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Everything posted by gcnphkr

  1. Fox News had the the flag presentation going in the back ground about a half hour before McCain and Palin came out. They did okay, nothing special. They then hung around the side for a while. I was surprised that they ended up behind the speakers. They should have left or at least gotten out of the spot light. I can understand wanting to stick around, I've been a Palin fan for a while now, but they should have either been off camera or removed their shirt. I know that sounds odd, but most of the scouts in our troop wear their activity t-shirt under their field shirt.
  2. I pointed out that travel would be an issue. For me, this was the scouts choice. They new there would be issues and chose it over other camps. I wish more scouts had come up with ideas themselves. But Ben Delatour came from them, not from adults. Likely a major reason I did not push back on it when it came up. But the committee was fairly negative on the idea, more than I expected. The program issues related to safety at the archery range back in 2003 and a lack of merit badge offerings. No mention of it being a mill (I do try to avoid these when possible--becoming harder to do though). I've no idea about the realities of the program. One adult that went thought it was good, another thought it was horrible. I find the summer camp selection one of the more unpleasant things to do. Next year I may ask the committee to give me a few options that the scouts can choose from, otherwise we will go with what the scouts come up with.
  3. We presented the calendar to the Committee on Tuesday for approval. They have concerns with Ben Delatour. Both the distance and the quality of the program. So the search continues. Thanks for the other Colorado camps and Camp Frank Rand/Gorham Scout Ranch. I'll look into them.
  4. Meteu, I can not tell you for certain why the sash is only worn when you are acting as an Arrowman. They may be found in early documents, but likely the original reason is lost. I can give you some possibilities. Take them for what they are worth, educated guesses. The most obvious reason is that constant wear cheapens the sash, it makes it common and no longer special. This is certainly the case when it is worn at anything with the only reason being to brag. Remember, the OA is based on cheerful service and service should always be done with humility. The most likely reason goes back to traditions outside of the OA and Scouting. The sash symbolizes the binding of the wearer to the Order. That is a very powerful symbol. When you wear the sash it indicates that you are acting as a bondsman of the Order and by its authority. If I were to wear the sash during a COH then when I present an award or honor I would be doing it as an Arrowman, not as the Scoutmaster of the troop. Unfortunately, modern culture has weak symbols, and the old ones are treated poorly. The elders have not passed on their importance as they should have.
  5. "ursus, my question was to Jet. I do not see how he can anticipate that a Scout will know which adult has had what training or would be knowlegdeable in this area." I'm a bit confused. I was responding to Stosh's solution of letting the scout ask whoever they want. As for your question: "how is a scout going to know that?" I would not expect a Scout to have any idea who knows about what is involved in an Eagle project or in completing the paperwork. Typically the scout comes to me and asks what he should do. I'll generally give him an answer and let them know about the advisor who can help him as well. Some use the advisor, some still come to me, and some go it alone.
  6. "Why not instead of assigning some arbitrary person, hypothetically, just for fun...-> let the boy take the lead and pick who he feels is best qualified to answer his questions?" I can think of one major reason, to help the scout avoid getting bad advice from the wrong person. Granted there is a lesson there, but is it really needed?(This message has been edited by jet526)
  7. "Of course it is just a personal opinion, but one would think that it's about time that the responsibility of the Eagle Project should be handed over to the scout at some point." Why do you think this is not the case even with the SM or ESC? What do you think they are doing that is preventing the scout from doing what he needs to do?
  8. We've started rotating between Raymond, Lawton and Geronimo (2009's choice). Most 1st-2nd years go to the local camp. We don't allow them to go out of state until they have been to a local camp--unless they bring a parent along. The last thing you want is a scout who can't handle a week away from mom when you are 500-1000 miles from her. Third years tend to go to both and by the time they get to 4th year they only go out of state if they are not on staff or no longer care. It is remarkably hard to get scouts to go to a place no one has been before. About the best resources the various camps have are their leader guides. But they are boring. If more camps would put out videos or good slide shows they would get more scouts to be interested in them. I'm looking forward to Ben Delatour. My brother is in the Denver Area Council so we may be able to convince him and his son to join us. If not, the family will likely take a second vehicle (our van is the "troop van") and continue our vacation from there. I like the idea of the train. That would certainly be the way to go if we every go to the Northwest or out East. It would be great for a trip to Sea Base.
  9. You can't take a laptop to a kybo. The wife is willing to give up her copy.
  10. I agree. 550 is about max. One of the scouters who went in 2003 said they had two drivers in each car so they could go further. I was surprised, the permit is clear that the ten hours is with multiple drivers and that single drivers shouldn't drive that long. At ten hours a day we can still see a lot. But there is so much to see between here and there it seems like a waste to just drive by. Of course mapping software picks the dullest routes.
  11. Eamonn, The role of the Eagle counselor, at least as explained in our councils WEagle packet, is to have someone i the unit who is thoroghly knowledgeable in the process to act as a resource for the scout in completeing his paperwork and preparing for the board and court. Shouldn't this be the Scoutmaster? It might be. I'm happy to answer their questions. As long as they are able to wait as I do all the other things that a SM does. Or the 14 Life Scouts can go over to my ESC (a competent ASM in his own right) where they can get their questions answered by someone who is not distracted by other demands on his time. I don't consider the ESC a mentoring position. But the ESC is a resource that the scout can go to to get his questions answered, run ideas by and check his work. Some scouts make use of the ESC, others don't. In general they will encounter less frustration if they use him.
