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Everything posted by ghermanno

  1. Searched on-line at BSA NCS. Certification is still good for 5 seasons (for 2007 would include 07, 08, 09, 10, & 11). Would not be worth the expense for just two years. Your Council may just be asking people for a two year obligation for the expense as that would make sense. The Program/Camp Director could serve longer.
  2. There also used to be a "Den Leader Coach" position. This person would hold the Den Leaders meeting (as well as other jobs) and represent the Den Leaders at the Committee Meeting or meet with the Cubmaster to ensure the Den Leaders concerns were addressed at the Committee Meeting.
  3. Scouting Mom, My certification is old (91 vintage) but the certification was good for Five (5) years for CSDC Program Director. Has National changed the rules? I will hopefully be attending class in October/November unless contract here is not renewed. Renewing that often, IMHO, can only be another financial push as the rules can be updated in a manual and neither the district or council needs the expense. I would be intrested to know what the new rules are for logevity (refresher training).
  4. scoutmom, I am on Roundtable staff here in South Korea. With your permission, I will distribute your email addy at our next meeting (Aug 14th). We mostly deal with military kids so have big changeover in summer. Rick
  5. Thanks Gunny. DE (Parapro) knows as he was the Camp Director. Thanks for letting me vent. Rick
  6. No Gunny, I have watched Scouting from the days of Lion Cubs. BSA National is/has become a moneymaking organization. Their main focus (IMHO) is to make money from the boys. I know they need finances to operate and to maintain camps/instructional material/et. al.... But it just seems rediculous when the Council adds 15% charge to everything (items at store, camp fees, registration,...) I just finished Resident Camp the 20th of June. Hopefully the boys will receive their T-Shirts soon. We had to order from Council (cost: around $4 - $5 per shirt, cost to District $10) and they did not arrive prior to camp. The only shirts to show up were the Adult campers. The staff did not receive them either. I can deal with staff or adult not having but making the kids wait? Lower than low.
  7. First post in Forum. Been reading for a while. Trying to remain posative about BSA for the boys. Here in South Korea around 2 years. Working with Pack on Air Force Base and working Roundtable. Just completed CS Resident Camp (Program Director). >18 years as adult scouter distributed over about 30 calander years.
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