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Everything posted by GernBlansten

  1. I would think that you would welcome the commission. Nothing disinfects like sunshine. If Bush and his band of brothers did nothing wrong, this commission would do nothing more than clean up his legacy.
  2. I suppose you could buy another sash, then open the seam at the bottom of the old sash and add some from the new sash there. Also, for a MB sash, wouldn't that glue work ok to attach the badges? I know the stuff ruins shirts, but you only wear the sash at ceremonial events and never wash it, so the badge goo might work fine.
  3. Urban legend. I heard it from our district Eagle dude at a EBOR too. But he was wrong. He was wrong on several other things too. But he believed it and that was enough for him to keep propogating the legend. No Eagle award has ever been revoked, although membership in BSA after the award was granted has been.
  4. Torture, federal prosecutor firings, rendition, warrantless wiretaps, who ordered the outing of a CIA agent for a start. After that, lets find out if Dick Cheney was really drunk when he shot that lawyer. Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!
  5. That is the brilliance of Leahy. He knows he cannot investigate the crimes, but he can expose them. Public outcry should force Holders hand to prosecute. Who cares if its politically motivated? Its correct and overdue. Let the hearings begin. I'll make popcorn.
  6. If crimes were committed, the perps should be prosecuted. If no crimes were committed, then what do they have to worry about? If we don't prosecute the perps, what's to keep this administration from doing the same thing?
  7. Vaccines just make sense. Inject dead virus into the subject so the body builds resistance to the live virus without danger of infection. Every time I got a flu shot, I didn't get the flu that season. Every time I got the flu, I didn't get the flu shot that season.
  8. We bareboat charter in the BVI and found that provisioning there was easy and not too expensive. I expect the USVI even cheaper as they have Walmart. Last trip we did bring steaks down since beef was expensive and not very good there. Chicken and fish were readily available. We froze the steaks and packed them in disposable styro coolers wrapped in duct tape. Checked them as baggage. I fully expected to arrive and find just pieces of styro (assuming that the baggage handlers and customs guys would have a nice BBQ), but they made it just fine. They lasted three or four days on the boat without refrigeration.
  9. We live in the most conservative and wealthiest county in the state and we failed to pass our school bond last election too. The school district is now in dire financial straights. They are considering cancelling bus routes, layoffs, going to a 4 day school week, cancelling all sports until junior year, band becomes self funded. Yes, we are moving to a time when scouting and EC school activities may be on a priority equilibrium.
  10. Everything I know about science I learned from Star Trek. Remember in TNG when they started having problems with the fabric of space and determined it was caused by warp drive tearing it apart. In 2370, the Hekaran scientist Serova discovered that the use of conventional warp engines caused damage to the fabric of spacetime. The Federation Council imposed a speed limit of warp factor 5 on all Federation vessels in all but extreme emergency cases, such as medical emergencies. (TNG: "Force of Nature", "Eye of the Beholder") Just goes to prove, that some technologies have unintended consequences.
  11. If you can't leave the bottle at home, then you should stay home also. I feel the same about tobacco, but I'm not addicted so I can't say how hard that would be. At one camp at Philmont, staff told me that the previous week they had a stray backpack at one of the cabins. They opened it to try and find its owner and found to bottles of hooch. Needless to say, the owner was escorted off property.
  12. Oh Vol-scouter, you are in for a treat. I hope you have a sense of humor and understand satire. Colbert did the press dinner a few years ago for Bush, the one they lampoon each other. His speech was a riot, but perhaps a bit close to the bone. Not too many laughs from the head table. He was never asked to do it again.
  13. Government spending on established, budgeted programs like Medicare, defense, NASA, welfare, etc. are not pork. Spending on anything else is. Faith based programs, the I35 bridge replacement, the war in Iraq, stem cell research, abstinence only programs, the dog park in Chula Vista, broadband to rural areas, alternative energy, that's all pork. If the government is gonna open up the treasury to stimulate the economy, isn't it better to at least help build America stronger at the same time? Rather than just give it to a bunch of rich guys to pay off bad debt?
  14. Most economists agree that deficit spending is necessary during times of economic crisis. But Bush was deficit spending when there was no need. He simply kept granting tax cuts and deficits to stoke a false economy and pay for an ill-conceived war. Never in our history have we had tax cuts during a time of war. Look at where we are. I've already said the entire stimulus package is pork. That's what a stimulus package is. Spending. Either in the form of tax cuts/rebates (pork for the people/corporations) or highway programs (pork for the masses). Its still spending and all spending is pork.
  15. Had Bush not run record deficits and followed a borrow and spend agenda, Obama wouldn't be painted into the corner like this.
  16. Yup. But the BSA office doesn't occupy high tax potential real estate, at least in my council. And their ain't several BSA offices per square mile. In our current financial crisis, shouldn't we be looking at all potential revenue streams to offset service costs?
  17. So if the terrorists don't fall under our laws or the Geneva convention, what restricts our behavior? Our own morality and ethics? There are no rules. What makes waterboarding ok in that case, but not pulling their fingernails off? Or to the extreme, drawing and quartering them. The argument I'm hearing is that these combatants are not entitled to any codified treatment standards.
  18. In our Philmont contigent, one of the adult advisors from a neighboring troop worked as a program director for the company that provides video services to national hotel chains. One of his job responsibilities was to select which adult entertainment would be offered. A parent in his unit found out, and tried to have him thrown out of BSA.
  19. Pack, I'll save a spot between me and the dogs for you. Well, perhaps on the other side of the dogs. They have been very good to me. I'm sure you will understand. Ohio? We can stack.
  20. Their excuses seem plausible. I'm the kinda guy that when faced with uncertainty, will give him the benefit of the doubt. Until proven guilty of course.
  21. Well, thankfully, it should eliminate any conservatives from consideration, since they HATE taxes more than anyone.
  22. So if waterboarding isn't torture, you'd be ok with the government performing it on your children if they deemed that they had information they think they needed.
  23. Its so refreshing to have an articulate and intelligent POTUS. I agree with everything Obama said in the article. That makes me more patriotic than anyone who disagrees with me.
  24. I think all the liberal judges will take this 4 years as an opportunity to retire. Put in fresh blood like Bush was able to do with Roberts and Alito. Now that Hillary is Sec of State, takes that name out of the hat, or does it? How about Bill? Heck, if Bush thought Harriet Myers was ready, then just about anybody is qualified. I'd like to see Kucinich considered.
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