Fuzzy Bear
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Ed, I hope you realize I was recounting my past but I want you to know what I believe today. (this is from the Bible and Scouts can relate to it) God spoke to Nathan in the night, saying "Go tell my servant David that the Lord is asking the question, What are you doing building me a house to live in? I have not lived in house since I brought my children out of Egypt, even unto this day, I have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle with you all...I went with you wherever you went and I have cut off all of your enemies... God's house (Churches and Sundays) keeps God in out of the way even to this day. Churches and Sundays tend to allow people to believe that God is relegated to those times and places. This gives people clearance to lie, cheat, steal, make war, etc. in all other places and days. Men (in general) use these tactics against their enemies. God is much better at taking care of our problems but we prefer to do it ourselves. God wants to walk with us every day and be as close to each of us as our own heart is close to each of us. This is God's way of keeping us clean and keeping us in his family. FB
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Here are most of the required amounts of time up through 2006 for overnight camping. Tenderfoot Scout- 1 over night camp Second Class Scout- participate in five separate activities, two of which included camping overnight First Class Scout- participate in ten separate activities, three of which included camping overnight. Star Scout- 0 Life Scout 0 Eagle Scout- Camping MB- Camp out a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights, one week at Summer camp may be used as part of the total. Eagle Palms- 0 Out of the 121 Merit Badges, these are the ones that require some amount of overnight camping: Camping MB already listed. Wilderness Survival MB- Requirement 9- Spend a night in your shelter. Backpacking MB- Using Leave No Trace principles, participate in at least three backpacking treks of at least three days each and at least 15 miles each, and using at least two different campsites. Do the following: Write a plan for a backpacking trek of at least five days using at least three different campsites and covering at least 30 miles. Your plan must include a description of and route to the trek area, schedule (including a daily time control plan), list of food and equipment needs, safety and emergency plan, and budget. Hiking MB- Requirement 6- Take a hike of 20 continuous miles in one day following a hike plan you have prepared.- Overnighters are given no credit. Cooking Merit Badge- 3. Plan a menu for one day (three meals) or for four meals over a two-day period of trail hiking or backpacking. Include the following: 6. Using the menu planned for requirement 5a, do the following: Prepare and serve for yourself and two others, the trail breakfast and dinner. Time your cooking so that each course will be ready to serve at the proper time. The meals for this requirement may be prepared for different trips. They need not be prepared consecutively. Scouts working on this badge at summer camp should plan around food they can get at the camp commissary. 50 Miler Award- 50 consecutive miles over at least 5 consecutive days Historic Trails Award- camp 2 days and 1 night along the trail or near the site The Order of the Arrow- "The youth must have experienced fifteen days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the election. The fifteen days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps." National Camping Award- This award recognizes troops that go camping during the year. Recognition is for the number of camping days and nights logged on a yearly basis or on a cumulative basis. Yearly awards are the unit award, 10 days and nights; bronze award, 20 days and nights; silver award, 30 days and nights; and gold award, 50 days and nights. Cumulative awards are the unit award, 100 days and nights; bronze award, 250 days and nights; silver award, 500 days and nights; and gold award, 1,000 days and nights. Quality Unit Award- 6 *highlight activities and attend one LT BSA camp. *Highlight activities do not have to be overnight campouts. Each district usually plans one or two District overnight events during the year. By using the above chart to help develop a Troop's plan for a yearly program, the number of nights camping might range from 6 at a LT camp for the Quality Unit award/Tenderfoot to First Class, to 10 to qualify for the National Camping Award, to 15 to qualify Scouts for the OA. Although the list appears to be sparse on the surface, a vigourous camping program could be developed using these requirements as guidelines. The goal/outcome would be to be awarded for doing what many Scouts think of as being the number one reason that a unit should be considered as a Quality Unit. FB -
