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Everything posted by ghermanno

  1. IM-Kathy, Using just the information given, as a former UC, the answer is YES. You can aks for anything, does not mean the District will do it (but it is in thier best interest). As for what your UC is doing,showing up randomly at events, they should view various meetings (Troop, PLC, Commitee, and COH) but as a quiet observer. If they have questions or would like to chat, that should be at another time (other than meeting times). The job of a UC is to support the UNIT, unfortunately the Districts sometimes think the job is to report on Units. I can not say for your District or whether this is due to the UC. I would ask for a new UC stating personal differences and if the District says no, ask them to keep the UC away from the Unit (get the COR in on this too. if they ask they have more pull). My $0.02 Rick
  2. "Hey you... with the drummers... it's too early in the morning for that noise..." Some people might stillo have a hangover. LOL Felicidades Rick
  3. And a Scoutmaster in a pine tree.... (the bear made me do it!!)
  4. Merry Christmas, Joyouex Noel, Felice Navidad, Happy Honnika (sp?), Peacful Yultide Greetings,... However you celebrate the season, wishes for peace and prosperity to you and yours and Good Scouting. Rick
  5. Hi guys, Need help finding a Troop for my grandson in Ft. Worth, TX. I have tried calling and emailing the DE down there but no response. I believe he will be in the Trailblazer District as his zip is 76244. He will be looking for a boy led Troop. He is a First Class Scout. Does not want an Eagle mill as he is already 16 (17 in Feb). He is transferring from YUCCA Council in El Paso. Thanks in advance, Rick
  6. Happy Scouting and keep a cheerful attitude. "It's only an Hour a week" ;-) Rick
  7. EagerLeader, Check the supporting documentation. If ANY of it is in the past year, ask what SM signed it. It must be another Troop so he will have to go to that troop if that is what he is in. If it is the Mom, remind her that this is NOT Cub Scouts and not everyone is Akela. If the SM conference is for "Scout" badge I'd give it the same as new scouts and talk further advancement. If it is for any real rank (including Tenderfoot) I am sorry but the scout must attend MY troop meetings and have someone our SM approved for signoffs. Just my $0.02 to add to Beavah's excellent reply. Rick
  8. Eamonn, "This isn't being nice, this isn't what Christmas is all about." Christmas, or more correctly Christ Mass, was a day spent in church for the Christians. The Pagans celebrated the birth of the Sun God that the Christians later used as the Son of God. The celebration that we now have, is a conglomeration of religious myths and corporate greed. Each year we consumers add to the drive by demanding the most for the least. The reason Thanksgiving ws moved from the last Thursday of November to the fourth Thursday of November was to give the shoppers an extra week for shopping. As to peace on Earth & good will towards men, that should be an everyday item. Not an advertising phrase to use to sell corporate goods. I still celebrate Yuletime and will give/exchange gifts with the kids/grandchildren but am trying to stop killing myself looking for gifts for the wife. I get her what she wants when I can afford it and she is lacking nothing that I know of. She complains of having too much stff and needs to get rid of some. I wish you and ALL that read this, Good wishes (happiness, health, family,...) for you and your family throughout the years. My $0.02 Rick
  9. Eamonn, Remember that the original Boston Tea Party was supposed to be about taxation without representation. Now we have taxation to pay for representation. ( I am originaly from MA but now live in TX [and yes I know that is considered a "Dammed Yankee"]) Texas does dring tea but has sooo much sugar in it that you wouldn't think it was tea. (I prefer mine black and bitter). ;-) Rick
  10. Thank you. And a Happy Veterans Day to all, and prayers for peace. A moment of silence for those Veterans that are no longer with us physicaly. Rick
  11. Wow, Lots of complaints about training. But I noticed and therefore decide to chime in. With training, do you think that an SA (ASM) would not become a CM (Cubmaster) versus a MC (Member Committee)? If we are going to complain about positions, know them. my $0.02 Rick
  12. Here's a curve for ya. I have been the BS-RTC for over a year. Attendance is up a little but basically still the same 6 - 10 people each month. The people that do NOT attend complain that they did not know what District was doing (ie: Camporee). They still wont attend because they feel National wants the "virtual" Roundtable as Roundtable is no longer "required" for knots. The people that need it most "wont go" the people that need it least are "tired of going" so I quit. I tried themes, guest speakers, outdoor events, and of course open forum. None brought any significant change in how the attendees felt. Yes, obsolete by design. My $0.02 Rick
  13. I believe he means BoyScout District Roundtable vice CubScout District Roundtable. As for topics, you have ALL the items in the Three (3) volumes of "Program Features". the Boys Scouts do have a themes and they repeat about every three years as I recall. Ask the attendees what THAY would like. Expect "deer in the headlights" looks. Good Luck. My $0.02. Rick
  14. Seattle P. As most of the topic is based on "paid" positions in Scouting I was rather taken back by your statement: "I'd guess that without district and council support and programs, perhaps 3/4s of the units in the district would fail within ten years." That again is a Volunteer doing a Volunteer job. Did the District provide the transportation, documentation, personnel to assist you with the support you gave as a UC? Or, as I suspect, did you have to contact other volunteers to help with training, coaching and support? This is where a LOT of people are wodering why they should support District/Council. As far as Camporees, these are volunteer planned and executed events. I do NOT know why District/Council gets accolades for it. It is planned by the volunteers, paid for by the attendees, staffed by volunteers, and the District/Council gets credits? My $0.02 Rick
