and also thought that discussion of unusual situations was a waste of time. What does it matter if the player stepped out of bounds? Does it really matter? He dropped the ball but it was because he fell so it shouldn't matter. So what if the rules say a patch shouldn't go there, what does it matter? (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  14. "As an additional benefit it drives my son crazy when I wear it in public." ROTFLMAO! I'm trying to find one of the old winter billed caps with the fold down ear flaps that BSA offered in the 50s and 60s. Unfortunately, every one that I find is sized to fit a tiny person. :-( (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  15. "We're a uniformed organization. I like to wear red socks. Would it have been OK to wear them when I was in the Army? Why not? They're comfortable and funtional, and most people wouldn't care or know the difference anyway." Huh? What's this have to do with the question at hand? "1. No. There is a red, white and blue knot for wear on the uniform by an adult. Why isn't that enough?" An 18 to 20 year old Scouter is in limbo. He can't sit on the committee, he can't be an SM, all he can do is be ASM. Aren't there other restrictions as well, like he can't be the primary leader indicated on a trip permit? 18, 19, and 20 year old are in limbo in our society. They can vote but they can't drink. They can join the army but they can't buy a pistol. Many police forces won't take 18 year old applicants but they can join the fire department.
  16. It's mere coincidence that I ride a Gold Wing. My name is descriptive in that I've been to Znurfran and have been given golden wings on which I soar through the cosmos, dancing in the moonlight.(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  17. "GW... are you quoting from 'The Little Red Book' ?" Nope, that's actually was a misquote thanks to my aging memory. :-( "I've never met a person who drives a Honda Goldwing that wasn't a dweeb." We are kinda dweeby. Most of us don't see the need to adorn ourselves with the manufacturer's logo to the point that we even get "Gold Wing" tattoos. We wear helmets without grumbling and even wear protective jackets. "I've never met a good looking heterosexual male." Now that one I do find insulting! ;-) "I've never met a sports fan that is mentally or emotionally stable." Definately true. If you were stable, you'd be out doing something instead of sitting on your butt, yelling at a bunch of multi-millionares who don't even know you exist. "I've never met an NRA member who wasn't compensating for size." That explains all the tiny women in the NRA. (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  18. Yep, the heck with the rules. Rules, tradition, convention . . . none of that matters anymore. Just do whatever you want. Three kids by different fathers and married to none? That's okay. Kids scattered with women all over town? That's okay too.
  19. "I was at a camporee a couple weeks ago and I ran in to a gentleman in his 70's with an Indiana Jones (BSA Stampede I think) type hat. On the front was sewn an Eagle rank patch." He could have just been following the old rules. I've read that in olden days, an Eagle could wear his patch no matter what his age.
  20. "Clearly the Constitution does not provide for health care for all." So? The Constitution does not grant rights, it only recognizes that certain rights exist. Perhaps health care is a right. Gone are the days when you could pay your doctor with a chicken or two. Gone are the days when you could have a bake sale at the church for little Johnny's operation. I know a fellow who had a mild stroke last year, he's fine with no noticable loss of capabilities. However, before all was said and done, the bill was well over $500,000. What would have been done for him if he didn't have good insurance? Even without the extraordinary happenings, healthcare can be way to expensive. Got the flu? Go to the doctor and the bill is $150! My doctor did a fingerstick blood glucose test on me and it showed up on the bill for $7. I can do that test for a quarter with the same meter. Meds? Insulin is the only affordable prescription medication that I take. If it wasn't for insurance, my monthly scripts would be about $800 a month. No, I don't have a solution. I don't even have a glimmer of a solution. I've been told by Brits and Candians that their systems don't work well if you have any problem worse than a cold or a broken leg.
  21. There used to be a knit Boy Scout cap, don't know when they discontinued it. Maybe with the color changes it went away. I like my 30 year old Navy issue wool watch cap.
  22. I know a retired Navy Master Chief who says that he used to get meetings to quiet down by putting up the Cub Scout sign. Grown men would get chagrined and shut up. Toilet paper? Always carry a roll in the car, you never know. :-)
  23. "but you did choose to become a member of the worldwide family of Scouts, and the World Badge is its emblem." I did? You may have done that but I joined BSA. I don't care for WOSM, the UN, OTAN, or NATO.
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