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Fuzzy Bear

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Bear

  1. Gonzo1, (No Ginsus used) Let me be perfectly clear on this issue. I believe that the Republicans have been good for the country in many ways. They have helped to upright the balance on several issues that seemed to have been right at one time but went terribly wrong later. Newt and his Contract with America is still a landmark set of goals worth remembering their importance. Welfare was one issue. I have changed my position now to, instead of giving people money to watch Springer and eat bon-bons to helping train people for jobs that will pay more than minimum wage. I believed that we should have gone to war with Iraq but the promise to not be a Nation Builder was not followed, so now we are in a mess that we should already exited. I watch the Republican news cast periodically and they tend to not hear anything good about the Democrats, so I am guessing that there are those that are ignoring the results as well as those that are trumpeting the news. I find myself split on abortion. I am personally against it but I know that no matter what the law is or what ones religion has to say that many will do it in spite of the rules. I believe that when a person has an abortion that they have somehow missed the gift that life brings. I also believe that making it a rule keeps people from a full understanding of how wonderful life really is. Beyond that there are many that have no idea what I am trying to say and cannot find life with both hands. Abortion for them is probably just a stop-gap measure from poverty. I dont know how we can protect our borders. The borders are thousands of miles long so no matter how it is done, there just wouldnt be enough money. I would rather see us invest in diplomacy so that we could share the cost with the other countries in making the borders safer. If we lose, then our neighbors lose as well, so we might as well get them on board. If we did not have the media, we most likely would do things that compares and surpasses our enemies. We have the capability of doing much worse than Saddam ever imagined. I hope we never have to unleash all that we have. Right now, our military is not geared for police action and Iraq is geared for full civil war, so there is no middle ground for troops trained for warfare. I agree on line item vetoes. Keep the pork out. We have too many favorite projects that lead to nowhere except some brother-in-laws back pocket. Bi-partisan work will be redefined by both parties several times and ways over the next two years. It will be pretty funny to hear about how they are all getting along now that they know how much the voters wanted it. They will be hard pressed to give us a good example. I am leaning away from national health care. (*Dont tell anyone.) I am not for the return of the C.C.C. It was a way to get the economy rolling by giving people work. I am for people working in a job that they have been trained to do. It allows them to make above the minimum wage. I will combine this one with the other. I would like to see the jail inmates made to clean up and restore our National Parks for free. They need the work to repay their debt to society. Federal scholarship programs are already in place for those that have the ability to pass and are willing to work. I find this program to be exceptional in many ways for the overall economy. Social Security for the disabled is a program already in place and does a good job in protecting people that have endured hardship and do not have any other way to live. Our country does not do near as much as most other European countries and most likely never will. For those that come here illegally, they come for the money being offered. I live in an area where many reside. I find that employers are more than willing to hire them. I know that I cant. If the laws were enforced and new laws to jail employers that hire them were enacted there would be a considerable reduction in the illegals remaining. Doing away with the minimum wage would only further reduce their desire to come here. We agree on changing the Income tax form so that 90% of the country can understand it instead of its present form. I dont think many from either party want to be on the dole. Work is a way of life for most Americans. I think that disagreement is essential and that we should list our differences so we can process them individually. It is also good that we defend our policies. Figuring out how one policy affects another and how it works in the economy is difficult. Over the years, I have found out how easy it is to sound right on an issue but for it to be wrong when played out on the larger screen. Let me hear from you, fb
  2. I remember a few adults talking about earning the Eagle when I was a youth. I thought then that it would be much easier for an adult to earn MB's. Today the idea seems ridiculous. It is strange that an adult would read the rules and see that there wasn't an age limit and dig-in. Maybe Scouting encouraged it so that adults would remain in the program. It makes me wonder. I may have to get out a few of the old books and do some reading. fb
  3. Gonzo1, I see we disagree again. I would like to encourage you to write down some of your ideas about what you think would make this country a better place. I realize that we are not on the same side of the aisle but I still want to extend the good hand of bi-partisanship in these matters. The voters need to see that we are working together. Arm Chairman of the Sideline Committee, fb (I won't take office for a couple of months; just measuring the drapes.)
