as of now there has been rumors afloat about a lot of the "stuff" that is going on about the centenial uniform. for example it was in the works for approx 2 years, supposedly field tested, highly doubtful in my opinion, or we wouldnt have problems like buttons coming off already on the shirts and pants...also there is a rumor that the factories are short on fabric to make the uniforms.
big shake up at national with the customs dept gone from north carolina, yes there are a few people there, but we dont have a in house shop to do orders. all out-sourced. as to the above mentioned about the 'new' uniforms...I am a scoutmaster and I really dont think that the uniform was designed from a parent scout group, or anyone ever saw the uniform...the pocket on the sleeve is crap! in our troop we DONT bring ipods to a camp out...can you just see that, sorry mom I lost my $99 - $300 ipod while camping! or other volunteers have been calling it a "cigarette" tails on the uniform, leads me to beleive, along with others, that it is designed to be worn out of the pants...currently the shop I go to, cant get the new shirt, they are not available, why? they dont the big hoopla over the new uniform went sour. where are the relaxed fit pants? no one knows. more on this subject in a few...