Hi everyone...I'm a Scoutmaster who needs some unbiased opinions. Yesterday, I received an email from our advancement coordinator. One of our Life Scouts had emailed him a first draft of his idea for his Eagle project. It was obviously a first draft...missing a lot of information. However, there was one section that bothers me greatly. In the Project Description, he described his project...who it benefited, what he was doing, etc. But the last sentence was a doozy.
"I strongly suggest you approve this project. If you do, you will find a nice paycheck under your chair and if not, you will find a small needle in your arm full of cyanide that I have the power to activate."
So I'm thinking a) what an incredible lack of common sense and maturity to put that on the form. b) complete lack of respect/understanding of the Eagle Scout project and rank. I'm not signing off on this kid's project. This is a Scout who is 15 and a Sophmore in high school. Yes, I would count him as one of my more immature Scouts. If someone's doing something "un-Scoutworthy" on an outing or at a meeting, he's not leading but he's most likely participating.
What would you do in this situation? My initial reaction is to let him and his parents know I don't plan on signing off on his project and he's got a LOT of maturing to do before I'll consider approving any project he proposes.