  4. Don't know the answer to your question. Scouting is great guns in our part of the nation. We had record numbers in all categories for the past few years. I suppose we are doing something right. Scouting is alive and well here in spite of all of everyones efforts to pull our meat out of the fire. Thanks, fb
  5. The Fuzzy Bear Plan for a better Tomorrow Right now, our money turns out too many (high school kids) that cant get through the next level, meaning Vo-tech, Community College, Private programs, etc. If the minimum wage was stopped, it would force people to turn/return to school to upgrade their skills. For those with low achievement skills, they would be forced to remediate, sign up for Adult Ed, Literacy programs, etc. High schools could upgrade their programs and integrate higher Ed programs so that when a student graduates, they would be ready for the job market. Employers could be invited into the schools to tool up programs so that they would have an educated and trained workforce upon graduation. Education could also be offered through the workplace during work hours. Federal grants could be given to states for scholarship programs for any that would accept and work hard enough to pass. Companies could pay poverty wages to those that refuse educational opportunities or that simply cannot learn. For those that cant or wont, Social Security could supplement their wages and low income housing would be available as well as Medicaid/health insurance. For those that come here illegally without an education, the opportunity would be offered to them. If they refuse or cant, then they would be subject to poverty wages without the other benefits, just like the wages they were getting back home. They would be forced to become educated or return to their homeland. This plan would impact the service industry and increase the health of the overall country. fb
  6. Minimum wage works a little different since food, clothing, shelter, transportation and all related utilities, and maintenance must be subtracted as well. If the person gets sick or has a problem with the car, then they find themselves below $0 which looks allot like poverty to me. They are forced to ask for social services which puts a tax back where it all started, on those who voted for poverty wages in the first place. Wal-mart adds in a health insurance policy which looks good until a person actually uses it for anything other than minimal health issues. If the person gets sick or has a disability that causes problems with the duties of their job, then Wal-mart does one even better; they fire them. They try to act like the ADA doesn't exist and won't consider moving the person to a job that fits the person's abilities, which would show they care for their Associates and would be darn good PR besides. The dollar seems important for those in charge that make millions. Yet, Wal-mart is one of the few companies that even tries to insure those working for them. Doing away with the minimum wage will not come up for consideration as long as rich people need serfs to work their industries. The minimum wage is decoration that looks like somebody is actually voting for the man on the street. Once a person becomes dependent on minimum wage and begins to live and depend on it, then they will invariably find themselves trapped by overwhelming bills, poverty and welfare. So, does one do away with a type of "safety net" and opt for mandatory training? Who would flip all of those millions of hamburgers? I suppose that the flow of illegals is the answer but then that brings us to another problem fb
  7. Greg was one of ten Webelos Scouts in the Den and lagged behind on most projects both years. Sometimes, I would help him and sometimes the Assistant would help and sometimes other Scouts or parents would help. It was the same with some of the games and other things that don't seem so important now. Greg completed every requirement because we all agreed to do it together. Greg passed everything but he could not remember the ideals of Scouting because it involved memory work and Greg's ability to remember was his weakest area. It was time for a home visit. I spoke with his Mom, so she and Greg's older brother agreed to help. It took him most of the last two months before we had our ceremony for the AOL. Greg completed it and went on to be a Boy Scout. He was probably the happiest young person that I have ever had in any unit at any time. He taught me that even a person with a severe disability could not only do his best but could complete all of the requirements. In route, Greg brought nine other Scouts and two leaders closer together in ways that we did not expect. His gift was one of happiness that I still think about even today. Yes, all of the Scouts in your den should do their best and complete every project. I am sure that Greg would say the same thing. Cub Scout advancement always emphasizes doing, not getting. The experience the boy has as he works on the requirements is more important than the badge itself. Boys are awarded badges to recognize their accomplishments and families should not overemphasize the awards. Signing Boys Handbooks. Cub Scout Leader Book
