Thanks Q
I have a meeting Wednesday evening with our Youth Director to do our First Presentation to her, and from there I am hoping that by next Sunday we can do our Presentation to our Youth. Coffee, I bet, my wife and two kids will appreciate that plan, so I guess the rest of the Venturer's will probably like the plan as well.
We don't learn to exceed except by learning to make mistakes along the way. We have another married couple that have shown an interest and haven't quite yet determined if they will fit better in the committee or as VP's, they have toddlers so I am leaning toward committee with them.
My fear with our Troop Committee is funds. I presented an exceptional fund raiser to get our Crew kicked off with all of supplies we need to my Troop Committee and my Committee Chairman immediatally said great, 1/2 the funds raised could go to the Troop. Crushed my spirits right away because I had already sat down and determined how much we could raise, short of our contribution to the District, how all those funds were going to be spent to get us started, 1/2 those funds gone meant our Trailer was going to be gone or 1/2 our supplies would be gone.
My plan is I am going to ask our Youth Leader to be our Committee Chairman and if she accepts then build our committee from there. Because this way she will feel she maintains some level of input even though this is a Crew led program. We can then fill in the remainder of the Committee with Crew Parents.
I think we have an exceptional plan for the Uniform and my Daughter and Son are all over it working together on it. Their plan is a Team approach with Jearsey's with Their First names across the backs and the number 71 then on the side we will put the Crew 71 Patch. We are also going to have a Hoddie Done.
We are excited, and I hope that our excitment and with the help of our Crews in the Area Getting together we can help start more Crews and build this great program in Central Arkansas.