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Everything posted by GernBlansten

  1. Never been to a Jamboree. I hear they are great. But I don't like crowds, I don't like hassles. Never one for Disneyland or music feastivals or political rallys. We got a crew for Philmont in 2010. Easy choice for me. If eagle son really wants to go to Jamboree, I guess we'll figure out how to make it happen, but I'm just as happy to see him pumped about going back to Philmont. For us, Philmont may run us $800 each since we already have all the gear and we are 3 hours driving from it.
  2. The only thing universal about our health care system, is that everyone universally agrees its messed up in its current state. I hear solutions being presented from the Dems, but nothing from the Republicans. Only arguments against the Dem plans. Now would be a great time for the Republicans to present a working solution. Single payer seems like the best compromise. It ain't socialized medicine. Its one giant health insurance plan. Medical providers are still private enterprises. Spread the risk across 300 million. Release private business from the burden of paying for medical insurance of their employees. Eliminate the profit motive on medical procedure approvals. Simplify the billing and rate structure. No more Bill McGuires making $1.1 Billion bonuses. True free market health care would lower costs for those who can pay, but are Americans really ready to step over the dying poor and elderly in the streets?
  3. I'm doubting the validity of any oath taken if it includes their name, and the plea for help. It doesn't comply with the Constitution.
  4. But from what I've read, zero have taken the oath as prescribed by the US Constitution.
  5. Hey Beavah! These guys won't understand why we label them as wingnuts!
  6. Clever method of the righties is when confronted with a claim that someone like Hannity is way off the scale on the right, they present a rather middle of the road example of Stephanopolis as an example of the extreme left. That gives the impression that somewhere in between them is the middle. Obviously skewed to the right a bit. Now if they had chosen someone way left, say Hugo Chavez, then they might be right, or center. I'm not fooled.
  7. I must admit, I am experiencing a bit of Schadenfreude watching the reaction to the Obama Administration. I hope it lasts.
  8. If history serves me, it was Hank Paulson who requested and engineered the bailout. Paulson works for Bush. Bush lobbied for it. McCain suspended his campaign to help pass it. Trying to lay the bailout soley on the democrats is a bit untrustworthy.
  9. Cutting a check to a charity is not the only way to accomplish public service. Its often the way those just too busy or important to get their hands dirty. Some people think public service is just that, serving the public. Like being a Senator, or community organizer. I'm one of them.
  10. I've previously stated that dissent is good. Look at what happened without it. From 2000 to 2006, Bush had a rubberstamp congress. He got everything he wanted without challenge. Zero vetos. Dissent, if at all present, was silenced or ignored. Now Obama faces an equally agreeable congress who can give him everything he wants. Will he ignore his opponents as Bush did, or will he welcome debate and dissent. That has yet to be determined. Hoping he fails isn't a good start to working together for a solution.
  11. Ann Coulter wrote a book titled "Treason". Her basic premise, that liberals who don't support the president's agenda are guilty of treason. What Rush did does qualify under her terms.
  12. Scouting is gay? Well, they haven't read the rules. I do hear "band is gay". Often, usually by the sports guys. One must understand the 100% commitment to marching band that is required. Marching requires everyone attend, every practice and performance. If you ain't there, there's a hole in the formation and a sound missing. It effects the entire band, not just your section. Kids miss sometimes and it degrades the entire performance. That's why band directors demand commitment. Compare that to football. You might be in a critical position like quarterback, but the team has a plan when you are injured or can't play. Band doesn't have backup positions.
  13. When Rush was pontificating against Bush policies, did he indicate he hoped Bush fail?
  14. Limbaugh told his listeners that he was asked by a major American print publication to offer a 400-word statement explaining his hope for the Obama presidency. Rush said, "I dont need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails." This isn't dissent. Dissent is "I don't like anything he stands for and his policies will fail." What Limbaugh said is subversive, bordering on treason. Can you imagine the uproar if some lefty pundit said, "I hope Bush fails". I do remember the righties saying, "We are at war, you might disagree with Bush, but you must support him. Anything less, is treason." What's different now? I'm not an angry winner. I'm just pointing out sore losers. Seeing if they like some of the medicine they've been dishing out for 8 years.
  15. Yes, dissent, but not subvert. You all sound like petulant school yard children who aren't getting to play the games they want so they go about and break the equipment, disrupt the games and generally make $%#@s out of themselves. The nation chose a different direction Nov 4th. You had your way for 8 years and we are reaping what you have sowed. The least you can do is give the other team a chance to fix it. Is being subversive what you teach your scouts about citizenship?
  16. Some of us just believe that our country is in such a mess that chasing down these ghosts to satisfy a few moonbats (who won't be satisfied with any answer but the one they seek) is not a good use of our time.
  17. Are you moving to France then? I was hoping I didn't have to use this yet, but "America, Love it or Leave it".
  18. An analogy. Two lieutenants are in a battle. There are two distinct strategies to winning the battle. Each lieutenant holds one of those views. A new commander comes and decides which strategy to use. One lieutenant supports the commander's decision and does everything in his power to make it succeed. The other states "I hope he fails" and spreads dissent amongst the troops and does everything in his power to see to it he fails. Which lieutenant is patriotic?
  19. Brent, Do you think Rush wants to work with or against the current administration to pull America out of this death spiral?
  20. That's what Rush Limbaugh said the day after President Obama took the oath of office. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Dissent is good, it moderates, it enables debate. But wishing the leader of our country to fail isn't dissent, its fatalism. Its ideology over nation. When Bush was in power, I never heard the left say "I hope Bush fails". I heard lots of calls that he had failed, but never hoping he would fail. It's quite the distinction. Our nation is in dire straights. If Obama fails, there won't be a nation to rebuild. Clearly, Rush never wore a scout uniform.
  21. While we were at Philmont, there was a charter bus company who was taking scouts to Albq airport and I assume Raton. Don't have the name, but I bet a call to Philmont can get you it.
  22. Its easy to remember Ms. Rice. Chevron named a supertanker after her.
  23. Fair enough. But that wouldn't make President Obama (I do like the ring of that) mathmatically challenged, but historically challenged. Or at the very least, presidential trivia challenged. Back on topic, shouldn't the oath be administered as directed by the constitution without edit or addition?
  24. Well, then I also must be mathmatically ignorant too. Isn't Obama the 44th president, so it would logically follow that only 44 men have taken the oath? Not counting re-elections where one man might have taken the oath twice or in the case of FDR, 4 times.
  25. With all the flap over who flubbed what and the do-over in private without a Bible, I decided it was time to review the source document requiring the oath to be issued. US Constitution, Article 2, Section 1 Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." So no mention of the president's name, a Bible, or so help me God. I thought Bush chose Roberts because he was a Constitutional Originalist. Wouldn't you expect an orginalist to give the oath as dictated by the Constitution with no additions or retractions? We have some Constitutional originalists here on this forum, what do think about this?
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