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George Az

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    Northern Az

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  1. Well, there is another question. Formal written proof. My mother, now past, saved my scount handbook,all my merit badge cards, promotion record book and many patches including 2 pocket flaps (one being a special anniversary patch). I might have a camp roster or something else with some names. I am trying to remember things 30 years ago. I am not lying, maybe I could find my old scoutmaster? Or someone from the lodge kept written records? The digital age is pretty good for some things - communication like this for one. My next step would be to contact the original lodge? Hey remember me?
  2. I was tapped out in 1978 and subsequently marched out into the woods. I participated with other O/A candidates in several weekends of work at Camp Seminole in S. Florida in 1979. By June 1980 I went into the military. I went back into scouting in 92 for a while as an Asst. Scoutmaster, but O/A wasn't a big deal with that troop so I didn't really get into it again. I recently returned to scouting again. Now, from what I am reading O/A has changed dramatically. Change doesn't really matter to me one way or another. But, I am grateful for my experiences, especially my solo challenge. You just never know how that type of thing pays off until you really are alone in the middle of nowhere. It was a more personal experience that was very beneficial to me. It was an honor to be tapped out because as a Boy Scout, my troop did not elect members very often. I guess my question is am I allowed back? I know this is a "boy led" program, but is reentry or adult participation possible? Or is it necessary to be voted or asked back? No pocket flap for me? Even my one old one?
  3. I recently returned to Scouting. I was a scout from 73-80 (Life)/(O/A), N/E Georgia and S. Florida Councils. Camp Staff Lone Oak Florida 1978. Asst. Scoutmaster San Diego Council Troop 324 in 92. My adult uniform is older but still fits (being grateful for the little things). I have been reading here a lot. Many things have changed and are changing. Nice site, thanks for having me.
  4. I went to scoutstuff, I had to have a look. Is the new(est) shirt, the poly/wool blend "dry clean only"?
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