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Fuzzy Bear

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Bear

  1. Dan, (if you dont mind sharing) Let me a member of the Troop Committee for a minute. Give me/us an overview of your beliefs. Please explain what makes you eligible for the job of Chaplain under the DRP? How can your faith knowledge be of service to our unit? FB
  2. Osama is best left to hide under his precious rocks. If he wanted to hurt us, he would give himself up. We would really find a way to lose this thing with a martyr. There is no possible way to win a religious war. We have soldiers fighting ghosts and it will remain so until we recognize a different way to combat hatred.
  3. It is the thought of PEACE that is paramount and Johns birthday. It is not the thought of beating someone into submission simply because one has the power to do so. It is the thought of helping someone that is being brutalized instead of sitting quietly on the sofa and watching it on TV. It is the thought of helping someone that is starving instead of endlessly chowing down on large helpings at an all you can eat buffet. It is the thought of attempting to understand another person instead of accepting some politician's idea of what they mean to say. Imagine doing things a little differently. How does this apply to an enemy that is sworn to kill you and is willing to hide among the rocks and shoot as you drive by? Are they cowards or do they justifiably fear us because we are unwilling to listen before we shoot back? When the Towers came down everyone cried. Everyone was threatened. Everyone was angry. It was not a liberals against conservatives reaction. It was WE that reacted. As to date, we have shown only one side of ourselves. It is time to at least try a different approach. What we are doing is simply not working. Let's take the people dying on the highway analogy. We don't get angry and kill when more people on the highway die than in the war. We enact laws or try to educate or try to make it so that roads are safer. We don't declare a war or call out the soldiers as the daily slaughter continues. We try to use our heads to reduce the highway problems. Since more people on the highways are dying than in the war, what are we doing over in Iraq? Our attention needs to be directed towards our own streets. It appears that we have lost our ability to discern a proper direction. Imagine different approaches before/during using the one Big Stick approach. FB
  4. I am one of those with Scouting experience that says that Program is vital/essential for the success of any District. The District Leaders (not the DE) need to ensure that quality Program happens. The District Leaders make sure that those that lead are recognized. The District Leaders make sure that motivated leaders are chosen. The District Leaders make sure that those leaders are trained on how to run their event. The District Leaders make sure that leaders know about the funding. The District Leaders make sure that there is plenty of help. The District Leaders make sure that those that lead know the resources available. The District Leaders make sure that an evaluation and a written report are completed to help future event leaders. By the end of each event, a new leader and a core group is identified by the outgoing event Leader. The District Executive contacts the event leaders and gives emotional support and/or advice. This means that the DE gets to know the Money people. Great events do wonders for recruitment. District Leaders help with recruitment. Excited Scouts help with recruitment. FB
  5. Politics is not horseshoes or hand grenades but Kerry and Gore both came close to winning despite all of the muck that could be thrown. It is now time to dump the load right back where it belongs. I also vote on Running a good program. FB
  6. A few years ago and by mistake, I spoke off the cuff. We had a fairly large group of Boy Scouts but there had been a problem. That week a group of Webelos had visited and our Scouts had not prepared for them and they did little to involve them. My job as SM was mainly to speak to new parents and Scouts, so I only saw what happened, nothing, from a distance. Before the Webelos left, the leader mentioned that he was disappointed in our meeting and that they would be looking for greener pastures. My SM minute went along to the tune of, 'this is your Troop and if each of you are proud of it and if each of you want it to remain intact then each of you will need to do what it takes to recruit new Scouts. What each of you did tonight was not successful and we lost a whole group of Webelos. I suggest that each of you recruit one friend to become a Scout and help to reclaim what we lost and that each of you join in to make any future Scouts welcome. It is your choice. It is your Troop.' To my surprise, I was kept very busy for the next few months with new parents and Scouts. Ownership is very powerful. I also had a very large group of active parents. FB
  7. The Scouts are responsible for promoting Scouting. FB(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)
