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Everything posted by ghermanno
Just to add a little to or emphasise what others are saying: 1) Find out wht Units you are going to be Commissioning for. (Not allways just Troops or just Packs, you may have a mixture of ALL.) 2) Ensure you understand the purpose of each Unit Type you are Commisioning for. 3) You do NOT have to be the person that "knows all about the program" but you should know how to find the information for the Unit. 4) Visit the Unit(s) often. Not just when they need help. When the Unit knows you as a friend and helper vice a "Corporate Spy", they tend to ask what your job is instead of guessing. Offer to help at the Pinewood Derby or the Camporee... 5) Be sure to recognise people at Roundtable (like awarding Knots/Keys) and sing the praises of your Units in public. Too often, Units only see their UC when problems have become too great for them to handle. Better to see the UC too often than not often enough. Just my $0.02. YiS, Rick
hsscouts, As others have stated, dues and personal accounts can work. You must seperate them though. In reading your post, you say $25 dues in May, if not used can be used in June. HUH? Dues is a weekly/monthly/quarterly/annual item. It does not change except when the PLC/Committee changes it. It is collected on the prescribed schedule and applied to the appropriate budget item (Troop or Patrol income). Personal accounts are just that. Personal. A Scout may use it as he sees fit. If you require a minimum balance, be sure you have a set of "bylaws" to describe what happens when the Scout leaves the Troop (refunded, conveyed to the Troop, reimbursed if negative account,...) Ensure you have a good set of books tracking ALL the money comming in and out. With the limited information provided, it appears that the parents could raise all kinds of questions about funding. Remember, we are custodians/guidance for the boys and must sometimes educate the boys and parents on cost. We can not ask them to be "Thrifty" if we are willing to give thier money away without proper thought (budgeting). Just my $0.02. YiS, Rick (edited mainly for typos)(This message has been edited by ghermanno)
Wow. As many have stated, the MBC is a District Position. Most MBC's have, in the past, selected to provide services for one Troop only. Part of the problem there is MBC training. Part of the Scout method is adult interaction. The boys interacting with the same parents that are in the Troop is NOT what was meant. Quite a few of the MBC's in my District thought that if they did not mark that selection that they may be assigned to a different Troop and not work with thier own boys. Here again, TRAINING. If the old SM is qualified, let him apply at the District. If you (or another parent) have a personal problem with him, do not asign him to your Scouts (you select the MBC). If you think this is to "eavesdrop on the Unit" or to turn boys against the unit leaders then you should talk to the DAC/DE. Otherwie, use the skills avaiable. If he does not follow the Merit Badge requirements, District can remove him. Let's stop having the adults ruin the boys program with grudges and predjudices. my $0.02 Rick
Buffalo Skipper, Your DAC is passing his/her work onto the Units. The MBC's that are listed as "Troop Only" are on the Council/Distric list. I get one every month that I reorganize into Districts and publish at Roundtable. I ask SM's to check the list and ensure that ALL their MBCs are on it. I still get some SM's that tell me to look on their website as they have the updated info. I know the list I publish has the only approved MBCs. This is why the DAC/CAC needs to publish a list monthly so that SM's can get a listing from Council/District that is up-to-date. It is in the DAC duties listing to recruit & train MBCs, and publish lists of MBCs for units. YiS, Rick
Joining requirements in the new Handbook
ghermanno replied to BDPT00's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Guys, We are interpreting based on our knowlkedge of Scouting. If the requirements are "exactly" stated as BDPT00 stated in the first post, someone needs to let National know. As stated the requirements are: A. 11 years old or B. Completed Fifth Grade or C. AoL & 10 but < 18 Using that matrix, a 9yr old that graduated fifth grade IS elegible (consequently, a five yr old that graduated fifth grad is elegible). I hope they amend/correct that as I know parents that will fight it because "Tommy is a smart boy, way ahead of his pears and he wants to join Boy Scouting not Cub Scouting. Your book says he is eligible so he must be allowed to join." I had to fight a parent that put an 8 yr old in WEBELOS. YiS, Rick -
Curious here guys. Where do you find a Troop MBC? I realize that MBC's can state they are for their Troop only but to my knowledge, ALL MBC's are registered as District assets. MBC's are a "District/Council" position. My understanding is that ALL potential MBC's must apply to Disrict/Council and be approved. The SM only needs to make sure that the MBC's (s)he submitted were entered into the database. District is required to publish the MBC lists. The SM's should read it and ensure that it is up to date. If the Troop has MBC's that the District does not, then they are NOT MBC's. A merit badge may be revolked if the MBC is NOT registered. If we move the MBC's to the Unit level, the MBC's would be on the Unit charter and the Units would be charged annualy for registration fees. I am dealing with Troops that think thier MBC's are MBC's because they say so but they are NOT registered and I do publish a list that they ignore. If I am wrong, feel free to tell me where to find the rule change. YiS, Rick
