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Everything posted by ghermanno

  1. I think you answered your own question: "But on the basic level..it shoots out of a barrel with explosive force. Wether it's hair spray, WD-40 or whatever, it's a flammible substance that is pressureized and has a directional discharge." If you want to build one with your son, do it. If you want to buid one with Scouts..... You will probably be on your own for any litigation. my $0.02 YiS, Rick
  2. History channel has some at this site: http://www.history.com/content/dearhome/letters-from-wwii YiS, Rick
  3. Just cruising through this post I noticed one fine point, everyone keeps pointing to the "BSA" logo. The USA is one of a few BS organizations (pun intended). I have had the privelage to see a few Scouting organizations (Scouts de Bolivia, Scouts de Panama, Scouts de Equador, Korea Scout Association, Scouts de Hondoras,..) all are excellent Scouting organizations. They have mixed troops but seperate leaders/staff mostly. Having participated in the international Jamboree in Korea, I also noted that the Scouting Associations have less problems with boy/girl relationships. To them, not everything is sexual. Scouts are Scouts regardless of sex (read that as "Friendly: A Scout shall be a friend to ALL other Scouts...") whereas the BSA scouts shied away from the females and missed many opportunities to learn about the other coultures due to fear (of females or ribbings from other BSA Scouts). About the only thing that I can think of where male/female models are STRICKTLY needed are items that have little to do with Scouting but a lot to do with raising a child (explaining menstration/night emmissions and dealing with puberty). Those are mostly a parent thing though I have known of single family parents that ask another trusted adult to help explain if thier child is of the opposite sex. An adult Scouter is an adult Scouter regardless of sex/race/religion. Each individual Scouter should be rated on thier own merits not on thier sex/race/religion. Maybe we should become Scouts of North America (somehow we think we are the only Americans) instead of the Boy Scouts of America. Lord Baden Powell's original group is not BS it is the Scout Association. Maybe time we catch up to the world that is versus the make believe. My $0.02 YiS, Rick
  4. Bryan, Not to rehash previous postings but the scout can NOT start a Merit Badge any time he wants to. The Scout MUST have the SM's approval and signature BEFORE he starts a Merit Badge (on the Blue Card) and the SM's reccomended MBC. (reference MBC training or ACP&P) As this is a "boy run" organization, the SPL should have an input. The BOR is NOT a retest, but can question a POR if there is a mistake. A BOR is a review, not just a rubber stamp. YiS, Rick
  5. As John stated, the DAC is responsible for the MBC recruitment and training. S/He is also responsible for publishing a list for the District and providing it to Council. I take ALL MBC's for the Council and produce a District by District list for the Council (I am a DAC). I also hold training and have purged the entire list this past year and informed ALL Troops. They are still arguing the purge but they have to accept that the list has fbeen published for months and they never stepped up to say anything. MB Universities, for the most part, have been inefectual. They get MB's to the Scout but the Scout is cheated as most MBC's don't test individually and SM's don't want a partial even if the MB is not possible to do in one day. I would reccomend your DAC/CAC work together to purge/renew the lists. Then get recruiting/training the new MBC's. My $0.02 YiS, Rick
  6. To the best of my knowlege, there are NO minimum hour requirements for Eagle projects. I have been unable to locate ANY such requirements ANYWHERE. This is just another ADULT speedbump being put into a BOYs advancement. My$0.02. YiS, Rick
  7. Welcome. As a DAC I strongly reccomend not checking the "Troop only" box of the MBC volunteer form. It allows you to work with more boys. YiS, Rick
  8. Welcome. What part of the long state are you from? I have previously lived in LA area as well as Bay area. YiS, Rick
  9. Welcome to the virtual campfire. YiS, Rick
  10. BSA does not allow sheath knives. (False, BSA strongly reccomends against "oversized" fixed blade knives as they have limited use, but they come in handy for their specific uses.) SM/ASM are automatically, because of position, allowed to sign off the Camping/Hiking/... Merit Badges. (False, ALL MBC's must be approved by Council.) Troops may maintain their own MBC list and do not have to have the MBC registered with Council so loong as they are registered with the Troop. (False, ALL MBC's must be registered and approved by Council.)
