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Everything posted by ghermanno

  1. ....Helpfull, Friendly, Curtious, Kind, Cheerfull,... Sound familiar? I was once told: "Never argue with" a(n) _______ (inject your preffered derogatory desritor). "They will pull you down to their level and beat you with experience!"
  2. As far as Packs/Troops there are many reasons for color choices as stated. AS Eamonn has stated, for safety, bright "loud" colors are most often chosen for things like Cub Day camp so that the little ones are eiser to spot in grass/trees and when walking away from a group to check a bug...... Sidenote: InfoScouter, is that Anoka,MN or Salem,MA as the Holloween Towne? Just curious, not argumentative. Rick
  3. I think you get the picture about fund usage. About donations, there are quite a few. The main Scouting ones being the F.O.S. and the WFF. The WFF is the World Freindship fund and provides funding for Scouting programs in developing nations. A donation can be made from a Pack/Troop and a certificate (thanks) addressed to the CO or the Pack/Troop. Just more to think about in case donation (helpfull/friendly) was in the plans. More information is avalable in the following links: http://www.scouting.org/International/worldsupport.aspx#wff http://old.scouting.org/international/wff.pdf
  4. Just to give you a smile: It took me till the third post to figure out "PTC". I could not figure out why anyone would camp for a "Parent-Teachers-Conference"! When BobWhite said New Mexico, it dawned "Philmont Training Camp"! Just thought you'd like the chuckle.... Rick
  5. Welcome. Pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee.... Rick
  6. Rooster et. al.: The discussion is NOT about who is right, wrong, or what. Please start a different post if you wish to bash/prophosise respective religions. My question was limited to the BSA and the "Corporations" view of Wicca/Paganism.
  7. Welcome. Pull up to the fire and grab a cup.
  8. I know this will probably be considered silly but considering we won't get the new summertime pins till probably next year, How does a boy earn the "Tiger Cub" summertime award? If he goes into the first grade in August/September and graduates to Wolf Den in May/June? Is this in prep for adding the kindergarden kids so as to add more income? Curious.
  9. Here are some I found on internet. Can not say anything for quality etc. as I have never used them. http://redrivertrophy.com/bsabanners.htm http://www.sign-sations.com/youthsports.htm Good luck
  10. Evmori, I said "Religion" that promotes harm, not people. Check the Crusades, christians attacked first. Does NOT mean thier religion says to. Means someone got greedy and thought they were better. Islam as a faith is not bad nor evil. Ignorance causes fear of others. Research the other religions and lose the fear. You will find that there is more in common than there is differences.
  11. Thanks guys. I was curious. I agree, it may take a while (maybe never) for a Wiccan/Pagan award due to diversity of the religion. It is still sad to even hear, true or not, of the BSA still being religiosly "prejudiced". Does not matter what religion (with the exception maybe of Satanism). So long as it doesn't promote harm to others, who am I to judge thier religion? Dan, sounds like the fight for the Pentagram on burial stones all over again. Who knows, maybe the covanent will win. Eamon: Curious about the youth organization for Wiccans/Pagans. You can Pmail me if you feel more comfortable. ghermanno@hotmail.com In the words of our "PAGAN" forefathers: "May the Great Scoutmaster, of ALL Scoutmasters be with you till we meet again!"
  12. In a previous post: RE: Religious Emblem approved for Unitarian Universalist youth! Posted: Wednesday, 3/26/2008: 7:24:02 AM quality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescinded, wow! Looks like the UUs are back to Wiccan status with BSA. Hey, all you pagans need to move back to the end of the line, UUs still have dibs on this one.... I am just curious. What is the BSA standing on Wiccans and Pagans? I haven't read anything, haven't really researched it, so was wondering.
  13. Thank you. What I am looking for is "approved" BSA advertising. What I am hearing for most part is "make your own" and worry about military polotics. AFN does not have problems with non-profit. BSA has problems with people using BSA insignia/slogans/trademarks without permission. I am at USAG Humphreys but my Pack is on Osan (so Yongsan is no help). I do NOT want to violate BSA regs with any advertisements. I am finding that a lot of the boys here do not know that Cub/Boy Scouts are available on base. My positions: Pack CC, Roundtable staff, Cub Res. Camp Program Director, jack of all positions,... I am a civillian contractor. If my contract is renewed, I will also be on District council (not sure what position they want me for but have been asked) as well.
