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Fuzzy Bear

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Bear

  1. OGC, My Dad used to have an expression that used those words. I irritated him on occasion which brought forth that particular graphic illustration of blindness to fact. The shock value was usually lost on my literalism with the resulting humor. FB
  2. Since hugs are out, I was hoping for a group accordion session or how about a big John Wayne, "You buncha lugs". Remember, this is just a time out from the real business of blood and guts, furry and dialogue so don't anybody get real chummy. I expect a good hard head butt in the very next post. FB
  3. About a million messages ago, someone noted that people respond only to the last one or two posts on any one topic. Since then, I have noted that there are several types of responses. One is the back and forth between two people locked-on to each other whether they are on-topic or off-topic. Another is the person that posts on several topics and religiously expects an answer; probably does a search for their name and then begins. Another is the lone response, no expectation of an answer, just a shot straight up. Then there is the inspirational response and also the foot in the mouth response. There is also the silly response and the religious response, sometimes, one and the same. There is the trolled response to harangue and prick an interest. Then there is the off-topic response where the writer most likely just missed the main point making for a Barney Fife. There is strangeness to these interactions because it is not like a traditional dialogue. In other words, a person speaks and the listener responds with a yes/no, shake of the head or an opinion. Here it is a group-speak. Some may just listen and then enter in unexpectedly at any point. Sometimes there is a barrage of responses and sometimes people even repeat one another. It is like an echo effect. It is like someone that doesn't listen and then hears something and then jumps into the conversation. Then there is the person that may read 10 pages of things and can respond with accuracy. There is also the response that hits the nail on the head and puts an end to the inquiry. Then there is the response that uncovers a loose end to the end reply and shows it to be false, thus setting up another round. With all of the intellectual ammunition, insights, experience, and humor, it really is a nice place to visit. FB
  4. Getting numbers is their job, GREAT! We (I) want them to make the Pack GROW. It is up to us to make the Pack GO. So, let's GRAB those incentives but follow it up with training and quality support. FB
  5. My wife said that if the line existed at all, it was much too fine for someone like me. As I look around at my accomplishments, it doesn't take much insight to make that determination either. I would like to make a defense for it but it is like defending the results of a tornado with an explanation like, 'our house needed remodeling anyway'.
  6. The attorney defense is pretty funny. Ok, so we need them when our ox is gored. As for an album of Celtic music lead by a band of bagpipers, now that is wrongful goring. As for the origin of ox goring rules, they have been around since there was ownership of oxen, camels and asses in the Fertile Crescent, pre- recorded history. Rules varied according to local prejudice. Talmudic Law allows for no fault if a Jewish ox gores a Canaanites but full compensation for the opposing act. Under Mosaic Law, it was considered unrighteous to allow for prejudicial judgment. Lev. 19:34-5, Love the stranger in all transactions, remembering that you were also strangers in a strange land once,*where prejudicial acts were common, *aka the early Golden Rule. Being a senior member here means that you have posted one hundred times, or close to it. One could place one hundred periods in these boxes and obtain the same high honor. Now it probably doesn't sound as dignified but it really is. Since I only posted the hint of a lawyer joke and didn't follow it with the punch line, then technically I can only be charged with hinting at lawyers. Actually, the accordion is a rich source of humor that has not been fully developed. I hope that we can pursue that subject with the same vigor of a totally flamed-out poster. FB
  7. Deadbrain features news, satire, spoof, parody, humor and Hillary Clinton. It is obvious they missed on all six points. Alfred B. Newman lives.
  8. ID does not claim that God was the creator either. So they must not be Boy Scouts or from Kansas but they probably are Republicans with a political agenda. I doubt God would recognize them either. It is good that they didn't pin this mess on God; so that really could make it an intelligent design. FB
  9. The color of sky is based on the amount and kinds of waves received by the specific receptors in the eyes and the angle of reception. It is also dependent on the magnetic and electric fields around us. So, blue during the day and reds during the evening. The same sky we all see in different colors is really only white. If one wants to draw an analogy, then the color of sky is in the eye of the beholder at different times of the day but none really see the sky as it really is. FB
  10. I have collected Scout paper since 1980. There are others across the country that does this also but it is a small market with varied collections few that are the same. Occasionally, I will run across a paper collector that has specialized but inevitably they have found something that fits mine. It is as if a door opens and the opportunity arises simply because of the meeting; kind of like the item was waiting for me. I have driven to places near and far to trade and find, bought things through the mail, by internet, over the phone. Some of my collections have been completed or as close to completion that I plan to get. There is a feeling of elation in acquisition, a feeling of satisfaction in completion, and a thousand conversations remembered.