  11. John, $60? There is no registration fee for MBC's and the class is free also. Do you charge your MBC's? YiS, Rick
  12. NC Scouter, As stated by John in KC the answer is YES. If you would like to be the counselor for boys in more than one Council you should register with the other Councils. This will make your contact information available to the SM's in the Council and make their job easier. If you just wanted to work summer camp, and the Troop comes to your camp, then NO. But that didn't seem to be your question. scoutldr, Unfortunately, if the "merit badge factory" has approved MBC's then it is a "Council Approved" site. The Council approves all MBC's. My $0.02 YiS, Rick
  13. BDPT00, You are correct. The ACP&P and the MBC training state basically the same thing. I derived my statement from the MBC Quiz/answers: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/quiz-a.pdf False. There must always be a third person present, but it may be any other adult familiar to the Scout, a Scouts parent, or a Scouts buddy. Common sense dictates that two adult counselors alone with only one Scout should be avoided. That, along with the other statements that a Scout should "bring" his buddy with him causes me to tell prospective MBC to use YP and CYA by ensuring that the "buddy" is one chosen/provided by the Scout. The BSA does not specifically state that the MBC can not provide the buddy but implies, numerous times, that it is the Scout's responsability. Unfortunately, with todays society, you must CYA all the time at all events. Even BSA events. YiS, Rick
  14. FrankBoss, I am assuming "on his own" does not mean that he did not ask the SM first. He still needs the SM's signed BC and to be sure the MBC is registered. Other than that, you are correct. The boy decides what MB he would like to work on and he does NOT need more than one Scout. There MUST be more than one person though, either another boy or an adult that the BOY selects (not the MBC). This is for Youth Protection purposes. YiS, Rick
  15. Horizon, I see no problem with what you say you do. You, as SM, approved the Scout to take a MB and reccomended a Councillor. That is part of your job as SM. No arguement. Not sure where the "add to requirements" comes in. No one is adding to the requirements. There appears to be a problem with the term "Gatekeeper". The SM is the Gatekeeper by haveing to approve the MB "BEFORE" Tommy Scout takes the MB. If the SM feels that ALL his boys should take ALL the MB's at one time with one councillor, that is the SM's choice. I personnaly would not agree but I do not control the SM's either. I will say that MBC's "Should" be trained and MUST be approved by the Council/District PRIOR to working on MB's with the boys. Is this done everywhere like the manuals says it is? NO. But it is a nice goal to try to reach not a point to argue over because one group does and one group doesn't. I am the DAC for my District and still have SM's argue that their MBC's are trained and approved because they approved them. Ignorance can be cured by educating. Stupidity is not reversable. We can make a choice to learn and, as the Cubs say, "Do Our Best". We also are not being "Loyal" to the BSA movement if we are not following their rules as best we can. If you indeed do what you stated in your post: "Now, I personally counsel Scouts to take certain merit badges before others. IMHO Personal Fitness is better after the onset of puberty, for example. However, if a Scout is determined to earn the badge, I will sign the card and recommend a Counselor who best fits that Scout's personality." then I commend you. You councilled the boy and made a determination as well as a reccomendation. Exactly as you should. That's my $0.02 YiS, Rick
  16. CalicoPenn, Just curious. If the SM is NOT the Gatekeeper, who decides if a boy should start 1 or 100 merit badges at one time? It is the Gatekeeper SM! He should know what Tommy Scout has on his plate and discuss it with him. This is to ensure that the Scout has the time to do the merit badge with the Councillor and not be reffering scouts that have no time to them. May be a bad example but "Gatekeeper" is the terminoligy that is used most often. The SM is also the person that tells Tommy Scout that he can NOT take a MB at the MBU because they skip steps and he wants the MB completed not just signed off. If Tommy Scout does it anyway, the bluecard is no good as the SM never signed off on it. Sounds like gatekeeping to me. It is NOT horse manure, is is BSA policy and has been for many years. The SM gives Tommy Scout a MBC to contact, not a blank check. YiS, Rick
  17. Welcome, Pull up a log and welcome to the virtual campfire. I sometimes reminiss the Cankamongas (sp?) Hwy, Conway, the Tram, will allways miss the "Old Man of the Mountain". But will not miss the snow up to my butt, the warm 30's with sub zero wind chills. YiS, Rick (formerly from Worcester County, MA and now in El Paso, TX)(This message has been edited by ghermanno)
  18. Guys, After reading the many and varied posts I have come to one glowing conclusion. The Troops again have have decided that they will do the job that someone else isn't and in the process made up their own rules. The District Advancement Chairperson is responsible for providing a list of ALL approved Merit Badge Councilors in the District. Yes, I know there are some that are years old, I had to rebuild from one that was. Unfortunately, the Troops think that their MBC list superceeds the Districts. Unfortunate in that the MBCs on their list that are not on mine (published monthly at roundtable) are NOT approved MBCs. Adult association is not a byproduct of the MB process, it is one of the aims of BSA and part & parcel of the MB process. I too would like to eliminate the "Troop Only" option but that is a National Choice and mis-understood by most Scoouters and MBCs. Training of MBCs is not new nor is it an option. National determined that MBC training is required. As to a parent doing one-on-one with son, it is not against the rules but is against the BSA aims for adult association. As for SM approval, he can negate ALL BC's that do not have his or previous SM's signature. It is not a new policy it is BSA policy stated for many years. If you believe that your DAC is doing a poor job (or not doing his/her job) volunteer to do the job with District. After you fight with the various SM's that tell you their MBCs are approved because they approved the applications and you don't need their list you may decide that there is a reason for the rules. Sorry again for the rant. my $0.02 YiS, Rick
