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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. Apparently, until the early 70s you could wear anything you wanted on your red jacket, much like a brag vest. I've seen old Scouters with patches galore but I've never seen one with a position patch and CSP. Now, all you're supposed to be wearing on your red jacket is your BSA patch on the pocket, Philmont bull with appropriately placed tail or the Loon, PTC patch and possibly one of the approved back patches.
  2. Kahuna, I'm really sorry but by BeeDubya's standards, your statements fall into the category of urban myth. ;-)
  3. That's the first I've heard of that and it isn't mentioned in the official BSA website on Philmont history. " In this spirit, he offered 35,857 acres of his ranch to the Boy Scouts of America in 1938 to serve as a national wilderness camping area." It doesn't say "camping and training center." I did find a reference to that idea in an unofficial history of Philmont so, by your own standards, that makes it no more than an urban legend.(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  4. "I know for adults they wear their Highest position, is this the same for the boys? " Hmmmm . . . never heard that one before. Most adults wear the patch of the position that they serve in most of the time. So an SM who is also on the district committee would usually just wear an SM patch. Many of us wackos, however, have multiple shirts. :-) For your son, wear the patch for the troop position plus the cord.
  5. Nope. You're supposed to wear the yellow ribbon around your neck in the winter and the merry month of May. Like parent pins, and flag pins, yellow or red or green or pink ribbons don't belong on a BSA uniform. For some reason people feel compelled to decorate their Scouting uniforms with extra do-dads, as if we don't have enough do-dads already.
  6. "Hmmm, I wonder if the admonition I heard whispered to me during my Ordeal was simply an urban legend, too!" No because that is written down in BSA literature. I do find it interesting that a person canwear a bull just because he sat in a classroom. Oh well, my son and I have our arrowhead patchs.
  7. "Can you imagine if BSA did something like that with women?" Yep but it would be okay if BSA did it to the men. Everyone thinks that men are evil.
  8. Yep, look at the cover of the Sixth Edition of the Boy Scout Handbook. http://www.scouting.org/Media/95thAnniversary/~/media/Images/media/anniversary/art/1959s.jpg.ashx
  9. "2 1/4" x 3 1/2". Not for uniform wear." I find it equally strange that they sell a pocket flgp shaped patch that cannot be worn on the pocket flap. Some councils started using this patch and finally national made it a stock item but they have to say that it isn't to be worn because the right flap belongs to OA. Personally, I think that the idea of a patch to show that you've earned your totin' chip or whittling chip is somewhat silly. The presumption should be that if you're a Scout you have it. Your PL and SM would know if you've earned it or lost it.
  10. I guess that you didn't care for "Der Fuhrer's Face" either. Give 'em all a hug for me. Ta!
  11. FYI, the dress uniform also includes a BSA emblem on the breast pocket.
  12. I thought you'd say that, too. And Mrevlyn sings, "We are the world . . ." because he can't sing "Kum-by-ya."
  13. "It is the mindset that gets us in trouble, makes the world question us, and makes my job harder. " The funny thing is that it's apparently okay for the rest of the world to mock us but not okay for us to mock them. Everyone else gets to give their opinion of how we run our country but tell us, "Damn Yankees, stay out of our business." All together now, "We are the world, we are the children . . ."
  14. According to someone on this forum, the red jacket was being discontinued in favor of a green one. One indication was that the red jacket was put in the clearance section but, to confuse things, it is no longer a clearance item. If you want a replacement jacket, you can find nice ones on ebay for less than half of the cost of a new one.
  15. "The wearing of special helmets, scarves, gloves, unofficial leggings . . ." So to have a special necker for the color guard is verbotten. And gotta watch out for those gloves, if you're outside in winter, don't let the boys have matching gloves.
  16. "We are the world, we are the children. . . "
  17. "We find the defendant not gill-cup!"
  18. I thought that you'd say that too.
  19. Metaphors still need to make sense or else they don't work.
  20. "I hate to be a wet blanket, or be accused of being "PC", " I thought that you'd say that.
  21. Yeah! No fake guns. Get them Springfield '03s, fix the bayonets and if anyone gets near the flag, spear them. That's the historic purpose behind the color guard, to protect the flag. Let's bring it back. LOL!
  22. This is one of those incredibly complex situations. If you catch a kid stealing at school, you can suspend him and that is punishment because he eventually has to come back to school. If you susupend a kid from Scouts he'll probably just quit and you've lost any opportunity to help him. First, sit down and have a talk with him. Ask him why he took the iPod. Ask him if he'd like to have had his iPod taken. Ask him if he realizes that no one will trust him for a long time. The answers that you get are probably going to be "I dunno." He may well say that he wanted the iPod but wouldn't want to have his stolen. Basic criminal behavior, I can take yours but no one had better touch mine. Ask him if he has an idea of what his punishment should be.
  23. I'm wondering why you put the Fisherman's knot and surgeon's knot on the same line with a slash.
  24. Why have five extra Scouts? One for the pack flag, one for the stars and stripes, two guards, one detail commander. Bugle calls may have a military flavor but they have a purpose, to pass information. The Knights of Columbus are knights and their uniform normally includes a sword. Shriners? They also wear Fezes (Fezini ?), maybe Scouts should do that. Cub Scouts, epecially today, with drill rifles would be comical at the least, pathetic most likely. Dress? Cover? Hold the rifle properly? It won't ad any dignity to the ceremony. However, do whatever you want to do. I'm not in charge.
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