Hi. I'm supporting the First Aid Merit Badge operation on the Merit Badge Midway at the 2005 National Jamboree. Here are a few items that might help you:
- Merit Badge Midway is located adjacent to the Public Parking Area.
- It will be open for merit badge instruction during the scheduled "Activity" sessions, daily from 9:00am - 5:00pm, with a lunch break [except for Sunday, when it opens after lunch because of morning Chapel activities.
- Each Merit Badge is sponsored by somebody (Army, Air Force, volunteers, etc.) and they determine how to schedule classes and counseling to support the individual Merit Badge requirements.
- Generally, you'll find that these activities are either free for the Scout-participant, or might require a small fee for materials (it varies, but normally the sponsor covers this in most cases).
- They are normally "first-come/first-served," so I highly recommend you tell your Scouts to seek out the Merit Badges they need/want and if possible, show up; sign up [Aviation MB requires an orientation class, which is taught three times per day, followed by individual counseling with a pilot, for instance]; and get it done.
- Some requirements are very difficult to meet at the Jamboree. Some MB's might require more time to complete than the Scout wishes to spend at the Jamboree. They can receive partial credit to take home with them, or they can complete many on-site.
- For First Aid Merit Badge, for instance (Army-sponsored with American Red Cross assistance), we'll be operating in a round-robin fashion, where Scouts who know their First Aid might be able to complete their MB requirements in a day. Others might take a little longer...
- Remember that the Merit Badge Midway is open to day-trippers as well (local Troops who bring busloads of Scouts to this activity). This means it would be best for your Scouts to get what they need to do at their Subcamp, and then get over to Merit Badge Midway right after lunch on the first day.
- I know this will just be one of hundreds of things to do, but remember that First Aid Merit Badge is required for Eagle... Enjoy.