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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. Anything that you can come up with should be acceptable. Of course, the 50 miler patch does not go on the uniform or sash so the regular rules don't apply.
  2. If you can find the old patches, I'd go with those. They are out there on ebay. :-)
  3. Bob, why'd you put "event" in quotes? Is it not an "event"? Quotes are used to indicate that something isn't what it is supposed to be. For example, if the footrace at the family get-together is rigged so the youngest grandchild wins, you might say "The grandchildren all 'raced' and little Tommy won." See how that works? In any event, Bob, you just don't understand how motorcyclists minds work. The ride is the product.
  4. " Saying the wrong thing repeatedly does not make it right nor does ot make it a tradition in the program. It is just something that a lopt of people are wrong about." There's a difference. Your examples were things that are contrary to the existing rules. "Wear the tail on the bull whever you want it does not signify ANYTHING." Sure it does, you just don't get it. " It amazes me at the one or two individuals who are always so quick to point fingers and quote guidelines because it gives them a sense of superiority. " I believe that those who claim "I don't let the little things bother me, I'm bigger than that" do that to have a sense of superiority
  5. "It simply is not true and it was never a uniform rule or guideline in the BSA." Traditions do not need to be based on a rule and usually aren't. There's no rule that requires that a bride toss her bouquet or the groom her garter but it is tradition. There is no rule that families put up a Christmas tree in December but it is tradition. There is no rule that motorcyclists wave at each other when they pass but it is tradition. Sometimes, tradition takes on something akin to the force of law such as in some societies, you wouldn't think of courting a young woman before asking her father's permission. It isn't the law, it is tradition but breaking that tradition could get you a drubbing. In fact, I would argue that if it is required by rule or law, it cannot be tradition. On that basis, bull placement is governed by rule and modified by tradition.
  6. Not just soldiers in uniform, militias and resistance fighters are protected as well if they follow a few simple rules. 2. Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements, belonging to a Party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied, provided that such militias or volunteer corps, including such organized resistance movements, fulfil the following conditions: (a) That of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates; (b) That of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance; © That of carrying arms openly; (d) That of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war. Of course the ragheads are not doing any of that.
  7. All together now, "We are the world, we are the children . . ."
  8. Okay, let's try this again but I'll save you some time. Yes, you are and then you'll respond "No, I'm not" but you really are. Where they were born is irrelevant. So you can make as big a fuss about that as you want.
  9. "but I don't have to rely on my ability to change his mind to take comfort in the idea that he's probably not out torturing people. ;-)" At least not Muslims for now. "And, GW, whatever it is that caused this, I apologize on behalf of the Christians out there who let you down somewhere along the line." Just a revelation that allowed me to think for myself.
  10. You think that was venom? Wow!
  11. If people have a problem with the boxes, they probably would a have a problem with many of the drinking glasses in my house because most have been used to hold beer, wine or a mixed drink at sometime over the past 30 years. The same people would object to me taking a shot of insulin because it tells the boys that "drugs are okay. Yes, I was told that once and I responded by asking if it was better to teach that if you have a medical condition you should hide it in the bathroom.
  12. Mrevelyn, you're doing it again, now you're misrepresenting what YOU'VE said.
  13. I guess she(?) figures that if she becomes SM, she can keep the intimated hank-panky to a minimum.
  14. "Lasting worldwide fame & respect" Only because a bunch of nuts made up stories about him "A great deal of influence over the fate of the Western World" And his followers killed and tortured thousands in his name in their efforts to spread his word. "Eternal glory at the right hand of God" So say the nuts who made up the stories.
  15. "Maybe this is why Jesus refused to lead his followers in a revolt against their Roman oppressors." So? Jesus was a peace-nik. Maybe we should all wander the desert for forty days, get spaced out from lack of water and food and argue with the devil.
  16. If most of America knew the illegal activities that our government undertakes in the name of national security, your hair might curl. They call it "legal" because the president authorized it but much of it is illegal at the core. Lie about it, sure, why not. Did FDR proudly announce that we were slaughtering Japanese prisoners out of expediency? Nope. Now, I'll go hide in the woods because the black helicopters will be here soon.
  17. Baden, he's an Eagle from 88 but he's putting together a pre-80 uniform that's why he mentioned the olive eagle knot.
  18. "Ya know I could be wrong about how this would go over. But these pins remind me of the webelos activity pins! Why on earth would that be an appealing idea for a bunch of older teens? " Kinda like those little pins that varsity athletes wear to show what sports they play, eh? Or those silly medallions that they hand out at the olympics, those aren't much different than a PWD medal. You got this backwards, the pin isn't the prize, the activity is the prize and the pin lets everyone know that you did something.
  19. Gee, what happens if Johnny is playing pick up football and breaks his leg? I guess that's why there are few pick-up games anymore. Do-do happens. Unless the PL did something like have the other boys jump on Johnny's leg, we should all say, "That's life." Gives the other boys a chance to practice first aid and emergency management. Kinda like what the Boy Scouts are famous for, isn't it?
  20. "Easier to hate our enemies than to love 'em" It is easier to win a war if you hate your enemies. It is really hard to kill someone that you love. I'm not in favor of torture to get information. However, when dealing with those fanatics, it would be theraputic.
  21. During the big one, many Japanese prisoners never made it to a prison camp, they were just summarily executed. Was it wrong? Sure. Was it necessary? At the time. The big problem with torture is that it doesn't always yield reliable information.
  22. Ah Mryvlen, you're being disingenuous as usual.
  23. They run for office because they want POWER. The power to remake the country that they hate into what they think the country should be. The anti-gun crowd falls into that category. As do the people who want cameras on every corners. As well as the folks who want to give the FBI the authority to read our emails and monitor our phone calls.
  24. I saw one troop that dyed their hair a new color everyday. Youth and adults. Just about anything that they want to do that builds unity and is legal and/or moral is fine by me. (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  25. It may have the effect of weeding out the kids who really don't want to be there. If it's important, most people can find a way to get the money. Cut out smokes for a couple weeks, stop drinking beer.
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