  8. Being that my right knee and left shoulder suffers periodic weakness from doing the job(s) alone, I now spot my fall toward the softest areas prior to any fall while working on the roof or in trees. The last incident happened after climbing into a tree in the backyard and splitting the crotch out of my pants. While standing astraddle two limbs, my new neighbor came over to inquire about my doings. Since I had my ear muffs on and the chain saw roaring, about all I could do was give the thumbs up as she walked away with a strange look on her face. I proceeded to cut the appropriate limbs off and began my decent. Since I failed to tie the ladder off and since I needed to cut the remainder of my last step-limb, I kept the chain saw going. The ladder was off center, as usual, so it gave a jerk and of course I began the remainder of my decent holding tightly to the falling ladder and clutching the roaring chain saw in my right hand. As I gathered my wits I was surprised to find my wife standing over me. I had managed to avert certain disaster another time but the worst was yet to come. That is another story. fb
  9. The Democrats came to the table to win an election not win policy changes. They stepped up and put money down on high probability bets only. The electorate was ready for changes in policy not just to win an election. The D.'s miscalculated and will only hurt themselves in the next election. Their conservative strategy will drive those in the liberal middle and edges to vote for Independents in '08 thus reducing their advantage and returning the election back to the R.'s. Listening to the electorate is always better even if you lose. People will believe that you are representing them. Playing strategy politics is a sham and easily sniffed out because of the stink it creates. fb
  10. bolin, Welcome to the electronic campfire. Come on in and rest a spell. I hope you enjoy your stay. I disagree with Eamonn about those that are here that don't abide by the Scout Oath and Law. There are those that speak their minds and that rubs some the wrong way but all of us will heal. Forgiveness is something that everyone here must learn because this is a mode of communication that prevents physical contact which tends to increase misunderstanding and decreases polite conversation. Excellent written communication takes time which most find to be a scarce commodity. So, we hope you brought some with you. fb
  11. Lisabob, B.A.U.- Business as Usual In spite of the election results- means that the policies that most felt that should be addressed will be ignored and the policies that most felt the least about will be raised to the top of the flagpole to be saluted by the new Democratic majority. They will march in lock step and hail the beginning of a new day. When they will be asked about the War or the Economy, they will proudly point to their new commission on studying the war and they will attempt to raise the minimum wage so that people can still live in poverty. About all that can be done now is political gridlock and/or maneuvering over the small issues. The big issues are stalemated until the 2008 elections. The Democrats will become more Republican in the next two years. Bush will only appear to be bi-partisan and the new Democratic nominee will find his (*her will not find a seat on the wagon) Republican roots. B.A.U. fb
  12. SSS, We covered a good deal of material in this life situation over 7 days. I am unsure how long it would take for the same role play in real time. Since you do this at your work, I am interested in how it is done, time limits, types of question, ground rules, etc. To do this well, people need to know background regulations and it helps to have experience, although it would be interesting to see how a new person reasons. I could see mixed groups of four playing it and then comparing the results afterwards. Points could be given knowing the rules and for innovation or possibly reasoning skills. I feel this one is going to a few Roundtables, so we might as well get some input on how best to develop it. It will find its' way to WB but only by way of the ground up. People at the top have their own goose to roast. I can't believe we have by-passed this one after all of the time most of us have spent doing this exercise right here. fb
  13. Bev, I disagree (with some reservations). I believe that the material is proactive and describes what to do and when. The point being is that leaders are in charge and should have an active planned program to prevent such incidents. When incidents do happen, then it also describes actions to be taken after the incident, such as getting parents involved and going before the committee. I don't believe that there should be extensive step by step instructions. The training is long enough without going into more details. There is a section on discipline that explains to the leader how to approach situations and how to deal with problems in general, keep a calm voice, etc. Problems will occur when the new leader intercedes in a problem that they judge to be beyond their own personal system of morals. A person could then be outraged or reduced to vomiting instead of acting in such a manner as to follow the guidelines of leadership but they should persist with an orderly plan. In this case the question remains whether the leader should have sent the Scout home. If it would have been me, then I would have called the parents at that time and had them come and get the boy. If the parents were not at home, I would call our group contact person and had them call until they reached his parents. They would have been involved from the first minute that I could reach them until the committee made their decision as to what to do. Once the committee made their decision, then I would abide by their decision. People that are further from the incident sometimes can have better insight and judgment than those first on the scene. It is the leader's responsibility to gather information and regroup everyone to order. fb
  14. (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)