  8. He was and is a man of rock and roll sometimes a man of inner turmoil. Sometimes a man with words so sweet, who laid bitter acts at our feet to do with as we pleased. He allowed us all to see him from a distance so close, so personal. Sometimes we didn't like what we saw or what we heard, yet there were times where beauty arose recorded in the clouds for one and all. FB
  9. For the years of experience that I have in Scouting, I will go with (effective) program every time. It is people serving up fun for people. Money, more people and success will follow close behind. It is the role of the District Leaders to make sure that recognition follows each event. It is the role of the District Leaders to make sure that a motivated individual is chosen for each event. It is the role of the D Leaders to make sure that the individual knows how an event is put together and how the funding is set up. It is the role of the D Leaders to make sure that plenty of help is found for each event and that the individual leader is backed with finding resources. Each event should be closely evaluated and a report written for future event Chairs on the Hows of those kinds of events. The DE needs to be in contact with the individual as well as a mentor to give emotional support and guidance. By the end evaluation a new Chair and core group should be identified for the following year. As far as the DEs evaluation of his service to your district, he has shown to be a failure. He can decide if he wishes to change things or to go on to greener pastures. He was either a Scout without adult Scout experience or an adult without any Scouting experience. His decision has to do with his knowledge of Scout Spirit. It is the depth of his understanding of SS that will lead him into this kind of business. It is not based on duty/job but on being motivated by knowing where Scouting will lead others and himself. FB
  10. First Aid Kits I copied this from a 2002-2003 thread. It is overly long but has lots of information, some that may need updating. I am surpirsed we haven't hit this more than once. --- This is what I carry in the canoe when trekking with scouts 1 cell phone 1 GPS unit Maps of the area 4 Cyalumes 1 small flashlight 12 - 2x2 24 - 4x4 4 - 3 inch roller bandages 6 - 6 cravats Adhesive bandages (band aids) various sizes 6 rolls of adhesive tape Steri-strips, 12 each 35 cc irrigation syringe 4 rolls of 1 1/2 inch athletic tape 4 elastic bandages (3") Molefoam, 2 sheets Second Skin, 1 pack Space Blanket 2 Sam Splints 1 CPR Face Shield Stethoscope BP Cuff 1 set of airways EMT shears 4 hemostats 2 McGills 1 No Neck C collar (adult) 1 Regular C collar (adult) Latex Gloves Sawyer Extractor Sub Normal thermometer (2) Tweezers Tick Spoon Baby Powder povidone-iodine Betadine Cortizone cream KED Femur Traction Splint Cold packs Heat packs Aloe Vera Gel 4 or 5 pairs of sun glasses (some scouts end up loosing theirs, and on the water sun glasses are a must have) le Voyageur ----------- le Voyageur's list for canoe camping can also be applied to car camping where you are virtually unlimited in what you may wish to carry. Backpacking is a different matter. It has been my observation that most people carry far more first aid gear than they will ever need. Field first aid should be oriented at keeping people alive, not setting broken bones or performing surgery. You need to consider what is most lethal, and what is most likely to happen. I remember one highly experienced first aid trainer observing that the most common serious injuries that she routinely encountered were burns. I would not have thought of that. One thing that le Voyageur mentioned that is left off of most lists is a space blanket. This is a very compact lightweight piece of material that unfolds into a blanket that can be very helpful in cases of hypothermia or ordinary shock. eisely ---- For first aid gear - http://www.mooremedical.com As a post note, don't carry first aid items that you are not trained to use, not qualified to use, or not certified to use... For fastwater/whitewater the four big concerns are hypothermia, brokenbones/head injuries, drowning, and difficult extractions with long transport times to an ER. As stated in the above post, first aiders are not trained in setting bones, and WFR's and WEMT's won't even consider doing it. However, the one exception to that rule is when dealing with an angulated fracture with no distal pulse. The limb then must be moved only enough to restore the pulse before splinting. But know that this has a lot of risk, if your transport time is fairly short then let the paramedics or docs do the procedure. le Voyageur --- WFR - Wilderness First Responder good for 3 years and expensive- 120 hours WEMT - Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician Red Cross First Responder is not the same as WFR WFA or Wilderness First Aid is offered through Red Cross- 16 hours http://www.redcross.org/ http://www.americanheart.org/ To date I've always managed to PLAN around or away from any potential problem which could have resulted in my having to use