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  1. Not sure why I did not think of this before. Karate Kid II might be worth a look. The first movie had more to do with an individual. But the second had more to do with building and healing communities, a common issue no matter what country. It is old enough where most boys have not seen it but it also is martial arts which might keep them interested while learning the lesson?
  2. What about Good Night and Good Luck. I have not reviewed the movie but has anyone else seen it? Here is a review: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0433383/plotsummary I will check it out this weekend and post my own observations. Another would be Meet John Doe, another classic. The review is here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033891/plotsummary The problem with both is that normally dramtic, black and white films, do not hold their attention. Btw, I second Star Wars: A New Hope.
  3. What about Good Night and Good Luck. I have not reviewed the movie but has anyone else seen it? Here is a review: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0433383/plotsummary I will check it out this weekend and post my own observations. Another would be Meet John Doe, another classic. The review is here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033891/plotsummary The problem with both is that normally dramtic, black and white films, do not hold their attention. Btw, I second Star Wars: A New Hope.
  4. Well, this is fun. I did not join here to argue over Venture or Venturing, simply to find out about the new boy scout uniform. I am almost sorry I said anything at all. I listened to the boys at TLC tonight. They are not sure they like the pockets, the hat is also a maybe. They did not care if the numbers were not red, just as long as the pants were more comfortable. And they did like the pants. They wish the shirt was not tan and the pockets looked "nerdy." Actually, it is not the Venturing uniform that they like, it is the old uniform from the 60s -- who would have guessed.
  5. First off, its "Venturing", not "Venture". Secondly, if you take away Venturing's uniform and give it to the boy scouts, what do the Venturers get??? There was a reason they gave the spruce green uniform to Explorers back in the 1940s... If your boys want to wear a Venturing uniform, join Venturing. Simple as that. Not saying that the Venture groups should not have their own uniform. I am simply saying we need to to give the 11-15 age group a uniform they feel proud of, not one they want to hide. The one I have heard my guys keep talking about is the Venture uniform. I have no axe to grind in this. I will enforce the uniform requirements that National hands down. But I really want the guys to feel proud and not "dorky" in their uniform.
  6. First I want to thank all you guys that posted the pages of the new uniform. It was rumored at a recent lodge event and thought I might be able to find it on the web. Thanks to you all I was able to -- now I have something to show the TLC tomorrow night. But I have to admit what I saw was a disappointment. First, did they listen to the boys? If they had they would have heard loud and clear, give us a Venture sytle uniform. These guys are more sophisticated than I think national gives them credit. They like the dark green plus the Venture uniform makes them feel less "dorky" or "cubby." If I could I would tell them all to buy a Venture uniform, strip off the Venture Scout emblem and sew the Boy Scout name on it. But I guess that is only a dream. As for myself, I still think the Boy Scout uniform looks "unprofessional" for adult scouters. I like the old uniform where we could wear a tie for formal events rather than a neckerchief. The new designed collar might allow me to use my old green tie. I will have to see. As I was writing this my son came in and saw the uniform. His first reaction was they did not change it. His second was the pockets detract from the uniform and look "gay" (for those not into the current language his meaning was nerdy). He liked the patch color change but did not like the velcrow. He was wondering if there was going to be a new emblem for Order of the Arrow since there was no place for the Arrow pin. My last comment is the sticker shock. My parents main objection over uniform costs is the price, especially since they are going to be wearing them doing activities that can damage them. They would rather let them get some green parchute shorts from the department store for $15 than let them wear $40 uniform shorts for camping. I can find Columbia shorts for cheaper than national is selling them. So I am afraid like others have said here I do not see the guys using this uniform any more than the old one. National -- stop asking focus groups and start asking the boys and parents! I will post the comments from the TLC after I hear from them tomorrow.
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