  12. I can't speak to the smaller sizes, but at least the fat guy legs can be taken off with my boots on. They are wide pant legs. It cost me $8 to have them hemmed.
  13. They ended up deciding to go to Ben Delatour in Colorado. About twice as far as I was hoping but the white water rafting beat out Emerald Bay. Now the big decision will be to push through and do the drive in two days or enjoy the trip and take three or four.
  14. BW: "In fact if you look at different images of the knot on various badges and in various images you will see that is it does not always look the same." In the early emblems they are obviously symbolic, not being a real knot at all. In the green patch years it is nothing more than a loop with the rope just wrapped around. You are right that they are symbolic and it is a ridiculous question to ask. Which makes me want to ask it at the next Eagle SMC. I do love seeing the look of panic as they think I'm serious.
  15. We are changing the way we do Den Chiefs. We had two Cubmasters and a Pack Committee Chair crossover this year. They are now ASMs responsible for our pack relations. One handles the Den Chief training for the Troop (I like the idea of asking the DL's to do the online training so they understand the position). The other two keep in touch with the packs so that we have a better idea of what we can do to help them. They also will coach the DCs. So far we are just getting started. We hope add 4 more DCs to cover the Webelos Dens. We will try to get down to Bear and Wolf Dens as well. Hopefully as we get more DCs in the packs the Cubs will aspire to be one themselves when the time comes.
  16. It is a type of overhand on a bight making a hitch. I doubt it has a formal name because it is a needlessly complicated and relatively useless knot. Make a bight and tie an overhand knot in it (Not a slip knot, be careful). Now run the bight through the ring and bring it back down through the knot. You may need to jigger it a bit to make it look right, but it does work. I've no idea what you would use it for other than making a big loop on a ring.(This message has been edited by jet526)
  17. "So . . . if I had a popular, but skill-less senior Scout who is destined to be PL of a new patrol being formed, and I parked his patrol several hundred feet away from adult resources so that his patrol mates had to rely on his (and their) lack of skills . . . there might be some whole new attitudes toward learning skills and toward him, come Monday night." Didn't William Golding write the manual for this form of scouting?
  18. Well, he made if phone calls and got every one to sign again. He's finishing his requirement 6 narrative. He should be ready for the September BOR.(This message has been edited by jet526)
  19. Thank you, John. Camp Fleischmann looks great. It is a bit further away then I was hoping, but it does look like it would be worth the trip. Mataguay has one of the better leader guides I've seen. I like that it has conflict warnings in it, which would make it easier. I honeymooned in Julian. I like the area but I'm a bit concerned about the heat in July. Here in Arizona 3200 ft is very low, but it may be close enough to the ocean to take the edge off. I like that they have a class for non or beginning swimmers. Even here in Arizona we have a few that scouts that have never learned to swim and that requirement becomes a true mountain for them to overcome. So many camps ignore these scouts. I'll add it to the list of suggestions for the PLC. They just don't seem to look and end up going were they've been before. Last year the adults rebelled about the council camp and told the PLC they could choose any camp in the state except the one they had been to 5 years in a row. After camp one of the most common thorns was that they probably would not be able to go back to the new camp next summer. Too many good camps, too few vacation days.
  20. Does anyone have any suggestions for camps in the SW US. We generally go to an out of state camp each Summer. This summer we went to Thunder Ridge and Beaver High Adventure Base in Utah. Prior to that is was Whitsett/Emerald Bay rotation. We had hoped to go to Alaska next summer but with travel costs up and a number of scouts going to NOAC or Jambo we are needing to keep the total cost down some. Cherry Valley is one option as is Circle X. How does Cherry Valley compare with Emerald Bay? What about Circle X with Whitsett? Obviously Cherry Valley and Emerald Bay would be on the high end of our budget. Are there any other recommendation in the area? We would like to keep it within 650 miles of Phoenix to keep it to a single day of travel each way. So camps near Yosemite or south would work. SW Colorado camps could work as well as would most of New Mexico. Thank you.
  21. "Follow Me, Boys!" of course. My boys really like it.
  22. ScoutNut, how do you define "a period"? Is it possible to have a noncontiguous period?
  23. "The requirement says it has to be within 'a six month period'." I never noticed this before. But it sure looks right. There is a definite change in the wording from Star and Life. It is not normally an issue, but could be with a recent Eagle. I didn't notice and his application has cleared both the District and Council's processes. It has only been two weeks since his BOR, so not enough time to be kicked by national. Fortunately he will complete the six months in one more month and will not have aged out if it does. This would prevent him from earning a palm though.
  24. "How long will it be before the current olive green Merit Badge sash is no longer worn by Boy Scout youth?" HAHAHA! Trick question. They don't wear the olive green merit badge sash now, they wear the OA sash instead. The only time you see a merit badge sash is on the table in the back of the room at an ECOH right next to the Webelos colors w/activity pins and the Cub Scout belt filled with loops. (This message has been edited by jet526)
  25. All this information we have is from marketing. We have the promotional and product photos for the shirts and blouses which are consistent in placing it on the pocket flap. Then we have the Trained Emblem's product description, which is a clear cut and paste from the old description. What we don't have is any sort of supplement for the Insignia Guide giving details about the new uniform. Until then it is all speculation. "With the general confusion over the "trained" patch, now might be a good time to do away with it and bring back the short-lived trend from the 70's that designated trained leaders with a fully embroidered POR." Your wish is my command: http://members.cox.net/jtreat/images/Trained_Scoutmaster.jpg
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