this knowledge (knock on wood) but the worst can happen at anytime, especially with youngsters. Please spend the time to investigate these offerings and take the class. They are always interesting and could make the difference on one of your trips. The BSA first aid merit badge is just a bare introduction to what is really needed. For day hikes, the most important thing is to actually carry a first aid kit. For light hikes, the most common kind of first aid problem will be foot problems. Blisters (moleskin) possible sprained ankles (stretch bandages), sunburn (sunscreen), and a few band aids, of course the knowledge to apply them. A cell phone is also very nice and eliminates the use of runners to get help. Know who to call for each trip...i.e., the fastest way to connect to EMS. Knowledge is most important...take a Red Cross First Responder class. Second, plan ahead and play the "what-if" game to identify problems that might occur on your trip and tailor the behavior of your people so as to avoid problems. Also think of what your response to a crisis would be at various locations on your trip...what is the fastest way out...what can you handle, and when do you call for help. Be sure that your trip permit is in (for insurance) and that all participants are either part of your unit, or have signed a waiver...don't leave yourself open to lawsuit. Have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for your trip. Have a kit that is generalized enough for most small things, or tailored for a particular trip...and carry it around. The second thing is to take Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder. The knowledge is what will stand you in better stead than a complete kit. johnmbowen- 2002 ------- One intermediate step is to set up a Saturday session and invite in some local EMT trainer types with outdoor interests, perhaps university staff, experienced military types, even simpatico professionals. You might be pleasantly surprised as to how willing and available some of these folks are... Not all but enough! buffalo2 --- Toilet paper is essential, especially for diarrhea. My belt pack for such events also has adhesive bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, benadryl stick (for bug bites), triple antibiotic ointment in little packages, a break-and-shake cold pack (no hot pack, Texas doesn't have much frostbite), pair of gloves, feminine hygiene supplies (pads can double in an injury situation - they aren't sterile but they can back up a sterile gauze on a bleeding wound. Obvious when you think about it!) Yes, this is REALLY packed. Cell phones don't work all the time in our rolling hills but I try to have walkie-talkie contact with someone at base camp. We bought the 5-mile range family radios with NOAA and have really liked them. In my car kit, which stays in my car all the time so weight is not an issue, the added items include FLARES AND a folding TRIANGLE to keep other idiots from killing the survivors and first-aiders; the pressurized bottle of sterile normal saline for washing grit out of scrapes; extra break-and-shake cold packs since multiple victims easily occur on the road; latex gloves, CPR shield which I've thankfully never needed; and some essentially disposable orange safety vests. SagerScout ---- 2-#10 Scalpels 3-Amonia Inhalants 5-6-Safety Pins 3-4-Needles/Pins 1-Floss 1-Soap 1-Burn Cream(for minor burns only) 1-Vasoline 1-A&D(useful after hiking for an extended period of time) 1-Iodine 1-Purell Hand Sanitizer 8-10-Q-Tips 4-6-Benzalikolium Chloride Wipes 1-Tube Cake Gel(for diabetics) 1-Tube Triple Antibiotic Ointment 1-Tube Hydrocortisone Cream 1-Tube Extra Strength Benadryl 1-New Skin(Gods Creation) 4-Pairs Latex Gloves 2-Pairs Nitrile Gloves 1-ARC CPR Pocket Mask 1-Bulb Suction 6-4X4s 2-Triangular Bandages 2-Trauma Dressings 1-1 in. Roll Sports Tape 1-1 in. Roll First Aid Tape 1-1 cm. Roll First Aid Tape 1-Small Roll Duct Tape(Wrapped around a pencil) 1-Ice Pack 1-2-Glow Sticks 1-box Asst. Band aids 2-Heat Packs 1-Sharpie 2-Pens 3-Biohazard Bags +-Incident Reports +-First Aid Reference 1-Box Nexcare Bandages 8-Butterfly Closures 4-Knuckle Bandages 4-Finger Tip Bandages 2-Mole Skin 2-Mole Foam 3-Roller Gauze 8-2X2s 2-2X2X10s 6-Telfa Pads 4-2X3s 1-Thermometer 8-Probe Covers 1-Paramedic Shears 1-Bandage Scissors 2-Tounge Depressors(Double as finger splints) 1-Pointed Tweezers 1-Flashlight 1-Multi-tool 1-Knife 1-Headlamp 1-Compass. On the outside of my kit, I carry a whistle, a knife, a multi-tool, orange caution tape and of course duct tape on the end of one of the buckles. The kit is a bit heavy but at Camporees and OA events I tend to be the one in charge of first aid. I have a different one for backpacking. Jeff Huggins ---- We have several troop kits; all but one are commercial-type. The remaining kit is a military field trauma kit, heavy on dressings/bandages...I make sure we've got that one whenever we've got an axe yard set up! KoreaScouter --- a mirror is useful as well- Eamonn --- a whistle and duct tape. As a past medic with the 101st, one of the items we were told to have just in case