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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. I was at some special functions where the staff had custom loops, half silver and the other half blue, red or green. It identified the staff and also their part of the program. But they didn't wear them normally. I'm always amazed by how people can't get the idea that a uniform isn't to be decorated anyway that you like. Ive lost count of the people, youth and adult, that I've seen with position patches on the wrong sleeve, even on the pocket. Trained patches everywhere you can imagine. Commissioner arrowhead with a SM patch. Unit Commissioners with unit numbers. Not long ago I pointed out to a Scouter that most of his knots were on upside down. His response? "I don't give a s**t." Why wear it if you aren't going to wear it properly? These are the same people who buy a harley and wear harley everything including underwear when they ride. Or spend hundreds of dollars so they can look like their favorite football player.
  2. "As far as uniforms go, it needs to be relevent, but practical." Relevant? The Navy tried a relevant uniform back in the 70s and soon switched back to the irrelevant traditional uniform. Maybe get rid of the silly epaulets and shoulder loops. Especially since the loop colors don't make historic sense. It used to be green garter tassles for Boy Scouts and red for Explorers so what color loops do boy Scouts get? Red and Venturers (ne Explorers) got green. Get rid of the text on position patches. Make the long sleeved shirt with a proper collar so I can wear my green necktie. Oh heck. Let's just go with tennis shirts and jeans since that's what most people seem to want to wear. :-)
  3. Sand blasting. Howerver I'm mystified as to why anyone would want to cook in aluminum.
  4. It's interesting how you some discrimination is okay to the liberals but other forms aren't. Last year it was on the news about a public school program for blacks only. Yessir. The advisors said outright that only blacks were allowed to attend because it was a time for them to discuss their problems without "outsiders" listening. School facilities during the school day and run by black teachers. Strangely there were no complaints.
  5. Parking lots are a fun place. Recently I pulled into a 7-11 to grab a cup of joe. As I pulled in this fellow in a Suburban was attempting to pull out. He couldn't drive the thing and wound up having to pull back and forth three time to get the angle right. Had I not been there he'd have just pulled forward on the first try and gotten out. So what did he do? gave me the finger and cursed. How was I supposed to know that he couldn't drive his vehicle. Over 30 years ago I was at the supermarket and had just gotten out of my car when a woman backed into it. I yelled and she ignored me. I blocked her way and she wanted to know what I wanted. I pointed out that she had just hit and dented my fender. Her response was "So? and drove off. People have been avoiding the right thing for a long time.
  6. I'm not familiar with SVG format. My printer uses whatever vector format that Abode uses.
  7. It could be that I'm a Naval Aviator (Navy pilots wear wings of gold, Air Force pilots wear wings of lead. Or so the song goes). I'm not tho. :-( '81 Gl1100i. Sort of black, some parts are blue but hopefully by spring time it will all be one color. Just not sure what color that will be. It whirs like a swiss watch. No "potato-potato" sound like a Harley or "zing-zing" like a sport bike. Just "whirrr" and it goes. :-)
  8. A few years ago I hit someone's car in a parking lot. I was in the process of writing a note when he came up. He was so flabbergasted that I was taking responsibility that he wouldn't file a claim. What's even sadder is when wallets get stolen at summer camp and people say, "well, what do you expect?" However, if the county told me that my taxes were paid, I wouldn't argue with them about it but I wouldn't cry when they said that there had been a mistake. :-)
  9. "But as for the "X" thing, hey, the church I grew up in as a child used it - in fact I recall there being one stained glass window with a great big XR (chi rho) in the middle of it. If it was good enough for them" If it was XR, it wouldn't be "Chi Rho," Chi Rho is Greek and would be XP. Xmas isn't Greek. Xian isn't Greek.
  10. "As many know, U.S. textile supplier difficulties and other issues have helped spur an internal "reflection" and re-think of the modern BSA uniform, beginning with the introduction of the Switchback pants and Thorlo socks (and with the gradual discontinuation of the old pants & socks as stocks are depleted)" I hope they don't discontinue the regular socks. I don't want to have to pay $12 for a pair of fuzzy socks. As for the switchbacks, I'm not looking forward to wearing those in winter. Nylon in the cold is not a good combination.
  11. "The idea of Velcro is interesting. The new Army field uniform has Velcro all over it for unit patches, rank, etc. Not sure how it would work with young scouts who would go around ripping each other's patches off. It also tends to collect lint and threads when going through the wash." I was talking with an Army officer who said that his men don't care for the velcro patches. Seems that they take them off for the laundry and then misplace them. Much simpler to have them sewn on and leave them there until you change your unit. Also, he siad that the guys didn't care for the new rank insignia that is worn on a tab on the front of the shirt because it gets ripped off while crawling and then you need to get a new one. Women don't care for it because it give men another reason to look at their boobs (can I say boobs here?)