  15. Backroads, Welcome. There are no limits BUT... The MBC MUST be registered and approved by Council for EACH Merit Badge that they are teaching. Someone registered to be a MBC for say "Archery" is not automatically approved for "Camping" because they are a registered MBC. They must be approved for each Merit Badge. My $0.02 Rick
  16. The whites of thier eyes are better seen when trying to take the tunnel from Logan or when trying to find Route 2 from all the other signs.... Didn't know you were from that area Shiff, (the Storrow Drive gave you away) I used to be from there many a year ago... Started my BSA there in 1970.... Rick
  17. Namu35950, It appears that the old "pick a-line and run with it" type training has hit your DE. The BSA has decided "in its infinite wisdom" that WEBELOS are NOT allowed to overnight at a Camporee. If you remove the word Camporee from your outing, your narrowminded DE will probably approve. It is NOT that they can not attend a Scout outing it is that BSA will NOT allow them to attend/participate in a Camporee. Your event appears to cover the requirements of haveing the events for the Webelos vice having them watch the Scouts. Have fun My $0.02 Rick
  18. So, I tried the link for the position requirements... Doesn't work. Left a response based on my intepretation of the job. So, here's the question: Which one of you can point a child/youth to the person that can answer thier questions on Paganism? Jewish beliefs? Islam? or any of the other non-mainstream religions? Who will study for it? You don't want to push YOUR religion now do you? That is why we have non-denominational "Scouts Own" services. Some units probably require members to be of a certain religion to join but that is not BSA. My $0.02 Rick
  19. I like twocubdad's response. I would only add to the "Council of course refused to be involved" statement by asking what advancement paperwork was submitted for the adult to purchase the patches? Just my $0.02 Rick
  20. Eamonn, Problem now seems to be that National has decided that ALL training except for BALOO & IOLS/OWLS for basic Leader Training can be taken on-line. They also have Roundtable on-line so most new leaders seem to think they can learn Scouting on-line. I see the not-so-distant National putting virtual camping on-line so some youths that can't make it to a campground can still get advanced (including Eagle). Sad to say, worse to observe. I love the SCOUTING principle with active Patrols, friendly service, ... Not the new computerized Business Scouts. My $0.02 Rick
  21. Sorry to dredge this up again but during the past year or so I have noticed that (IMHO) National has made the relevance of Roundatble less and less. They do not support the theme in Boys Life or Scouter, Iformation is available on-line for most District/Council/National events, and they even have Roundtable on-line as well as downloadable. I state this as a Rountable Commissioner that is getting tired. I have the same people showing up month after month (about 4-6 people) and I am "preaching to the choir" as most of them are long time Scouters. Is there really a relevance for Roundtable anymore? I think I will turn in resignation effective January 2013. Rick
  22. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. The Ticket is NEVER done... it just starts a new one. :-) Rick (I used to be an Owl, a good o'le Owl too..) Whooo Whooo
  23. SP, you said: "Just what I said. Rechartering is a huge nuisance that is imposed on units by the council and national." Rechartering is a necessity. Should National just bill the Council for all the people on the old Charter or are you personnaly going to go to all the Troops/Packs/Crews/LFL Units and count people for National? Not exactly sure what this has to do with "Attending Disctict Comittee Meetings" as Recharter is covered in Roundtable and various other venues as well. The "Ditrict Committee" jsut checks to see if it was done and who needs help to assign people to it. My $0.02 Rick
  24. Bluejacket, Your job as DC would be to discuss this with the UC for that unit and the DE. It is NOT your job to try to do the job for the Unit. If this was a District recruiting item and had been scheduled for a while, you might have had a chance for empathy, but if it was a Unit recruiting, you stepped WAY beyond your job. If you feel the Pack is that poorly run and that the UC & DE can not handle it, I suggest you change Packs or else let go. Let your son have the fun as the stress from this will bleed over to your son and ruin his enjoyment. Fair winds and following seas mate. My $0.02 Rick
  25. Eagle92, We all KNOW the rules and that they are bent/broken by a LOT of Councils. The fact that someone wants to follow the BSA rules does NOT make them any less a Scout. Your references above show a manual, Administration of Commissioners Service, on page nine states: Recruiting Cautions Commissioners must not be registered as unit leaders. Although some commissioners may be registered on a unit committee because they have a child in the unit or because of previous personal history in the unit, their principal Scouting obligation should be with commissioner responsibilities. Please dont assign unit commissioners to their own units or chartered organizations. A commissioner needs an objective view as an arm of the district and council. Avoid potential conflicts of interest. Commissioners may be currently registered in only one commissioner position. Please dont ask units to provide their own commissioner. Commissioners must be selected by the district on the basis of qualities needed to adequately represent the district and council. I have yet to see a "FAST START" that taught ANYTHING truthful about a job in Scouting. So John was right about what BSA wants and you are right as to the double-talking-easy-way-out beaurocrats that we have in the system and the people they have trained with THIER truths. I too have been RTC/UC/MC/ASM and still am the RTC/ASM. I dropped the UC and Distric committee Member because the District wanted me to pay for the privilege and I declined. Enjoy Scouting before it changes too much. My $0.02
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