was duct tape. Works to protect blisters if needed, can hold wounds closed if needed and tends to less affected by environmental conditions that will defeat most band aids. Doesn't take much and can also be used to mark trails, danger areas and many other similar uses. It is one of those things that if you don't have you will probably need. It is much cheaper to use in quantity than medical tapes. red feather --- According to the G2SS: Because of the possibility of exposure to communicable diseases, first-aid kits should include latex or vinyl gloves, plastic goggles or other eye protection, and antiseptic to be used when giving first aid to bleeding victims, as protection against possible exposure. Mouth barrier devices should be available for use with CPR. Protection Considerations for Blood borne Pathogens Many people are concerned about the rapid spread of HIV (the AIDS virus) and try to avoid exposing themselves to this hazard. Health professionals and amateur first-aiders like those of us in Scouting may find ourselves faced with special concerns in this regard. Therefore, we must know how to act and how to instruct the youth we lead. Try to maintain the BSA's tradition of rendering first aid to those in need. Recognize that often the victims we treat with first aid are friends and family members whose health we are familiar with. Therefore, in such cases, except when we know they have infectious diseases, we should not hesitate to treat them. The Boy Scouts of America Recommends Treat all blood as if it were contaminated with blood borne viruses. Do not use bare hands to stop bleeding; always use a protective barrier. Always wash exposed skin area with hot water and soap immediately after treating the victim. The following equipment is to be included in all first-aid kits and used when rendering first aid to those in need: Latex or vinyl gloves, to be used when stopping bleeding or dressing wounds A mouth-barrier device for rendering rescue breathing or CPR Plastic goggles or other eye protection to prevent a victim's blood from getting into the rescuer's eyes in the event of serious arterial bleeding Antiseptic, for sterilizing or cleaning exposed skin area, particularly if there is no soap or water available. Individuals (medicine, fire rescue, and law enforcement Venturing crew members; volunteer first-aiders at Camporees, Scouting shows, and similar events) who might have been exposed to another's blood and body fluids should know the following: The chartered organization and its leaders should always explain and make clear the possible degree of exposure to blood or body fluids as a result of Scouting activities. As a precaution, adult volunteers or youth members should consider a hepatitis B vaccination. The cost of the shots will not be borne by BSA, nor is the chartered organization required to underwrite the cost. The chartered organization may arrange to have shots given at a reduced rate or free of charge. If vaccination is recommended, any adult volunteers and youth members who decline the shots, either at full cost to them or at a reduced rate, or free, should sign a refusal waiver that should be retained by the council for five years. Scoutldr --- campmor, rei, and Sportsmans Guide has FA kits. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/search/search.asp?c=83&k=first+aid Chris Gagliano ---- If your looking for a good, cheap small kit I suggest you check out www.galls.com They have a navy blue fold open back for $16. You cant beat it. And yes, I carry triangular bandages with me. The scout neckerchiefs are not very absorbent. Jeff Huggins --- I am using a fanny pack as a first aid kit for day camps. My training is ex.-First Aid Merit Badge. I've have: latex and nitrile gloves, some .25 inch medical tape, a roll of like .75 inch tape, a medical mask (like what a dentist wears), several gauze pads of different sizes, an ACE wrap, and a "Shark". A "shark" is used mainly by athletic trainers, and coaches to cut off tape and the pre-wrap stuff from athletes' ankles and wrists, etc. I'm considering getting some athletic tape and wrap, and a pair of EMT shears and a pair of goggles. hops_scout --- One of my original WFR instructors, an ER Doc said he only carried a few bandaids and duct tape...but he (*did carry it everywhere). I have two kits, one for the car (which stays there) and a smaller one that I carry in my pack, which goes with me. On the river we have an even larger one complete with a backboard. Know how to use it properly. Below, are two links I found for WFA and WFR classes in Illinois. The National Safety Council is probably your best bet. They purport to offer a WFA which is only 16 hours long. The other one shows that an Illinois Univ has offered WFR (a far more extensive class up to 100 hours long) in the past. It has a phone number. For a CPR Mask: If you carry a first aid kit bigger than your pocket, I would suggest the following CPR mask. A mask of this type will protect you from the victim vomiting back on you during CPR if they are actually going to respond. It has an oxygen inlet that the