  14. I need help finding BSA advertising for Military (AFRTN) radio and television. I have seen some great advertisements in the past but do not know where to get them. AFRTN does NOT run commercial advertisements (except Military exchange and club types) and I would like to get more boys involved here in Korea. I have already tried District/Council. I think the Cubs and Boy Scouts would definately benefit. (Moderator: feel free to move to other section if I have placed in wrong one. This is the best I could find). Thank you for your time.
  15. Welcome to the Virtual Campfire.
  16. Huh?!?!?!?! I am not sure where "All NCS certifications" came from. The thread, and my responses to them, are specifically for CS Day Camp. Camp Director and Program Director are good for five "Seasons" (not years). AS for Cope, Shooting, Conservationist, camp Ranger, Chaplain, Camp Management, ... I have not the foggiest. A seperate thread with those questions may gather you some answers from an approved NCS instructor. Sorry I did not know you wanted a complete NCS quals/certs listing. I do not know where to find it as I have only been to NCS CSDC Program Director school. Rick
  17. OK, But the Scout Law is NOT the same as BP's. My reference is: http://www.inquiry.net/ideals/scout_law/chart.htm and the strange looks I got from saying "12" point to the Law in South America when I was visiting them. I was naive enough to think we used the same Scout Law as BP and the rest of Scouting. I was wrong and shown that I was.
  18. People, I have noted in the posts that some (most)say "no sacrifices". In terms of today, you may be somewhat correct. BUT, the bill will come due on that $$$$$B per day spending that we are doing around the world. We may not be here when it comes due but the Cubs and Scouts we are training may. Also, in case no one has noticed the highly touted "citizenship for fighting" accolades, many of our armed forces are what were formerly known as "illegal (some legal) immagrants" now earning citizenship for wearing the US uniform. We spend more and have a smaller military. Our military CAN NOT go to war without civillians anymore (too many jobs/MOS's/skills eliminated). It is NOT the Democrats or the Republicans, it is the "Americans" that no longer demand accountability of our elected leaders, that accept that to be political they have to be crooked, accept that we will not get what we want without lobbiest (although we get what we deserve, lip service). My $0.02 for what it is worth. Support the troops, they deserve it!! Force congress to be responsible, you paid them for it!!(This message has been edited by ghermanno)
  19. It is in a few places but the one I used was: http://www.nationalcampingschool.net/ where it states in a big box: National Camping School Overview The Boy Scouts of America has developed National Camping Schools to support local councils by training key adult personnel in the best or most well-accepted methods of Scout camping. National Camping Schools follow a national curriculum with emphasis on communicating the mission of the Boy Scouts of America and the purpose of Scout Camping. National Camping School certification is granted for a five-season period to those who satisfactorily complete the training. National Camping School offers training for adults registered with the Boy Scouts of America and employed by a local council.
  20. From "Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership" Website http://www.greenleaf.org/whatissl/index.html "The phrase Servant Leadership was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in The Servant as Leader, an essay that he first published in 1970. In that essay, he said: "The servant-leader is servant first It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessionsThe leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature." "The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant-first to make sure that other peoples highest priority needs are being served. The best test, and difficult to administer, is: Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society? Will they benefit or at least not be further deprived?""
  21. Pack212Scouter, I agree with most of what you said but I respectfully disagree with ""Cm has webelos in a room with the door shut at all meetings with out another adult." Not an issue. Although two-deep is always prefered, that is for outings. No one-on-one applies here and that was adheared to." BSA policy concerning Cubs states "The den leader and assistant den leader (or another adult) attend all den meetings with the Cub Scouts. (At least two adults must be present at all meetings.) Tiger Cub den meetings are also attended by each Tiger Cub's adult partner. Wolf, Bear, and Webelos den meetings are often attended by a den chief, a Boy Scout or Venturer who assists the adult leaders. An activity badge counselor who has been asked to help with a specific badge may also attend a Webelos den meeting. Sometimes, a parent, guardian, or other family member might be asked to help at a specific meeting, but family members do not normally attend Wolf, Bear, or Webelos den meetings." Two deep leadership is the minimum at all times.
  22. Great. My workmail is: Richard.Cormier1@us.army.mil
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