My Mother was wonderful. She had an agenda that we all obeyed. Keep the room, the house and our bodies clean on a regular basis. Actually she had several standards that we were supposed to know and follow. She was never strict unless we veered too much in any one direction and then she might get us with a fly swatter. We would run from her and as we got older, we just laughed. I am sure that it frustrated her a little but we still obeyed. Church was for Sunday and God didn't get in the way on the other days unless it was Christmas dinner and then I usually got tapped to speak to him. I kind of liked speaking to God because he was so open to anything I had/have to say. One day I asked Mom where she got these rules of hers. I thought maybe they came from a little book that a person got when they became parents. I would kid her about it and she would just laugh. Underneath it all, I was serious because I wanted my copy early to bone up the rules, just in case. What I didn't know was that people do all kinds of things as parents that are not based on any kind of structure. What I learned later in my profession is that parents do all kinds of things to kids and some are very unsavory. I also found out that children are like diamonds or great wealth to most of the world and to me. I discovered that raising children and proper structure is almost as much of a Mystery as the Spiritual realm itself. I learned early on about preachers because I had my hat set on becoming one. I would follow them around and visit them and go to the Church, wherever I could come in contact with them. I studied the Bible and obtained the God and Country award in Scouts. I actually read the Bible through several times from start to finish. It really is a very good story but overly long and it could use some editing. I understand the idea about the one way to God approach and I deeply appreciate the warning. The problem came from listening which is a skill I am fairly well versed. I listened carefully and took volumes of notes. I have studied gobs of books and still consult the Bible and speak to God daily. I have also been writing a paper about God based upon one word a preacher used in her sermon about six months ago. She spoke it once to our fellowship so I had to call her to ask her how it was spelled. My spelling skills stink sometimes. What I found out is the reason behind why people speak about God and Mystery almost in the same breath. It has to do with the size of God. Since I have been to Philmont as many of you have, I compare God to the Tooth of Time. He is actually much bigger but I suppose the Tooth will have to do. On my way up and that is how I would explain it to anyone else going there. I came in from one direction and I met several others that took other trails and other directions up. We all arrived at the same place and a few even got there ahead of me. I know that I will see the one way people at the top so I want to extend an early greeting and ask them to get ready to move over. There will be quite an unexpected crowd. FB
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Regarding the Outdoor program, I would like to make a point but first: from the BSA website Merit Badge Program Background and Purposes As chartered by the Congress of the United States, the Boy Scouts of America is a movement dedicated to supplementing and enlarging the education of youth. The merit badge program, which provides opportunities for youth to explore more than 120 fields of skill and knowledge, plays a key role in the fulfillment of this educational commitment. A vital part of the BSA's advancement plan, the merit badge program is one of Scouting's basic character-building tools. Through participation in the program (which may begin immediately upon registration in a troop or team), a Scout acquires the kind of self-confidence that comes only from overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal. Instruction is offered in everything from animal science and public speaking to swimming and communications, providing a young man with invaluable career, physical, and interpersonal skills. Boy Scouting. A year-round program for boys 11 through 17 designed to achieve the aims of Scouting through a vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult Scoutmaster. (Boys also may become Boy Scouts if they have earned the Cub Scouting Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old.) One Method of Boy Scouting Outdoor Programs. Boy Scouting is designed to take place outdoors. It is in the outdoor setting that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with one another. In the outdoors the skills and activities practiced at troop meetings come alive with purpose. Being close to nature helps Boy Scouts gain an appreciation for the beauty of the world around us. The outdoors is the laboratory in which Boy Scouts learn ecology and practice conservation of nature's resources. The point has to do with this segment of the above. "A year-round program for boys 11 through 17 designed to achieve the aims of Scouting through a vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult Scoutmaster." to be continued... -
For fun... Words you don't want to hear on a campout.