EMTs will know how to use if you are working on a CPR victim: http://www.cpr-pro.com/2000P50.html The following seem to offer WFA or WFR in Illinois. You should email them to see what they have, or if they know of a course that will run near you. Getting this kind of course is very important for anyone involved in taking kids out even an hour away from EMS help: National Safety Council 1211 Spring Lake Dr., Itasca, IL 60143-3021 800-621-7619 Fax: 630-285-1315 630-285-1121 Web Site: www.nsc.org E-Mail: kennedyj@nsc.org Number of Employees: 600 Ownership: Nonprofit Membership Organization Distribution: Service Company Direct CEO: Gerard Scannell/President Marketing: Christine A. Hoffman/Exhibit Sales Mary Beth Murray/Marketing Operations: Thomas W. Planek/Director, Research & Statistical Services Training, First Aid trf The National Safety Council offers comprehensive, state-of-the-art training materials in first aid, CPR, bloodborne pathogens, first responder, wilderness first aid, and AED. A IL Univ that has in the past offered WFR: http://www.wiu.edu/release.sphp?id=1062 An ARC sites indicates that there may be a WFA class in St Louis MO restech.wustl.edu/~outing/leaders/wfa.application.doc Another resource that you should access is the following guy from SIU whose program may teach WFA. At least he could help you find a good course: Touch of Nature Environmental Center Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois 62901-6888 Phone: (618) 453-1121 Fax: (618) 453-1188 Email: tonec@tonec.siu.edu The next best thing to a WFR is to take the ARC class and get the following books which you should study. WFA by Fogerty (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/076270490X/qid=1101736846/sr=2-3/ref=pd_ka_b_2_3/104-8876004-2584741) and the one by NOLS (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0811728641/qid=1101736846/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-8876004-2584741?v=glance&s=books) johnmbowen ---- CPR Shields: The American Red Cross sells them. (About $5) Our Scout shop sells them. (About $3) The basic items for a Scout's individual first aid kit are listing in the Boy Scout Handbook. Those items should do for most activities. I prefer to put together my own kit. Many first aid kits see little use, so the items get old and outdated. Before and after each activity that a unit takes make sure to check the kit for content needed for the activity. Have a list of contents with the date the items were put into the kit and the actual expiration date of the items. Owl62 --- I decided to build my own. Adult Advil Childrens Advil Benadryl cream Small tube Peptobysmal Tablets Benadryl Pills Cough drops Tweezers Antiseptic wipes Neosporin Small surgical Scissors Band Aides at four different sizes Blister band aides Two 4 inch gauze pads Quick Wrap Duct tape ~ 36 Latex Gloves Emergency Blanket Tick card Q-tips Water Purifier tablets Hand sanitizer Its Me ---- I didn't take out all of the duplication nor did I check the websites. Some may have updates to the items in kits or types of kits needed for activity specific kits. I found this information helpful and want to thank those that had input in '02 FB
  11. The 35 mm canister was used for a functional first-aid neckerchief slide. I am guessing that is what you meant by going "around your neck"? When considering something that will go into you pocket, I am guessing you mean your front pocket as opposed to going into the hip pocket, I would suggest that you consider what you want in it first. The size and shape of the contents may define the kind/size of carrier you want. Wal-mart has small bottles for travel on the sample isle. They may have other types of small carriers as well. Some people use their wallet to carry band-aids. I use baggies to carry first aid type items in my personal travel bag whether it is for vacation, business or camping. You may want to consider using a small Army belt pouch. I also have used a small Army bag with a shoulder strap to carry kit for aid, lunch and TP, etc. This works well for short hikes and around camp. FB
  12. Since we don't have a specific definition that we can argue, then we are bound to agree. Character is defined by the worth of a person's honor. A person of with bad character cannot be relied on to do what is asked. A person with good character will be loyal and friendly. Continue right on down the list of the Scout Law. A young man does not join Scouts to increase his honor but it becomes a by-product. Anyone that has worked with Scouts for any length of time will witness that growth through numerous examples. We can readily compare what we observed from our first experience with a Scout to those we see later on. As a Scout matures and takes on duties willingly, when we overhear comments that arose from prior growth-conversations, when we hear parents speak well of their son because of their Scouting experiences, then we begin to know that it is working. Character building is a lifelong goal. It is one that must continually be worked on and wrestled with all of ones life. It is not determined by what others