Smarter than a boy scout, revisited
ghermanno replied to cctroop231's topic in Open Discussion - Program
cctroop231, If I am not mistaken, "WE'll BE LOyal Scouts" was either just before or just after they did away with the Lion rank in Cub Scouting. There have been MANY changes to the CS program since inception. YiS, Rick(This message has been edited by ghermanno) -
Smarter than a boy scout, revisited
ghermanno replied to cctroop231's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Well, since you asked for "trivia": What was the highest rank in Boy Scouts in 1910? A) Rank was First Class Scout. The First Class Scout could work on Merit badges to earn higher awards such as Life Scout, Star Scout, or Eagle Scout. These awards were presented to the First Class Scout that earned the award. I give you the trivia, you add whatever wrong answers you want for multiple choice. From "Handbook for Boys" 1911 edition reprinted in 1998 page 43. YiS, Rick -
Yeah Gunny, it's called "Donations" :-) I can't walk by the little kids either. LOL YiS, Rick
Smarter than a boy scout, revisited
ghermanno replied to cctroop231's topic in Open Discussion - Program
What did WEBELOS originally stand for? A) Wolf, Bear, Lion, Scout -
Pick me, I would be a good Unit Commissioner
ghermanno replied to ASM59's topic in Council Relations
ASM59, I feel your pain. Same situation happened to me in the Dallas area back in 99/00. I approached District as well as put out at Roundtable that I would volunteer for any position except SM/CM (due to work schedule) and had many, including DE say they were interested but never called even after multiple attempts by me. Basically, I was a Yankee and that precluded me from being in the "good o'le boys network" in Allen TX. I am happy to be serving in El Paso now. Sadly at the District level woth no support for position. That will change next year (different District) or Unit support only. Glad you are still volunteering. YiS, Rick -
No, no. I was NOT implying that. I was just curious as to how many Districts had the facilities (rangemasters, ect.) to do a shooting sport at Camporee. Regardless of reason, BSA states that WEBELOS may be "Day visitors" only at Camporee, no overnighters. I am NOT advocating violating policy. Just curious about availability of shooting sports at Camporee vice Jamboree (District vice Council). YiS, Rick
IT was mentioned in another thread that WEBELOS were not allowed to camp at Camporees and one possability was because shooting sports are held at Camporees. My question: Does your District have shooting sports (Rifle, shotgun, archery) at your Camporees? Thank you in advance. YiS, Rick
John in KC, Sounds like a wonderful Camporee. I am in the process of trying to schedule/plan a camporee for my District in November. They have not had a Camporee in over three years. (back to subject as do not want to hijack thread). Your Camporees sound wonderful and I could understand if that was the norm. QUESTION: Is Shooting normal at Camporees? (This will be a new thread) YiS, Rick
John in KC, I agree totally. Shotgun, Rifle, Archery, and Tomahawk ranges at Camporee? Cool but not easy for individual Districts to set-up. Most of the events I see are knots, lashings, first aide, cooking... All things the WEBELOS Scout needs. I have had an inquiry with my DE for over a month about that requirement. No response yet. YiS, Rick
Buffalo Skipper, I know exactly how you feel. I am the DAC for my District and held training for the MBC's. I had to fight some that said they already know all the rules. Somehow they forgot about the annual renewal and that it does NOT happen with the Troop but at the District Renewal point. I worked with my Council Advancement Chair and with the SE to get approvals for the office staff to renew ALL trained MBC's each year via phone conversation vice new application. This was not the process in previous years and it requires the DAC to stay on top of the list to ensure that all MBC's are trained as MBC's (different training than any other position) and that the District still wants thier services. I am surprised at how you emphasized that the MBC's were a Troop asset vice a District asset. The District/Council has to approve ALL MBC's regardless as to wether they will work with other units or not. Maybe the training is lacking. Good luck and I hope that you work things out to your satisfaction as I have with my CAC/SE. YiS, Rick
Eamonn, Yes you are correct, it is a "Catch-22". We need funding to continue but we need even more funding to fund the people who's job it is to obtain funding. We could end up with a BSA with nothing but BA degrees (no Scout skills). Our problem, as Volunteers is to ensure the "Management" of BSA understands that it is still an outdoor group not a Fundraising organization that recruits boys for fundraising. We also need to speak-up if/when we see that the training is going south. We may not make a big difference but if we say nothing, then we are also responsible for the SM that can't tie a bowline to save his (or anyone elses) life. Yes, we need people to raise money, but we also need volunteers to help the boys learn. Your SM sounds more like a "Finance Committee" person to me. Right guy, wrong job. Just my $0.02. YiS, Rick