Fuzzy Bear replied to EagleInKY's topic in Working with Kids
At the end of a long day on the river, I hear Jeremy saying that he wore his Scout shorts all day without sunscreen. When I look around he is standing up on a rock with what he called red Scout Socks on. I am lounging in camp when one of the Scouts runs up and tells me that Mike got hit in the head with a rock. We are in the middle of the second day of a Fifty miler and and two of the younger Scouts have decided that they, "can no longer carry their packs". -
I took the Belief-O-Matic about two years ago. We started with the U.U.'s about the same time on Sunday mornings. I now take my boys to the Buddhist meditations on Tuesday evenings. They can almost last the hour. I also daily meditate with the Tao. The B-O-M changed my life. FB
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Mike Long is responsible for this next one. I feel that the importance is immeasuable but then maybe we should. Mike Long Numbers are a good way of judging the health of anything. The higher the numbers the higher the likelihood that things are going well. This is a common and accurate method of judging effectiveness. It is not possible to camp too much but it is possible to lose focus on the aims and methods of Scouting if all you do is concentrate on camping and not on being Boy Scouts who camp. This year: 25 nights available for all troop members (4 nights lost to trips that fell through) 32 if you are in the venture patrol (add 1 week high adventure this year but we usually aim for 2) 42 if you are a venture patrol member and OA (add 4 OA weekends and a section conference) Me: 55 planned (including my personal trips.) In order to reach First Class a scout must have been on 3 overnight camping events. The Camping Merit Badge calls for a scout to "Camp out a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights. (You may use a week of long-term camp toward this requirement.)" The Order of the Arrow calls for 15 nights of camping, 5 of which were a long term camp The Quality Unit award calls for 6 highlight activities (such as hikes, campouts, trips, tours etc.) and attend a BSA long-term camp. -
Fluff is not a word I would use either after reading Barry's description. The rub is that the Aims were already in place along with the Methods, The Oath, The Law, the Slogan and the Motto. The problem in the past with units that I worked and Scouted with had to do with people forgetting or not knowing the Aims. Actually, they forgot the Methods and right on down the line. They didn't connect the dots. I can see where a Mission statement and a vision keeps people pointed in the right direction. It is all too easy to forget that many either don't know or underestimate the importance of where we have agreed to go with Scouting. The next point on forming, storming, norming, performing is psychobabble taken right out of Group Therapy/Dynamics. This is an excellent way to train people in how groups form and the processes they go through on their way to a goal. I know that this doesnt count but have you ever been to a Church service where a prayer started things off or a prayer was given before a Sunday School class. What about a prayer before a meal or a prayer said out loud in a restaurant. Irrespective of anyones beliefs, it gives direction to all that follows. FB
Quality Unit Award...can your District make changes?
Fuzzy Bear replied to Eagle Foot's topic in Open Discussion - Program
The 2007 Centennial QU Award Commitment This is a commitment, which is a plan of action. There are 6 numbered requirements. The last one and the one that is not numbered, meaning that it is probably not required is the: In support of, which may be a way of showing what happened, not necessarily what was planned to happen. It says, Participating in the FOS and "product sale". It doesn't stipulate anything other than participation AND since it is not numbered, probably will not disqualify a unit from obtaining the Centennial QU Award if it did not participate. There may be further clarification with the "Training" that is to follow. FB -
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
from the BSA website concerning Boy Scouts and Patrols within a BS Troop: The Patrol Leaders' Council: As a patrol leader, you are a member of the patrol leaders' council, and you serve as the voice of your patrol members. You should present the ideas and concerns of your patrol and in turn share the decisions of the patrol leaders' council with your patrol members. The patrol leaders' council is made up of the senior patrol leader, who presides over the meetings; the assistant senior patrol leader, all patrol leaders, and the troop guide. The patrol leaders' council plans the yearly troop program at the annual troop program planning conference. It then meets monthly to fine-tune the plans for the upcoming month. The PLC is the represntative body from the individual Patrols made up of 6 to 8 Scouts. my note: The larger framework of the Council is made up of all of the Districts in an area that may be determined by boundaries closely assosciated by geography. Several Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing Units may be aligned within any one District under the heading of any one Council. According to some count I saw, there were 300+ councils in the U.S. FB -
Quality Unit Award...can your District make changes?
Fuzzy Bear replied to Eagle Foot's topic in Open Discussion - Program
It only said that a unit had to particpate. If you don't sell one bag of highly expensive PC, you participated. The tough one is to count the number of UC visits.FB -
The good thing about trying to make something relevant for youth today is that everyone soon discovers what was already important. The Scout Oath The Scout Law The Scout Motto The Scout Slogan The Aims if Scouting The Skills of Leadership The Methods of Scouting These have both vision and mission. I am unsure what has come along that can compete or replace things that work so well. The two stars on the Scout Badge represent Truth and Knowledge. These two stars are separate but never equal. Sometimes the light that shines from the One crosses into the path of the lesser. When it does, we have something very special. FB