  12. "While I would never tell anyone how to spend their hard earned money. A pet peeve of mine is a parent telling me that they can''t afford something as they puff away on a cigarette." We had a Scout who's father bought three motorcycles in one year but complained about the cost of the uniform. I found his son a complete uniform (shirt, pants, cap) at a yard sale for $10. I bought it and gave it to the boy. The father promised to pay me back but six years later I havne't seen a penny. It is a matter of what matters.
  13. I don't see much wrong with the current shirt except that 1. The coller doesn't work well with a neckerchief. 2. the epaulets do get in the way of shoulder straps. although epaulets were on teh oringinal trench coats to secure straps on bags. We don't have that many patches, it is just that people are too lazy to sew them on. What does the average boy have? Rank, troop, council, patrol. Pretty much the same that they had back in the 60s. What I'd like are proper shirt tails instead of the straight cut bottoms. If you have a uniform that looks good, don't change it. The Navy changed theirs back in the 70s and then changed back. The Marines haven't made a significant change since WW II. The Air Force is comical. Back in the 90s' they spent millions coming up with a new uniform because the zoomsters said the existing uniform looked "too military and not professional." Now they want to change again because the current (new) uniform doesn't look military. The Girl Scouts pretty much eliminated their uniform in an effort to attract more girls and we all know how well that worked.
  14. Not to me. It's is Christmas, Christianity, Christian. Atheists use it as a put down.
  15. I'm insulin dependent and simply put it on my form that I was. I was later told that if I needed to eat, do so. I adjusted my insulin doesages way down and didn't have any problems. Much depends on commons sense and the understanding that the person has of their own condition. If the person/parent says "I/he has to have 20 units in the morning" then there is going to be a problem. If the OA staff says, "you can't have a snack!" then an ambulance will be needed. Common sense. Common sense and a little bit of trust that the diabetic won't violoate the spirit of the ordeal by using his condition to have a hogie for lunch.
  16. I think that I may agree with jambo to some extent here but it is the fault of the parents and our society rather than the fault of Scouting. Parents want to be too involved in their kids's lives today. Walk to the mini-mart to get a soda? No, I'll drive you. Ride your bike to the ballfield for practice? No, I'll drive you, stay and watch and then offer "advice" to the coach. In the Scouting world I've seen parents go ballistic because their son didn't get the same belt loop as his den mates usually because he missed the event. "It's not fair!" is the usual cry. I've had parents tell me that it is unfair that his son won't advance because he missed a campout to play soccer. They don't get that he's not being "punished" for missing the campout, he just didn't meet the requirements. Patrol outings? Forget it. A group of 16 year olds can drive and go to the Dominican Republic for spring break but they can't go on a hike without two adults, cell phones and an ambulance on stand-by. Most of us need to back off a bit and let our kids learn how to run their own lives before they hit their 20s. Boy run works well, if you have adults who will let it and boys that want to do it. Few kids want to run stuff anymore because parents do everything for them. 40 years ago, we used to have a neighborhood circus. Kids did the design, construction and were the talent. We'd spend a couple weeks putting everything together do a few shows and then move on to something else. Now, the parents would have to co-ordinate everything. 30 years ago, our high school plays had two adults both teachers, involde with them. Now, there seem to be more adults than kids. Whens the last time that you saw some kids playing a pick-up game of baseball after school? Doesn't happen too oftne. What happens in Scouting? The young boys say "I don't know how to run anything" The older boys drop out because they don't get to do anything. The parents step in and say, "if we let the boys do this, nothing will happen." My son is 16 but his patrol leader is 12. Reminder emails and phone calls all come from the patrol leader's parents. Why? Becuase the boy doesn't have a clue what he's supposed to do. The parents should step back and let the boy learn from his mistakes. Time to stop and get down off the soapbox.
  17. "So why can't people leave others alone? Why must an atheist attack a Christian and why must that Christian attack an atheist?" It is usually the atheists attacking the Christians (they like to call us Xians). In fact, its been my experience that atheists spend far too much time trying to point out that we believers are silly. I find it equally silly that most atheists that I know celebrate Christmas and Easter. Some will claim that those are both pagan holidays and not Christian but pagans aren't atheists either. If you're going to be an atheist, don't clebrate the holidays of Christians, Jews or pagans. That means St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and even New Year's Day.
  18. Unfotunately, that isn''t high enough rez for what I need. If I blow it up at all, I get the jaggies. I''ve asked a co-worker who is a fairly competent artist to see if he can duplicate it. We''ll see what happens with that.
  19. http://clipart.usscouts.org/library/BSA_High_Adventure/philmont_scout_reservation/philmont_word_color.gif I''m trying to find a hihg-rez version of the logo linked above. If I blow this one up at all it gets too jaggie. Thanks.
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