  11. Scouting should not and does not take responsibility for protecting Scouts from being atheists. If a person reads a Godless evolutionary theory and is awash in the universal acid,, then it is up to that persons own judgment as to how they wish to live their life and understand their world. They simply are asked to leave if they dont believe, per the God rule in Scouting. As an American, they can continue living and doing any number of things that are far more important, like making a living or preparing themselves through education. Scouting has never been the central activity for youth and most likely never will, so it is a mystery as to why anyone would focus their life, spend their time to change it into something else when we are awash in freedom. It has been an age old problem not just confronting Scouts today but Christians. The Church held strong Aristotelian beliefs for centuries while scientists discovered that the earth circled the sun, the planets and the earth circled the sun, and the solar system circled the universe. As earth receded in scientific importance, so receded Gods creation from being of central importance, as many good Churchmen believed. Why would God not make Earth the Center of the Universe, since he saw fit to stock it with his creation? Where else could it possibly be but in the center? The Church acted time and again with harsh measures to realign peoples poisoned minds. The Church eventually drank the poison and declared the alignment of Science and Religion but the fight never ended and apologies were too few and too late. How one makes sense of Religion is a key to unlocking this puzzle. If one wants to accept the Bible literally verse by verse, then one is doomed to paint their belief system into a blind corner with no exit with every little scientific experiment. If one wants to use a balanced approach and try to understand Gods message, then it becomes crystal clear that science interferes little with ones understanding of God. The message as I understand it is that mankind is central to God and all the universe circles however it wishes. Religion is independent of Science and always will be. It is the responsibility of the individual to make their choices in life but all choices lead someplace. FB
  12. In the movie Gladiator, Maximus was killed by a lose of blood and being poisoned with a loaded dagger. After he falls to the ground dead, the close up shot of his head still shows his blood vessel on the right side still pumping. So technically, he should not have entered heavens gates as shown because it should have been his heart that stopped but didnt. The fine line on death is determined by a series of tests: no breath, no pupil dilation and no response to pain. In the Roman days it was determined by no movement, which means that even lazy people were probably buried. Death comes after the blood flow to the brain has stopped, so the brain will never function again at that point. Other organs such as the heart, kidneys, or liver, are dead but may function for a few more days. So it is possible in most instances to bury a person with a beating heart, unless donated to a dying person and then it lives but without the original person attached. The heart continues to beat because electrical impulses engage beating by means of an organic pacemaker. A more difficult problem to figure out was with the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz who lived without a brain until the end of the movie and then he was awarded a diploma/brain. It gives credence to another paradox of figuring out the fine line of intelligence. FB
  13. (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)
  14. It appears to me that this young man has serious problems. Sweeping it under the rug will not have the intended result. Since a decision has already been made, it would be nice to hear about his progress over the next year so that I could hopefully say that I was wrong. FB
  15. We want to explore the words, "flying feely". This is an oft used phrase implying that birds don't go anywhere but in reality they are more like homing pigeons than one would like to believe. Birds must eat 10 times their weight in bugs per day and then feed the nest before they rest. It isn't easy being a bird which is a reality based on the numerous difficulties of birddom. It is also how foul language was first developed. If Scouting ever cut it's moorings from anything it was attached, then most likely it would just come home to roost, much like birds. Being bird brained is no small feet when one is pigeon toed.