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Dan, I am unsure how ScoutPerson would defend or define his statements but you have some good insights. I am asking you to reply and expand on your statements using your own experience and knowledge and let us know more about how you define a Quality Unit. I am very interested. Thanks, FB -
I was still teaching when we put together our first Mission statement. I then found another career. I suppose that was my mission, I just didn't have the vision to see it coming. Later, the Agency I work for now went through a period with "Teams". The highlight was to develop a long rambling Mission statement. We used most of one large wall to get it all down. The Republicans went into office and we were given a new czar. He fired most of the Team and we went back to being individuals. I think our Mission now is to get work done instead of sitting around making stuff up. FB(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)
I was reading the BSA website and ran across something about the importance of the Uniform that I should have thought of before. I didn't think about copying it either, so I am using my faulty memory here. Yes, it sets the Example. It shows that we can follow directions. It shows that we can be that goal that others want to follow. Yes, it brings everyone under one umbrella. It brings people together that normally might not associate with each other. It allows for separate people to profess that they are a group with a direction that leads to the High Road in life. But, it also is an open statement to all about what we intend on becoming. It is how we want to be known in our lives. It represents a goal and each badge is another step along the way to that goal. FB
Humor - just to lighten things up
Fuzzy Bear replied to packsaddle's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I finally got to see Bonnie and Clyde on TV after going to see it at the Drive-in three times. It was really violent! -
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Responding to BW's list of Quality Unit Items, ScoutPerson: I would just say that some are more important than others while all are important these are the ones that I feel are fatal. The number one reason is 1 and 2 on my list. The others are just listed in the order I cut and pasted them. 1. Leaders NOT TRAINED 2. Adults hollering at boys 3. Leaders do not follow the policies of the Guide to safe scouting, Advancement or Uniforming 4. Scoutmaster runs the committee 5. Troop meetings are merit badge classes 6. They don't get outside once a month 7. greater than 10% drop off rate 8. Poor troop meeting attendance 9. SM doesn't train junior leaders 10. Scouts are punished by unit leaders 11. SM who doesn't trust the boys to elect their own leaders Each item on the above list, I believe has enough merit to break a program individually, whereas the following are mistakes but individually will not be fatal (in my opinion). Most parents are unwilling to help (think about it, its not that they don't want to work with their children.) -- I would say not having enough parents willing to help; just trying to distinguish the difference between Cub Scouts which needs more parents. -- The key is can you get enough parents to help. If not, then this moves to the other list. Leadership distain for district, council, and professional scouters. -- Important, but in some councils the driving distance between troop and office may make it difficult to achieve. They don't have quarterly Courts of Honor -- Or any at all. If you have semi-annual youd be ok, if this was the only thing on the list you did. But often I see many not doing them at all or yearly. New scouts do not advance to First Class near the first year -- I would say new scouts MUST have the opportunity to get to FC within a reasonable amount of time to ensure FCFY is obtainable. Adults cook for scouts at campouts -- I would say not allowing scouts to cook at all. We do patrol cooking and troop cooking with a scout kitchen too. I do believe in always allowing the scouts to cook and/or help. But, we focus this around the activities. So sometimes the adults cook while other times a patrol or individual scouts cook. But, if every time you go the adults cook then you need to rethink whats going on. No monthly Patrol Leaders Council meetings -- Again, based on your council this may or may not be as feasible as youd like. ScoutPerson -
Quality Unit Award...can your District make changes?
Fuzzy Bear replied to Eagle Foot's topic in Open Discussion - Program
A Council cannot change or add to a National standard. Statistics are drawn from the overall units being awarded. If the standard is changed, so goes the statistics for that Council. I doubt the people over that program would be thrilled to know that someone changed it so a Council would build their own budget. Service Project- 1 annually, preferred to the Sponsoring organization and then report it on the good turn web site. Did your Council change the Service Project? 2006 NQU Award Training- The SM trained- Fast Start and BLT for SM. Two-Deep Leadership- one or more ASMs that are registered, trained and active. One supervises YP training. Patrol Method- JLT and monthly PLCs. Planned program, published and presented. Outdoor Activities- 6 highlight activities and attend one LT BSA camp. Service Project- 1 annually, preferred to the Sponsoring organization and then report it on the good turn web site. On-Time Charter Renewal. Membership with an equal or greater number than last year. Advancement- 60% advances one rank. Boys Life- 100% Scout homes or 10% over last year. FB -
