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Everything posted by ghermanno

  1. Sarge, For you and your son, it is what your family decides. The hard part for a lot of Cub Leaders is that the parents are the boys "Akela" for most advancements. It is a family program. Now, if you are asking what to say if a cub asks you about "God", that is different. You must search your heart and ask him/his parents what his/thier feelings are on it. Remember, although it is difficult, with the exception of not believing in a higher power, we as Scouters must accept the parents/Cubs right to believe as they see fit (Christian, Musslim, Jewish, Wicca, ....). Our duty, as Scouters, is not to convert but to let the boys know that they have the right to believe, even if it is different from ours. Guide them, via thier parents, to the people that thier parents want giving them religious training. They should NOT be ashamed nor should they feel anyone else is lesser because they believe different from them. Good luck.
  2. SctDad, Although I agree with what has previously been stated, especially about volunteering, I am curious. Cub Scout Day Camp in December? Most camp schools (NCS included) train for Summer camp. Someone did not train your Camp Director properly. Also, was that the Program Director or the Camp Director? The Program Director is responsible for the Program and the Camp Director is responsible for the Camp (facilities/advertising/funding/and District provided equipment). Best bet for next year is to volunteer early, plan early (plan for worst and hope for best), and get as many helpers as you can.
  3. Toby, So you are saying that the "students" should tell the intructors what is wrong and teach the "students" Wood Badge Scoutcraft? That, of course, assumes the "student" knows what the WB curriculum has to offer before taking the course. Curious. Maybe BSA could think of a course for that??? Maybe call it "Wood Badge" as BP once did for Scoutcraft as he assumed they were leaders but could use help on Scoutcraft? Just my $0.02 Rick(This message has been edited by ghermanno)
  4. As rpushies stated, the courses are now simular. Having been ins Scouting off and on since '79 as an adult, I looked forward to WB. After having attended the course, I feel more like quiting Scouting than I ever did. I thought, as BP once told, that WB was training for the adult to learn what the boy needed (ie SCOUTCRAFT). It was closer to a "Covey" management course. We had one person in group, very nice person, with less than 0ne year as a Tiger Den Leader. He can now earn his beads and be a WB experienced "pro" before he has two years in. He still does NOT completely understand the Cub Program (much less the BOY Scout program) but will wear the beads. You, ask if adding more courses to the WB beads degrades it? Not to National. They want more bead holders regardless of thier knowlege/esperience level. Will other adults look up to WB beads again? Doubtfull when some of them know more than the "beaded one". emb021 says that "Eagle was designed for ages 11-13". I would be hard pressed to name an 11 year old Eagle. But I guess the new rules might make it possible. Would make the old Eagles proud of the work they did for thiers. Guess that should shame the boys that are near 18 and still finishing thier Eagles eh? I will "earn" my beads, but I doub t I will ever wear them as there was NO Scoutcraft taught, the participants left without ever filling out a duty roster and have no idea why they are important. the only thing campwise that was used was cooking for self and staff (only meals that were on time) and we used the same cook most times due to no roster. Just appears to me that National is trying to take the "Outing" out of Scouting again. I say again in reference to the 70's "Inner City handbook" that was such a hit. Rick WB Owl Patrol.
  5. As a recent graduate of Gilwell phase I (26 Oct 08) I can definately say I will be working my ticket if I can. I used to be an Owl, A good old Owl too, But now I'm finished Owl-ing, I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble, and I can Owl no more, So I'm going to work my ticket if I can. Back to Gilwell happy land, (WHOO-WHOO) I'm going to work my ticket if I can. Rick OWL Patrol WE1-803-2-08 Edited for typos (hope I caught them all).(This message has been edited by ghermanno)
  6. Buffalo Skipper, If you have the time, and the inclanation, why not sponsor a Webeloree? That opens it up to the whole District (you did say inter-Pack). Takes a little more time in setting up but you can set stations (i.e.: fitness (races/jumps/...) Pioneering (lashes/knots/whittleing chip) ... This way it like a mini Jamboree but events are not as dificult (you are dealing with Cubs, not First Class Scouts) but challenging and some are just for fun. As previously stated, this will also be determined by Troop size and how you will staff (just you Troop or staff from whole district). As a "Distict Event", you may add Archery &/or BB to your Webeloree (you can't for just a local function). Just my $0.02. YiS, Rick
  7. AnniePoo, You stated:"We camp the Webelos once a month, at a different location each time (state parks mostly). This seems just about right, and if I camp in between with my family once a month, then I get to camp every other weekend!!!" Does your Boy Scout Troop camp every other weekend? If not, what are the boys looking forward to? I thought the "norm" would be once a quarter if possible. Camping every month is beyond Webelos level and definately into BS area. I am sure the boys love it but it takes away from the boy scout camping experience in my opinion if the boy does it ALL the time while a Webelos. What if the BS Troop schedules a hike instead...
  8. GW's right. 10 1/2 & AOL or Graduate 5th OR 11 years old. If the mom wants him to be in Boy Scouting, no problem. You might want her to learn the 12 points and what HONEST means (13?). But other than that, tell the SM to be careful, she might be looking for someone to file suite on... Rick
  9. ghermanno


    Manyhats, Most of the replies are pretty good. The photo collage, coin, ect. In keeping with the persons wish to remain anonomous, I would think the photo collage (include some of the things his/her donations have allowed like summercamp) and, if the boys are young (Cubs) you might include hand-prints or if the boys are older, a coin in the display. The title "Thanks" would be all that is needed. They remain anonomous and they recieve a personal thank you. Just my $0.02 Rick
  10. Wow! Glad my District is sticking to the UC's real job of Unit health. I just got drafted (blindsided) for a UC position with 3 Troops and 3 Packs. Hard enough keeping up with problems in the Unit never mind individual boys. It is the CC, SM/CM, and ASM/DL's job to keep the boys active and to find out the problems with individuals, it is the UC's task to find problems with the Program and Training of the Units so that they can offer the best Program for the boys. If they tasked me with calls to boys or pushing PopCorn/FOS, I would say "Good Bye" and they would be short another UC.