When I returned to Scouting as an adult in 1979, I was unable to attend leadership training (was stationed overseas and a junior enlisted guy). When I returned to the states and became involved again (1981 - 1985) the traininjg was EXCELLENT. Was it due to the course material or the instructors, I could not tell you. Most instructors were WB's. Today I am involved with training (I have attendd WB and Trainers EDGE) and can tell you the training materials I have seen locally (supposedly BSA approved) not only are sub-par for the subject but emphasize "Urban Legends" like sheath knives and hatchets that have allready been discussed. I actually read, in a BSA training packet (from another Council) the following: "BSA National has a no sheath knife rule. Sheath knives, although usefull for fishing and other outdoor activities, has no purpose or use in camping or the BSA program." I pointed out to the DE that this was BS, not BSA. Training, IMHO, has declined in teaching SCOUTING but has improved on teaching managers. I have known a lot of mangers that could get lost following a single path in the woods. But they are GREAT mangers... Just my $0.02 with opinion thown in. YiS, Rick
Welcome to the virtual campfire. Pull up a log and grab a cup. Good luck with your Troop. YiS, Rick
SS Scout, You are not adding to the requirements unless you require the boys to pass a test on the extra information. Part of the MBC training is telling the MBC that it is OK to add information to the packet but not to test on added info. You are doing it correctly if done as you stated. As to the CC requiring CPR certification, as J-inKC said, the boys SHOULD be reccomended to MBC's that are NOT part of troop if possible. The SM should also have a discussion with CC about requirements and if need be, invite the DAC. Cost about the same for three cups as two of coffee. My $0.02 YiS, Rick
Not uncommon at all. jokingly I ussually say: Some Districts have strict requirements (check for pulse) prior to signing up volunteer. But I really do not know how all Districts work. It is beneficial for the District/Council to recruit leaders that have lots of experience for training/advancement/outdoors/... and experts in the field of finance/PR for financial committees an public relations. Sometimes you take what will volunteer othertimes you go out and recruit hard. Just my $0.02 YiS, Rick
What is District Committee ??
ghermanno replied to johnnylaw101's topic in Open Discussion - Program
As J-in-KC said: you are NOT just a DL. A DL is a very important job. As far as the District position, it depends what the position they are offering is. You need to find out what position it is first. Also, you will have to decide if you have the time for the position as well as DL. All positions in the BSA are important (for diferent reasons) but they are basically to support the front line (SM/ASM, DL/ADL, CM/ACM). If we do not have people working with the boys, we don't need adults as we will not exist. Once you know what position they want you to fill, let us know and we can give specifics about that job. It would not do to tell you what is required for the District Advancment Chair or the Outdoor Chair if you are volunteering for Training Chair or on the Finance Committee. Let us know. YiS, Rick -
Gunny, That is not the case. Think of it like a range card. You go to the range and shoot Expert, your buddy shoots Marksman. You check your records later and they say you shot Marksman. You have the card to prove you did shoot Expert. Your XO/CO does not have the right to disqualify you if the rangemaster is certified (approved by command). This card is the same. The signature for the SM(Unit leader), on that side of the card, is for the boys record to show he turned in the completed card and the MBC is registered for that MB. The first part is for unit records, the second 9with signature) is for the boy, and the third part is for the MBC. All for record keeping purposes. That is why it is important to have ALL your MBCs registered with Council as MBCs, to keep a list of MBCs, and verify your list with Council periodically. The Council can say NO to people applying for MBCs, rare put possible and they can remove MBCs from the list. I have heard a lot of opinions about District/Council not keeping records and Units keeping their own but if people do not try to make the system work then the system will stay broke. My $0.02. YiS, Rick
John, The Korea District has a very dedicated Para-Pro. He is more like a DE and runs not only the Scout shop but the whole scout office. He has managed, through various contacts, to acquire the tentage and various items required for Resident/BS Camp. He has managed, most years, to find volunteers to run the camps. So far, he has also managed to find governement property that is not located inside a fence that they will allow camp at. Unfortunately, due to volunteers and distances, the Cub Day Camp is only one day, held in the north (Seoul). The res/BS camp is held in the Pyongteak area both at the same site. The OA sets up/tears down the camp and volunteers transport the material from Seoul to Pyongteak. The camp is set up and Resident Camp starts Wed. Resident camp ends Friday and BS camp starts Monday. The youth working camp get extra time/training by working Resident camp as well. Unfortunately, there were not enough adult volunteers this year and Res. Camp had to be cancelled. Although Korea is part of FE Council, I only saw the DE when he first arrived and then he went to Japan. The Para-Pro ran everything for the two years I was there and apparenty for many years before. Talk about having problems finding your DE, he is in another country. :-) YiS, Rick
Fisrt I need to appologize. I don't know where my head was when I posted the last post. It appears I confused, in my mind, Commissioners College with UoS. I felt the UoS was an oversized Pow-Wow with BS Roundtable and Basic Training thrown in for good measure. I did not attend the Cub side but was told it was OK. Some classes excellent and overattended and some boring and one person in class. Training here is ussualy planned on Wednesday for Saturday. Again I appologize for my mistake. YiS, Rick