When we are on the other side of the hill away from the incident, we need to be careful about judging someone's judgments. It is important that we trust the Leader's to do the right thing even if it doesn't appear that way. We should also be willing to let a leader be wrong simply because even parents get it wrong sometimes. I suggest that you follow it through. Go with your son to the hearing. Give your son support but don't speak for him. It sounds like your son not only knows the profane but also has an idea about what is fair and right. He wouldn't have had the "vacant stare" if he had thought that what happened was fair. I doubt that he was using the STARE because he believed that it is OK to speak to others using harsh and demeaning language as being correct either. So, we have to assume that your son still has something to say in his defense. I doubt that he is going to defend the poor use of his language. In today's world, knowing how to defuse a situation instead of making it worse by poor use of language can be a lifesaving skill. I can think of several others but this may be an opportunity to increase your son's use of productive language skills. FB
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Although, I should now have it, in a matter of minutes it will wear off. My lack of selected spelling ability along with my inability to pick up on details, such as letters within a word or sentence seems to work against me ever getting it all correct. I also don't check my work sometimes, making it even worse. Enough said about my disability, let's take a closer look at the Quality of Units and what makes them tick. I have been looking at some other features that are kind of exciting. This one is a BW follow-up to CNYScouter's search regarding unit problems, the following are: Just as there are common elements in successful units there are also common traits of units in trouble. Maybe these sound familiar to you in your unit, I hope not. rarely will you only find one of these traits alone. - Leaders are not trained - Scoutmaster runs the committee - Most parents are unwilling to help (think about it, its not that they don't want to work with their children.) - Leadership distain for district, council, and professional Scouters. - Troop meetings are merit badge classes - They don't get outside once a month - They don't have quarterly Courts of Honor - SM doesn't train junior leaders - New scouts do not advance to First Class near the first year - greater than 10% drop off rate - Poor troop meeting attendance - Adults cook for scouts at campouts - Scouts are punished by unit leaders - Adults hollering at boys - SM who doesn't trust the boys to elect their own leaders - No monthly Patrol Leaders Council meetings - Leaders do not follow the policies of the Guide to safe scouting, Advancement or Uniforming. -Parents participation is a by product of other elements not an element in itself. -Parents don't want to be a part of a program that is disorganized, poorly lead, poor communications, and appears like too much work to do, or where they are not appreciated for their individual skills. -They don't want to volunteer their time to be miserable. -Everybody is willing to stand around and watch a train wreck...but nobody wants to be on board. -If you want adults you need to do whats on the list and the adults will come to you when you invite them individually. -
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I modified this from an old BW reply. Commissioner Service help: To help evaluate unit health, there is a detailed monthly report available to District Commissioners that gives all the info to see if a unit is in trouble. It has adult and youth membership numbers, Boys life registration, training info, quality unit info, add Roundtable attendance and advancement info so you get a good picture of the unit. What it doesn't tell you is who the culprit or culprits are when there is a problem. That would require the appropriate Mentor to discover. The unit leaders and Charter Organizations need to know that the use of the Mentor program is their choice. BW I would also like to add that since Tour Permits are required it can be determined who, where, how often that a unit camps or has activities. FB (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear) -
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Rick Cronk stated that the role of the Unit Commissioner is: We handle the annual charter renewal and help the unit earn the Quality Unit Award. We help the unit replace its leadership. We work to assure active unit committees. We work to strengthen the relationship between the unit and its chartered organization. We do many other things common to all units. The chronology of dropped units is simple and well known to all commissioners: Poor unit leadership leads to uninspired program. Uninspired program leads to Scouts "voting with their feet" and walking out of their last Scouting activity. Scouts walking out of Scouting leads to troops, packs, crews, and teams closing their doors. Units closing their doorsdropped unitsleads to our inability to empower kids with the self-confidence and self-esteem that comes from understanding and living by the principles of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. I quote from page 10 of the Commissioner Fieldbook: "The only reason for having commissioners is to help units succeed." -
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
The BSA says that a Qaulity unit has: 2006 NQU Award Training- The SM trained- Fast Start and BLT for SM. Two-Deep Leadership- one or more ASMs that are registered, trained and active. One supervises YP training. Patrol Method- JLT and monthly PLCs Planned program, published and presented Outdoor Activities- 6 highlight activities and attend one LT BSA camp. Service Project- 1 annually, preferred to the Sponsoring organization and then report it on the good turn web site. On-Time Charter Renewal. Membership with an equal or greater number than last year. Advancement- 60% advances one rank Boys Life- 100% Scout homes or 10% over last year -
The Top 10 for a Qaulity Unit
Fuzzy Bear replied to Fuzzy Bear's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Wayne Bishop, Council Commissioner for the San Francisco Bay Area Council, said, There are several good measures of unit success, rank advancement, percent of Scouts in summer Camp, training status of leaders, uniforms but most important is Quality Unit attainment and high youth retention rate. Also: Do the leaders find it rewarding? Is there a membership growth plan? Will the unit reregister on time? Are they going camping regularly?