  16. This is the kind of stuff that humorists would relish.
  17. Tucker, What happened to you is hurtful and then finding out who did it is confusing. I am glad you brought your problem here to share with some who have dealt with similar kinds of hurt and have had similar kinds of confusion in their own lives. One's reaction is generally based on having some experience with a specific situation. Most likely, you have not dealt with something that appears to be so unexpected. It makes for a combination of anger and disorientation. It is the grouping of these two opposing thoughts that can bring about the feeling that makes one want to vomit. If the young man had been a non-Scout, a person that can be profiled as someone that meets your expectation of a thief, then it would be easier to follow this through the court and hope that some kind of restitution could be made or the person would simply sit in a jail. In this instance, the young man doesn't fit the idea in your head of a thief and you feel that he will somehow escape punishment. You might also be thinking that the young man will grow up and take a position of responsibility without having the strength of honor to make good choices, a prediction that makes most uneasy. The problem is that many now know of his misdeed. It is in this knowledge that honor is bestowed whether it is in an Eagle badge or a job or if a person goes to the other side of the world where only he knows. He is attempting to build a life of honor and if he dishonors it by acting the thief, then that carries the burden of non-accomplishment for life. Even if he does not admit it, he will continue to make himself the victim of his own charade and he will need to decide to make the repair himself, which always looks emotionally like an unsightly scar. He still must go before the judge, his SM, his Troop and his family with the knowledge of this crime all around him. He may even get away with less punishment than that of a non-Scout. The problem is adjusted in the weight of his own personal consequences which he may presently deny but remains just the same. FB
  18. What about a million accordions march on D.C.? That would surely put a kink in their happy hour. Why don't lawyers play the accordion?
  19. I ate a big bowl of Pan Gu the other day and it was great! NJ "not incorrect" is a double negative meaning that you are correct and if that is so, everything else you say is true. The BSA cannot choose one religion's creation myth over another by their own current admission and policy. So like one poster said, we must follow our leaders.
  20. Jared Pabulum. I think I met him. I believe he is the Sub-way guy. Small world.
  21. Ron came out to Summer camp just fuming. His son had reported to him that stuff was stolen so Ron wanted to get to "the bottom of it". We all realigned our camp chairs to watch him as he went over to his son's tent, one with sidewalls and on a platform, to begin the search. We told him that he needed to start there and work his way around the outside the tent to solve this mystery. Thirty minutes later, the booty was recovered. He was scooping up and stacking arm loads of things that were piled inside the tent and that had fallen all around the outside. Later that evening, we were treated to another amusing event as his son prepared to go on his overnighter. As he left camp, several more stolen items were falling out of his pack as he marched off. We flipped a coin to see who would call Ron back. FB
  22. My personal belief is that abortion is wrong because it kills/murders a relationship with the unborn child, the prospective father, and one's God. If anybody else believes as I do, then the law is already in their heart and nobody else has to bother with making another law or reversing the older one for us. Life begins even before conception, the first heartbeat, or the first breath if there is a relationship between two people that love each other and they want to give each other the very best there is in life. As for rape, incest, Saturday night fun and acts done with a turkey baster; all Church people need to gather their money together to house and feed the results of such non-relationships. The government would not need to be involved, or change the laws and nobody would need to say "no" ever again. Animal lusting was not invented in the 20th or the 21st centuries. Rooster, Your challenge about laws and morality is circular reasoning. Your faith in morality by majority vote falls short of belief in a real God. to the other poster, concrete form is misleading. FB (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)
  23. In the first grade it was a moment with the little red-haired girl that lived down on the street corner and later that same year it was my friend's big sister who was to graduate and move away. Then it was my third grade teacher. She got married and left me. It broke my heart but she wrote me several letters which gave me hope and eased the pain. For one evening, it was Karla of the fourth grade. In the sixth grade, I went to a party with one girl, slow danced with another beauty and spent most of the evening with a third who thrilled me with a kiss. On the return trip home with the first one, as I sat in reverie, she informed me about a truth concerning women that was quite disturbing. In the face of unrequited love, rejection, distance, and confusion, I began to find my way in a world of chaos and joy. FB
  24. I have experienced enough of life to witness to a rough estimation of what we can expect as a country if our leaders were to do away with the Constitution and insert the Bible, word for word as our new guiding principle. Many would be in joyful agreement with the idea that we have aligned ourselves with God's Holy Word and all of the associated ideas. But, as soon as any problem came up, such as an unwanted pregnancy, they would have their daughter on the first jet out of the Holy Land to any other unholy country to have an unholy abortion and then they would return as soon as possible to praise God for His deliverance. I have a long laundry list of personal experience with many God fearing people (including myself) and their (our) weaseling ways but hopefully that is not necessary. The Bible has also shown this same truth about God's own people time and again. It is there, read it. The problem with legislating morality is that morality is based on how well God and the individual has been able to remake one heart for that one person to live in accordance with God's desires. No amount of legislation will ever make any person respond to God, abide by God's word, and live a holy life. Once a person actually has faith in a real God, instead of the world, then real change will happen. Legislation for God is little more than true disbelief in a real God. FB
  25. stl, I did not have defecation with that Tuba. Furthermore, it depends on what you mean by the word to. Pack, Playing the piano was an analogy. FB
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