  11. Korea District plans on participating. We have a Camporee going on the same weekend and have invited some HAMS from the bases. Hope to see you out there if we get on. Rick
  12. Welcome to the virtual Campfire. Pull up a log and grab a cup of Coffee. Rick
  13. I am guessing that you are the CM? If so, the basic SOP you should consider should be who/what/when for certain items (popcorn machine rental, christmas tree deliveries,..) as Den and Pack meetings are prety much covered as far as SOP in Basic Leader Training. This biggest thing for continuity, is to ensure your replacement is trained and has a chance to get their feet wet before throwing them headfirst into unknown waters. I have been trying to emphasise this with my own SM's, CM's and CC's. Our job is NOT to be irreplaceable but to train our successors and learn for the boy's enjoyment. Taking on too many hats or not sharing the tasks/responabilities trains no one and leaves everyone saying "I don't know, so & so always did it him/herself". That is the WORST gift to leave your fellow leaders with. Rick
  14. You've got pretty much the "eyedear" LOL (Originnaly from MA) Rick
  15. knitwitmom, OK. If you will pmail me a contact (email or otherwise), I will get the info out at District Training the 20th. Our boys are Americans stationed in South Korea. No promisses as you know how boys can be (as well as leaders) but I will get the word out if you like. Rick
  16. knitwitmom, Have you looked here? They have the "Flat Stanley" project going on now. Are there an particulars you are looking for? (example: spanish/asian/Euopean, only outside US/only inside US....)
  17. Eammon, I feel for you sir. I started Roundtable here at the Army base because no one wanted to travel the one hour plus trip every month (each way) to a District Committee meeting labled "Roundtable". The locals say they want training and RT (but don't want to bother even showing up). I now fill the Resident Camp Program Director, district Roundtable Staff, Unit Commissioner for six units, as well as general go to-it person. It is time for others to step-up for volunteer positions. Otherwise they can lament the loss of opportunity for a program they wanted but didn't have time for. They are NOT the only ones that are busy. We have lives too. My $0.02. Rick
  18. GKlose, You had me until: "(I feel pretty safe saying this here, because I doubt she reads this forum, but this den leader was the same mom that had her kid in non-scout daycamp all summer and didn't send him to scout camp for a week)." I'm sorry, but in case you never read the 12 points to Boy Scout Law (BSA) and I appologize if I misspell any but I am doing this at the keyboard, not from book, "Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Curteous, Kind, Obiedient, Cheerfull, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent" does NOT include "Backstabbing or gossip". I think the person you refer to deserves an appology. Rick
  19. OK Somehow this is getting personnal. We ALL risk just about everything everytime we have an event. We all know the risks of the "Suit Happy American". If you read the "Handbook for Boys" versus the new "BSA Handbook" you will see that a LOT has changed. I would NEVER consider teaching a boy "WiddlyPeg". Nor would I suggest that they learn to tie a sheath knife to a pole for a spear (most Councils that I have worked with do not allow sheath knives). Society is changing and we are changing with it but proclaiming that we keep the aims of the past ourdoorsman. I wonder what BP would have thought about selling a camp to ensure that professional scouters would have money in "endowments" for thier pay.... It is NOT personnal. It is society... Ain't it great that we can blame the "Society"? Rick
  20. CLD 1, 2, 3, & 4 Oct 83 Webelos Outdoor Experience 83 Cub Scout Leadership 91 Cub Scout Day Camp Program Director (NCS) 91 BSA Fundamentals 95 CLBT 08 Baloo 08 Resident Camp Program Director 08 Also in 08 I hope to be taking Woodbadge, Resident Camp Program Director (NCS), and any training I can get on being a Unit commissioner (assigned last Saturday). Rick
  21. I may be wrong but I believe the 9-iron was blessed but not sacred. I LOVED the movie (Dogma) and found Compass to be a good kids movie with adventure. ASM915, have you seen the movie or read the books? I am curious as this is the same reason I started reading Harry Potter back around 2000. The religious "we know betters" tried to BAN the books from schools and public libraries. They never read the books either.
  22. Welcome back. Pull up a chair to the "virtual campfire". Just remember, when/if the beauracracy(sp?) starts wearing on you, we do it for the kids. Our only paycheck is in the smiles and pride in watching a young man develop from a young boy. Rick
  23. Merlyn_Leroy, How does a "Wiccan" profess belief in Wicca and not the God/Goddess or the dual aspect of divinity? (This message has been edited by ghermanno)
  24. Wow, A lot of talk over someone else's little girl getting pregnant. Even more aguing over the AGE??? FYI: I was married in Nov 77. I was 17 (my wife was 18). NO, she was NOT pregnant. We are still married (although I am not sure why she puts up with me) after 30 years. Age should not be the defining factor, maturity should be. Pro choice/anti-abortion... Start your own thread.
  25. Danish Eagle, Thanks for the link. I enjoyed it thouroughly. Rick
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