  15. I read through this after reading Eamonn's about him Knowing about Leaving a Legacy and so forth. I noticed that your thread is spun from Knowing When to Step Down. I will go ahead and just say a few things here. The first one is that if someone has not already made the patch, there are dozens of companies out there that will do it for you but will want you to order 50 or 100. I will bet that you could sell all of them in short order if you made a run. Just copy the SM patch and add the words with a small rocking chair between them. Most of us have watched "Follow Me Boys" and remember. Knowing When to Step Down comes from good personal insight. Knowing One's Time Commitment and how much one can do follows. Also Knowing What One Can and Should be Doing is even more important. Many envy a particular job and when they get in it don't have a clue of how to do it. It really comes down to Knowing Your Personality and what you are best suited for in life. The last item comes from wisdom and that is Knowing When to Get Out of the Way. When we have done a good job, especially SM, the next person in line will have their own troubles and do not need someone looking over their shoulder to tell them how it should be done. It is a bad idea which can lead to hurt feelings, conflict and loss of personnel. It would be easier to find a District job for the past SM that takes just a few minutes a week, such as, UC. He will still be around and won't need to do anything. fb
  16. The Cub Scout Leaders Guide is an introduction and cannot possibly cover an in-depth analysis of all of the problems that a person might encounter. It has a large array of relevant issues for many situations and programs. I respect what Scouting has done in writing their training manuals because they limited it but not at the expense of essential data. So, what does the CSLG say about this situation? These vwere gleaned from many chapters. One reason to have policies: To protect the Health and Safety of all members and assure them of a program that will hold their interest. Policies: Two deep leadership for every outing. Read the Safe Guide to Scouting before going on any outing. Adequate leadership and supervision helps prevent accidents. Use the Buddy System. Keep the group together. Knife Safety- Be careful that you do not cut yourself of any other person. Cub Scout age boys may not use sheath knives. Always have Emergency Procedures in place. Boys are beginning to see the value of trying to get along with others at this young age. Physical violence or other forms of bullying from other youth members or verbal insults have no place in Scouting. If confronted with threats or bullying from other youth members, Scouts should seek the help from their Pack leaders. Adult Leaders of Scouting units are responsible for monitoring the behavior of the youth members and interceding when necessary. Parents of youth members who misbehave should be informed of the problems and asked for assistance in dealing with it. The Pack committee should review serious incidents of misbehavior in consultation with the parents of the child to determine a course of corrective action, including possible revocation of the youths membership in the Pack. Make sure that group activities remain fun and challenging. The other element of preparation is planning enough to do and having enough physical and human resources on hand to keep the group going. Boys sense when some behaviors are getting out of control. In these instances they expect adult leaders to protect them and to restore order. Webelos overnighters introduces the Scout and his parents to the Boy Scouts camping program. Provide plenty of adult supervision. Have a well planned program and communicate it to all leaders. BALOO is required training for overnight activities. Most of these items have been echoed by several already. The value of this information gives a good start on how to prevent misbehavior and what to do if in fact it does happen. fb
  17. We have managed to soundly beat the Air Potato or is it Potatoe? incident into its proper consistency. Here is my air-head conversation with myself in a simulated situation. There were two incidents and several were in on the problem. Everyone involved should be brought to justice. People should not be throwing things at anyone for any reason at anytime. Nobody should use a knife or any kind of instrument to inflict or threaten violence. Fighting with fists is not allowed either. Boys should ask, Yes, but what if I am in danger? The answer is that we do not prepare people to defend themselves in Scouting. We are teaching people to get along with each other. Getting along is a skill that will allow a person to earn a living, live long and be prosperous. Defense and attack is a skill that may be needed but it should be done in the Armed Force/Police where we should use such measures as a last resort. Boys should ask, Yes, but what if I am being bullied? The answer is that you need to learn to back down, run, or get out anyway possible. Justice is to be left up to those that are in charge. Notify the adults in charge, the authorities, somebody that can do something about it. Boys should ask, Yes, but I dont want to be a coward and I dont want to be a snitch. In Scouting, we are helping boys learn skills that will help in times when survival is necessary. When confronted, we do not want Scouts to learn to stand their ground and make matters worse. When matters get worse, it is called escalation. We want Scouts to learn how to make matters better or deescalate the situation. These are skills that can make your life better and if used on a grander scale can make the world a better and safer place. These skills used effectively as first measures can result in not using last resort measures, such as war. With regard to knives and knife use, I want to share a couple of insights. The first one is that a knife is a tool intended for practical use. Anytime that a knife leaves the ring, scabbard, sheath or pocket it should have a proper use, such as cutting wood for a fire to cook or stay warm. Most Cub Scout age boys can learn to use a knife but they also have a problem with losing things. Over the years, I have witnessed a wide redistribution of knife ownership in several camps. I recommend that knives stay in a box while in camp and be checked out when there is a practical use. That also gives the adults an idea of when and where they are being used. My last insight is that most pre-firebuilding and cooking can be done with a good pair of gloves. There should be a Glove-chit in Scouting. You dont cut yourself, they are harder to lose and easier to find. Scouts generally dont threaten each other with gloves and they can be used for warmth. End of self conversation. fb
