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Everything posted by amay

  1. I imagine this topic has had some discussion. Our troop is facing the question of whether to allow NON-scout friends and siblings of our scouts to attend Troop camp outs. One school of thought is that it doesn't happen often, and when it does it's usually younger brothers of boys in the troop who need to come b/c dad can't come without both of them. So, we should permit it. The other "camp" says this is a bad practice b/c of BSA policy, insurance and because it damages/disrupts the troop patrol dynamic when scouts have to "baby sit" grade schoolers who do not follow shared group duties and bonds. We have one dad in particular who slips his younger, third grader into our troop campouts at the last minute without really asking permission. The dad assigns the boy to a cooking group and the older boys have to incorporate the child into their responsibilities. Now, predictably, we have a second dad who want to know if his grade schooler can join our campouts. A third group advises that we show allow non-scouts but inist that they stay with a parent and not be part of troop patrol activities. I don't know how to manage such a policy. What if we have a hike. How do we tell a dad that they must stay in camp at their tent with their non-scout son? I see big danger here. What are your experiences? Can you help?
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