  19. Cheffy, I agree with John in KC and Beavah. Not knowing the severity of the alledged crime(s), and not needing to know, I would leave it in your hands as to your signature but ensure that the DAC and the DE know what the situation is completely. Give them the facts and how you feel about them but do not mix the two. Let them sort facts as facts and feelings as feelings. I am sure you will do the right thing by both the BSA and the boy. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way. My $0.02 YiS, Rick
  20. Wow, You jump in head first without checking the water often? You will be fine. As CMPA stated, get training from the District, attend Roundtable (once a month), and get the other parents involved in something (even if it is only to get snacks at a Pack meeting). Getting the parents involved is crucial for Cub Scouting success. Build your comittee well. Scouting is NOT a one person run organization. As a matter of fact, we have a two deep leadership requirement. Talk to your comittee chairman, s/he should be able to help you as well. Your District Executive may have to intercede if you need to talk to the sponsoring organization. They may be able to assist with adult supervision (or not, delicate area). Main point: If you are not enjoing it with your son, that is the time to either make it better or move to another Pack. I would not bail out before trying, but that is me. There are a lot of knowlegable folks here. Don't be afraid to ask questions. The only real stupid question is the unasked/unaswered question. My $0.02 YiS, Rick
  21. Wow, A chance to demonstrate acceptance, tolerance, maturity, and friendship versus bigotry, homophobia, and bias? Which would I chose??? Seems like an easy answer to me. YiS, Rick
  22. Twocubdad/Beavah, MBC's MUST be registered with the District anually. MBC's, even the ones that say Troop Only, are District assets and must be approved by the Council/District. The gentleman will need to re-apply for the MBC and be approved (as for the training, I believe that it does not need to be renewed if already accomplished) to be able to sign off the Merit Badges. Even if he takes no more Scouts. Just because a District/Council is not performing their job, it is not right for us to ignore the rules and say so what. Did we forget "Trustworthy, Obiedient, and Loyal? They are part and parcel of what we agreed to as adult Scouters. Not if the rules fit what I want I follow but if not, I do my own thing and they will like it. As a new DAC (since Jan) I have had to argue with numerous people that feel that they don't need to follow the rules because no else made them. One SM has his own Eagle requirements before he will allow someone to apply for Eagle. If you want the rules changed, use them and change them from the inside. Don't just ignore them and speak from ingnorance instead of knowledge. I did get the CAC to change policy so renewals will be easier. That's what working from the inside does for you. Sorry for the rant but this is a sore subjuct to me. YiS, Rick
  23. Beaver, The item may have been hashed out before but if you are truly interested in helping kids and are into Venturing, I suggest the following: Go to Council and get info on Venturing Go to council and get a calander Go to council and get registered Go online and get the basic training done on-line Attend training Attend some Venture Meetings After that, you might be ready to decide if you want to start one. There is a lot involved, more than finding a sponsoring organization. Good luck. I hope you truly want to do this for others. YiS, Rick
  24. Amy, I can see both sides of this post as I have a very procrastinating District. Somehow, you failed to mention the outing that has been scheduled for over two months (I assume you had the Tour Permit routed through the Pack Committee?) at the Committee meetings? I also see a Pack that wants to schedule something but is in no rush to get to the final planning stages saying "We had this planned". If the Pack "Campout" is less than a Month away and still not planned then I am thinking it will not be planned in less than a month. Ask you CM where/when/cost of the "planned" campout. If s/he has the info, ask why it wasn't shared with all the DL's. If s/he does not have the info and it is less than a month away, inform him/her that your campout is planned and you are willing to help them plan a family campout in the future but yours is already planned and scheduled. If the Pack tries to schedule off the cuff, you may lose one or two boys to a family that has a boy in more than one level but I think the Pack will still be "planning" after the scheduled date. Just my $0.02 YiS, Rick
  25. WOW, I think the main item of the topic was missed. As I read the publication, the carriage of knives in the UK is illeagal except under certain cercumstances. They are only trying to ensure that Scouts follow the law. We do the same here. This is a non-topic. My $0.02 Rick
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