  18. I taught a shop class for five years. I had kids with many kinds and types of disabilities and ESL kids, (did I also say they were in Junior High?). Sometimes, I could not speak their language and some had no expressive skills, so I resorted to using hand signs and whatever resources I could muster. Language and disability barriers are correctable (*decreased) by a host of various means but one of the most effective is to let the kids know that you love them so much that you will go to whatever lengths to get and keep their attention. Speak, correct, redirect, pay attention, make sure they have a task. We had only one minor accident during that time and I was the only person with a class of twenty to thirty. I enjoyed it enough that I still miss it. So how does that experience apply to a Troop with a few Scouts that can't stay on task? How does it apply to an SPL or PL that is trying to herd a group into a competition or game? It makes it more difficult for them but the learning experiences can be of great value for them. The SM and ASM's will need to be attentive to the leadership and be ready for personal coaching/counseling. Giving boy leaders responsibility is daunting because it would be easier to do it yourself but restrain yourself and learn patience. Even with the best group, boy leaders fall below par much of the time (*par is what you expect of yourself but then you are an experienced adult). If you must have rules, keep them simple and few, say five. No hitting or kicking- why?, no harm is expected. Stay with the group- why?, it is expected by Scouting and parents- no one needs to be lost and we work as patrols. Leave other people's property alone- why?, A Scout is Trustworthy. Well you have the idea... What are the consequences for breaking the rules? First, all Scouts must agree every six months on the rules. Parents are informed of the rules. The committee gives their final OK of the rules. We want everyone on board before we begin the punishment phase. The PL speaks with a Scout first. The Scout is referred to the SPL and then to an ASM. The Scout is referred to the SM. The SM makes a home visit. The Scout goes before the Troop Committee with his parents in tow. The Scout is asked to change and is given an amount of time to change. The Scout is asked to come up with a plan of correction. The parents are asked to help with the plan of correction. The Scout is suspended from activities. The parents must attend all functions with the Scout, etc. The plan is progressively tighter until the Scout may decide that being a Scout is not what he wants. At no time does anyone want the Scout to leave. It is always his decision. We want him to know that we will go to any length to keep him in the program. One note of warning, Scouts are boys and the rabbit ears behind the head trick may be overwhelmingly funny to them. One must not go too far with discipline because boys at that age have a tickle bone that needs to go off every few minutes. As you have already noted, keep the meeting interesting and going at a pace that is slower than the speed of light. Remember to start and stop on time. Parents need to be prompt about picking the boys up. I would also like to throw in one more rule and that is, One parent or guardian of every Scout must take charge of one activity or Troop need per year or be on the committee. I could go on but stopping an activity while it is still fun is another rule of mine. fb
  19. Let's take a few issues: War- the new members won't speak. Few of the new or old will vote to cut funding. Stay the Course will be the vote. They will most likely set a date (two years) to bring the troops home. This will be hailed as a great victory. Strengthening the military and their equipment will more likely be the big issue. Abortion- the new members stand with many of the R.'s and it is the law and the R. court won't act, so it will not make the list. Gun Control- so few votes that it will not be on the agenda. Taxes- no change. The deficit- there will great speeches made about cutting funding for programs where there is no voice or little support but little change is expected. Stem Cell research will be the rallying cry but any bill will be sent back to them by GW where it will shelved with much hue and cry. The D.'s don't have the leadership, direction or votes necessary to make any changes plus it will take bipartisan support for change and the R.s have shown that they are not bent in that way. I expect allot more finger pointing making it essential to have a new president to rescue us. The D.s will continue recruiting conservatives until they look more like the Rs than the Rs. The total gain will mean that the conservative agenda will finally get passed by the opposing party. There will still be plenty of debate and maneuvering over who gets their name on the bills. They will return to their districts like conquering heroes. B.A.U.