say or do but is gauged by what we find to be right. This makes it a solitary hike determined by ones moral compass. Everyone measures growth by the measuring rod that they find to be right. It is the strength of the measures on that rod that determines the depth that a person can reach. If it is weak then the depth will be shallow and a persons honor will reflect the same. Scout Spirit is that which follows the richness of the Scout program in all three dimensions of character, fitness, and citizenship. It begins small and grows over the lifetime of a Scout. A person that grew up in the program will understand because they know what lies ahead is only a trailmarker that guides one on to adventure, fun ,and to the highest points in life. It is that knowledge that walks with us when we engage the methods of Scouting or work a ticket based on the skills of leadership. We do those things not because we are given a duty for a badge but because of the measure of joy that Scouting without fail always provides. FB
  13. The general history of the island of Puerto Rico appears to be one of colonial rule by several powers over the centuries. What is not known is the internal struggle by the population to become a country unto themselves. You might want to pick out a time period and a person to show that a people's desire for self-rule is foremost. Since PR is an island, boats are used extensively in most activities. Make and paint a cardboard mock-up of a boat and write a story to demonstrate the point. FB
  14. Dear Micro, Your idea is great. I have collected several books of old camp gadgets over the years. They are interesting and of value more as a way to reminisce. I doubt that any gadgets will get lost because old Scouters die off. The problem with the old is that few are making the new. At one time in Scout history there were plans to build a log cabin, which is no camp gadget! Kids today can't just cut down twenty to fifty trees to build one, nor would I recommend it even if you could. Making camp gadgets was a way of making use of cast-off items to make things that are needed. If you were of a mind, I suggest you figure out what you need for camping or for your Patrol and think of cheap ways to invent something that would be meet that need. You will develop a keen eye and sharp mind for being thrifty and helpful. If you can draw, then I suggest showing how to make it on one page of paper and then submit it to Boys' Life for review. You could even become kind of famous if your article was accepted. FB
  15. I just knew that the EPA would jump me for being soft on tree urinators. The rock suggestion might be considered a form of hazing. Splatter will rot your pants off. I suppose peeing on a stump might kill two (metaphorical) birds at one time. It seems that no matter which way you turn someone has an objection. FB
  16. A high school football player showed up at my door asking for a donation. He didn't have overpriced product either. The team is successful and has a good turn-out with high priced tickets and they own the concession. I told him I didn't have any money left after buying Boy Scout popcorn. I later went to Wally World to buy a cheap knock off banana. It tasted pretty good but not as good as the BSA popcorn that I ate while watching the high school football game. I washed it all down with an expensive Big-Gulp. I think I have run out of answers. FB
  17. Trev, Congratulations to you and your son on achieving Eagle Scout, which really is a big deal. FB
  18. Actually in some places peeing on a tree is considered to be acceptable behavior. As far as punishment for such behavior, I would say it depends on where you stand. (Joke intended, so laugh if you have 'em.) Push-ups as corporal punishment? As a SM, I got angry with some behaviors but speaking to the Scout was my first line defense. Push-ups are for physical fitness not for fixing behaviors, unless you are in the military. Digging up tree stumps for punishment? The only time we did that was for service, so I wouldn't use something that special for correction. Should a Scout walk to the latrine to urinate at night or when it is cold? Yes, Scouts should go to the latrine for sanitary reasons. I doubt that anyone will get 100% participation on it though. What should be done when the Scout doesn't get there? Counsel with the individual because fear may be an overriding issue, unless he has a small bladder or he is timing out before going. So helping the Scout figure out a strategy may be the key. Talking works real well. FB
  19. A strong program should be the issue anytime. Flyers do work and it would be nice to use them but forcing issues even when you are in the right is tricky. Getting and keeping good relationships by default has become (our) goal. I work in an agency that goes into school districts by federal mandated interagency agreement. The maze of relationships is a challenge yearly. On the surface it appears to be straightforward but that is a chicken counting fallacy. I keep finding differences even when everyone has the same high-minded goals. This is one column that I can truly appreciate for all of the careful debate that has brought depth to our discussion. This helps (us) in defining (our) actions by being better informed, or maybe it is just me. Thanks to all, FB
