Every time I get in a conversation like this there happens along either a military type or a nontradionalist that clobbers me pretty good. So, I almost always get it from both sides. I suppose I should simply shut up but then where is the fun?
I sewed most of my Scout patches on one of those small official Scout trophy hides when I was younger and ignorant of life's many obstacles. At the completion, I stood back and gazed the glory of it all. I had been an avid Scout and achiever of most any thing with a patch attached, so you can imagine what it looked like. It took me about five years before I cut them all off and decided that plastic bags in a broken suitcase was an even better idea. I am not sure about the quality of life that existed for me at that moment but it was for all practical purposes the best I could do. Later, I decided that the trophy hide held merit but that it needed to be bigger for effect. Since there wasn't an official Scout hide that was large enough, I held off for another 10 years or so. One day I found my old official Scout hide and gazed at the many holes in it and contemplated the loss of revenue from Scouting collectibles. Then, like a shout from a far cliff an answer appeared to me out of nowhere, which was in the resewing of the patches to the hide but as I looked at the pattern of holes from the past I noticed that many of the patches had been sewn in a straight line but at odd angles to the plane of the horizon of the hide. Once again I had been thwarted but not beaten. (Maybe this would be a good question for us to discuss in another forum, that is, is there hole filler for holes in things like this.)
Since that time, I have become worn and weathered by the many events of life, such as the one I am presently describing. I found that life no longer holds sway over me with the many mysteries of youth, so, I finally made a decision to sew the patches on a blanket but I knew that I only had military issue. From my many travels I had discovered that Scouting did have an official blanket but I had been unable to acquire one even from ebay because my funds were at low ebb. I tinkered with the thought of selling part of my collection to get a blanket but then where would I be? I would be warm but without a patch past. I now know that I probably would never use it as a blanket. I would most likely be looking for an official Scout frame that was large enough. I would then need a house with museum sized walls.
I can honestly now say that I would wear one of my old camp patches in an official plastic holder to Scout camp. I would then stand by the campfire and reminisce over the many trials that confronted me during those early days of problems without answers.