  20. Boys need a reason to be there (*the Scout meeting). Look for these symptoms: Little action with allot of screaming versus Allot of action and screams of delight (*the # 1. intended symptom goal) Boys need a reason to communicate (*the #1. intended symptom goal is reason enough) Boys need a reason to dress appropriately (*closely connected to symptom goal #1.) To figure out the target goals of Scouting which we agree that are important, they must experience many successful symptoms of goal #1. This fun approach to Scouting includes such things as orderly openings and closings, dues, attendance checks, uniform inspections, etc. It also includes such things as boys planning and leading the meetings. There always needs to be a song or two, a game of some sort, patrol corners to plan and a demonstration with a related activity. I hold to the pre-meeting/joining in game as well. Advancement is important but secondary just add it in without too many noticing. I throw in a SMs minute to sum it all up because there will always be a learning opportunity or two to reflect on. Start and Stop on time. Have a yearly calendar. Get plenty of committee support. Go camping or have an outdoor activity once per month. Go to summer camp. Recognize boys and adults for accomplishments. Have some traditions like a yearly Unit Dinner. Make sure that the SM learns to keep quiet. The JASM can be one of the best influences in the unit. You are important. Don't underestimate the strength of your example. It will be part of what the Scouts remember that made Scouting important to them. That should just about do it. fb
  21. We still have a Republican majority in both houses for the next two years in spite of the elections. Nothing on the horizon, Sir. B.A.U. fb
  22. Gonzo1 As far as expressing personal opinions, you may want to learn all about how the military is under the civilian rule of law in the United States. You are probably thinking about one of the countries where contrary opinions are put permanently to rest and the military controls the government and all of its' voices. Over here, we believe in freedom of speech which allows me to have an opinion no matter what kind of boots I wear. It really is a good way to live. I hope that you are able to help your government acquire such knowledge one day. Keep the faith! fb (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)
  23. Welcome to the all night electric campfire. It keeps you warm in the summer and cold in the winter. Notice all of the wide eyes in the dark sitting and staring? Well, it is not always this quiet. Just join in and speak your mind. Somebody will respond. They always do. fb
  24. Today was a red letter day in Washington.... Rummy is the greatest one for the job! Rummy will be by my side till the day I walk away from here. Oh, by the way, here is your replacement, Rummy. Well, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to disturb the election process. Oh yea, I am now a born again non-partisan kind of guy. Let's all work together. I can really hear the voters today. That is the kind of silly nonsense that we have come to expect. I suppose he wasn't lying either. By the way, the "no nation building" speech was made after 9/11. There wouldn't be any other reason to make it. It has nothing to do with a grudge. It has everything to do with what we are doing today in Iraq, Nation Building. I didnt think that would be that easy to miss. fb
  25. Brent, I didnt and dont support Clintons infidelity or his lie about his infidelity. He lost my respect for him as a husband. There are plenty of Republicans, Democrats and Church leaders with dubious family morals. I dont understand their family/personal problems, especially when they constantly puke morals all over the public. I want my leaders to be great in every way but I know that they are just people with problems that are in office for awhile. Bush said that we are not Nation Builders and now we are trying to build a nation where people dont support it. We are in the midst of a Civil War where we can only lose MORE than one time. That is a lie with bodies attached. Bush loses my respect for not backing his own words as a man. fb
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