  20. I realize all things are not written down for a Scout/person/individual/SM/CC/MC/etc. to clearly identify what should and should not be done on service projects for Star and Life. I would still like to present one more thought experiment that has an operational definition and is more difficult to misconstrue. Do a Good Turn Daily. A Scout does a Good Turn on Monday that takes 7 hours. Although the Scout has down a yeoman's work, I suggest this Good Turn not be used to cover the remainder of the week. He should be congratulated for putting forth exceptional effort and it is noteworthy. The Scout will not receive a badge, will not go before a BOR, and it may never come up again. If he does decide that he has done his week's worth of Good Turn's based on Monday's GT, few will ever know. Heck, he may be the only one that knows. If I were counseling with him, of course with other adults around, I would want to know how the Scout defines the Scout Slogan. The reason is that I want to know about the Scout's growth process in the most important area of Scouting. It is the most difficult part of Scouting. It is the part of Scouting that connects directly to a person's character. I not only want to know how he defines it but if he is continually thinking and struggling with it. So, how does this apply to the Star and Life Service projects? I would say that they are one and the same. As a SM, I would not want to tell the Scout what to do as much as I would want the Scout to think his way through the idea of Service. FB
  21. Once we acknowledge an individual's priorities, we may accept those we can stomach and rearrange those we cant by knowing, understanding, and effectively using their menu of reinforcers to assist in altering the alignment. It is best done incrementally with those considered lower on the list due to the strength of past reinforcers of those higher on the list. Alterations are not necessarily permanent due to the independent nature of the subject. FB(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)
  22. Pointing out the price of PC only gets these responses: 1. It is a way to help the Council and the Unit finance their programs. 2. It is an official Scout program allowing Scouts a chance to wear their overly expensive uniforms. 3. Camperships come from the sale of PC. 4. Some Councils give a % off patches for participating. 5. Scouts can win nifty prizes if they sell enough. All of this is off-set by the rules for a unit selling a product to fund their program. They are required to sell at only what the product is worth and they cannot wear their uniforms. I beleive this means that the unit/Scout will be penalized for not selling a product well beyond the product's worth. This instills in Scouts the American Business ethic. By the way, thanks for the $5.00 donation and where can we send to get a catalog in Indiana to buy some of that 10 for 50 PC? Scout PC is over my income level. FB
  23. I like OGE's comment about making a Super bowl commercial. Since in most cases it would be considered false advertisement, we should show them real Scouting... Instead of kids sitting around bored while adults shout at everyone about their shirttails hanging out and not acting like Scouts, we have Scouts shouting at adults for not acting like Leaders. or We could show them the highlights of a real adult lead Scout Unit. or We could show them hints and tips on advancement short-cuts. or We could have a little clip concerning the 3 G's. Seriously, we would be hard pressed to do anything other than give an overview of what Scouting could be. The thing I like about Scouting is that in so many cases we do make it what we want it to be, that is the boys make it what... FB
  24. I did not attend the latest Philmont Training Center Advancement seminar nor did I gather information from the internet to bring more confusion on a subject fraught with so much drama. I do have a few old Scout patches if anyone cares to earn one. I even have some real old MB books that could be used as well. I am willing to sell them at the going rate or higher if I can get away with it. As for the rest, I will simply wait for the updates before I put on my thinking cap. FB
  25. Verse 4 (*start with acoustic guitar) Awakened Mosquito, The School system is not responding to local requests to close their doors to Scouting. They were responding to the results of federal court cases. (*Tom-Tom drums and banjos come in here) You may want to slip your library card back into your wallet and while you are at it, reach in and grab a big handful of cash for lawyers. (*crash cymbals here) It is now going to take more than shouting at people and confronting them with voter registration cards to return. (*build slow crescendo uptake, all instruments) So, get behind your unit and push for the best darn program in town! FB
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