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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. Since BSA is not an armed service, I see no point in using fake guns with the color guard.
  2. That's a hoot. They changed the typeface for most of the digits but left the "2" in the "traditional" type. I wonder why they changed at all. BSA numbers have been blocky since the beginning. What purpose does changing them serve? I'm sure BeeDubya would ask, "how does changing the numbers serve the program?" Even more of a hoot is this. Look at the Scout on the first page of the flyer at http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/2008UniformGuide.pdf His numbers are of the old style, both digits. Now look down a few pages where it shows the Webelos. The eight and the two in the inset don't match. (Ironic that they are the same digits that GKlose bought) Are they so stupid at National that they didn't notice? Do they think that we are so stupid that we won't notice? Are they so desperate to get the new uniform out that they wouldn't say to the Chinese, "Do it right!"?(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  3. http://thangapparel.com/products/tshirts/aloha-sandbar/
  4. "The only tradition we seem to run into on a regular basis here is that some scouters choose to accept wives tales that have no actual substantiation in any BSA training or resource, " BeeDubya, BeeDubya, BeeDubya. . . please be consistent. If, in your mind, there is no tradition regarding the bull because it is not mentioned in official BSA publications then can be no tradition regarding wives tales unless those tales are reported in official BSA documentation, available to the general membership. BTW, would those tales be from old wives or new wives?
  5. "The only tradition we seem to run into on a regular basis here is that some scouters choose to accept wives tales that have no actual substantiation in any BSA training or resource, " BeeDubya, BeeDubya, BeeDubya. . . please be consistent. If, in your mind, there is no tradition regarding the bull because it is not mentioned in official BSA publications then can be no tradition regarding wives tales unless those tales are reported in official BSA documentation, available to the general membership. BTW, would those tales be from old wives or new wives?
  6. "If you'd like PT, and marching and "sir, yes sir" discipline, the BSA is obviously not for you. " It used to be. If you read the old handbooks, morning cals were part of the program. Troops had drill teams and rudimentary drill was practiced by all. It all started changing in the 70s during the anti-military era when mothers were worried that their children might be lured to the Army by know how to stand and walk in a line.
  7. "That military stuff always seems to attract people excessively mooney over guns. " You sound a bit like O'Bomba.
  8. Once again, BeeDubya offers us some great insight into the inner workings of his mind.
  9. Let's see, the guy managed to overcook everything. Sheesh! BOIL coffee for 20 minutes. You wouldn't have anything worth drinking, you'd have sludge. At least the egg is nutritious and hard boiled are any anything but bitter and tought. Boiled coffee is bitter, acidic, and quite nasty. Sorry, my humble opinion is that's a bad parable.
  10. I really have to wonder why your grandmother would stir a turd, I guess it must be a Southern thing. Maybe it has something to do with grits.
  11. Oh, oh. That's an event. BeeDubya, you better mount your charger and dash off to New Hampshire and explain the proper ways of raising money to them. ROFLMAO!
  12. As always BeeDubya offers very insightful advice.
  13. "Nah, GoldWinger, not a medic. JAG." There's two stumbling blocks. One, you'd have to learn to speak English. Two, you'd have to get a law degree. BTW, I call them ragheads. (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  14. Adios Pappy. I think that we advised you that you'd be happier in the Young Marines. Of course, they probably won't be as forgiving of your creative attitude to the rules as BSA was. Good luck. Just wondering, what the heck is an "inactive Marine"? A reservist?
  15. Thankfully BeeDubya, you aren't in charge.
  16. Entertainment is a product. The service is the providing the venue for the entertainment. Think outside the box.
  17. "Civilian control...ah Beav, we already have that...are you proposing even more unneccesary civilian meddling in matters they have no business being in?" The Germans in WW II is a classic case of political leaders meddling in military matters. The US of A in Vietnam is another case. We train our military to the highest possible degree, we give excellent equipment, point them at the target and then say, "Play nice. Don't blow up blue buildings on Wednesdays." To a very large extent the military are the sheep dogs protecting the sheep from the wolves. Sorry that you can't live with that, Beaver. Maybe your attitude is a good argument for compulsory military service, if you object on moral grounds you can be a medic.
  18. In that case, with no winkie and no indication of respect, do butt out.
  19. Okay, sounds like you have some problems. However, in Scouting the boys don't get to pick the ASMs or the SM or the CC or any adult, all adults serve at the pleasure of the CO. Simple solution is that the SM has a conversation with guy and explain the facts of life to him and that if he doesn't straighten up, he can be terminated. Another simple solution, that may not change much is a policy that says, "if you are registered, you must be trained." Another thing is that you need to get some more adults involved in the committee. There is no rule that says that committee members have to be family. Have any friends who like Scouting? Recruit them as MCs to sit on BORs. Have a friend who is an accountant and might like to help? He can register and become the treasurer. One of the biggest problems that most troops have is that nearly all adults involved with the troop have a child in the troop. Too often, their concern is their child and if other children don't benefit, that's too bad. Also they tend to bail out as soon as their child leaves.
  20. Whatever Mervy. You believe whatever you want.
  21. "You shoot at them, they capture you, hold a kangaroo court, find you guilty and just summarily execute you, right then and there." They already do that. Haven't you seen the beheadings on TV? How about the bodies being dragged through the streets? "Its not intelligent or brave or wise to mock God," I don't mock God, I mock religion.
  22. The speed of light in a vacuum is 186,000 miles/second. At STP, one gram of water occupies one cubic centimeter. Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1. Those are facts too and just as relevant to this discussion as your facts.
  23. No, you disingenuous point did not go over my head, I'm just chosing to ignore the irrelvant. Much like I ignore you most of the time. Now go home and cry on your husband's shoulder about how mean and stupid we Scouters are.
  24. "I'll wear my uniform into the gas station. I'm happy and proud to be associated with the Boy Scouts of America! How can I expect my Scouts to be properly uniformed if I am not myself?" I'm the same way, I know too many Scouters who shed their uniform shirt as soon as the meeting is over. I wear mine until I get home. If I have to go shopping, I go in uniform. It has prompted some great conversations with strangers over the years. The norm in my district is that adults are in uniform at Roundtable as well as District Committee meetings. I went to some meetings and roundtables in another district and I was the only one in uniform. When I commented on it, I was told that most people came straight from work. So? They couldn't change at the office?
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