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"I wonder, I may have saved the troop $150 but in the process reinforced the idea that "the SM will take of it" that permeates many troops." Another approach might be to make a phone call the night before to both the committee chair and the outdoor activities coordinator and say something like "We need to get registered for the camporee by tomorrow or it will cost us an extra $150. I'd be happy to take care of it for you, but I'm tied up until next week. Just thought I'd let you know."
Bullying has no place in Scouting and if it is taking place in your troop, it must be stopped. There is no excuse at all for allowing bullying to continue. Insist that the SM and committee deal with the problem and make it stop. The SM Handbook and G2SS talk about this.
You're going to love this . . . .
FScouter replied to Greying Beaver's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Could you please tell us again what is the problem? -
Time to talk of beads, knots and other things...
FScouter replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Uniforms
How about the Roundtable Staff award, or Commissioner's Key, or District Committee Key. -
Well, the troop committee is kinda like a corporate board of directors. But how many corporate boards go down to the shop floor and tell the plant manager to fire one of his key people? Actually, one of the most important jobs of the committee is to select and recruit the best leaders. And they are also responsible to remove ineffective or destructive leaders. Maybe this assistant hit a raw nerve with CC. But before the committee acts to satisfy an ego, it would behoove them to consider might follow. I'd suggest the SM express to the committee his satisfaction with the assistant. Then insist that if they want to remove her, they first select a qualified replacement. It is not the SM responsibility to "fire" other adult leaders.
Time to talk of beads, knots and other things...
FScouter replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Uniforms
"I really have no idea what the real policy is on this though. Anybody?" Multiple awards may be worked on simultaneously. All the requirements must be completed obviously. Multiple registration might be necessary depending on the specific requirements. Requirements for all of the awards being discussed here are found in the Leadership Committee Training Guide #34169F. From the book, "Tenure used to earn one key or award cannot be used to earn another key or award." (There is one exception for the SM key award.) The Cub Scouter award can be earned by any adult leader in the the pack, including positions for which other awards are available such as the DL award. The tenure requirement is 2 years and the same tenure used for another award cannot be used for the Cub Scouter award. Thus it takes 2 years for this award, plus another year for a DL award. The only way to double up on tenure time is to hold 2 or more registered positions at the same time (which is not recommended anyway). Tenure for the SM key award is 3 years as a SM, which may include the tenure used for the Scouter's Training award. This is the only tenure double-dipping permitted. The requirements for several awards have changed. The SM key award no longer requires completion of the Scouter's training award. Troop Committee Challenge training is required, presumably so the SM will learn part of what is NOT his responsibility. The Scouter's Training award formerly required completion of 5 out of 12 options. 2 new options have been added, 3 were dropped. The new requirement is 7 out of 11. Interpretation of award requirements is the responsibility of the council training committee. Performance is certified by commissioners unless otherwise noted for a specific award. Final approval is the responsibility of the council training committee. They may authorize others to do this, though I seriously doubt they would give blanket approval for packs to distribute awards. -
You're going to love this . . . .
FScouter replied to Greying Beaver's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I'm not insinuating anything, just going with the "worst-case-scenario" (whatever that may be) that GB put forth in his question. My only point is that whatever a boy and girl are going to do at night, in secret, by themselves, they have very likely already done before. Whether that be hand-holding, gazing into each others eyes, kissing, discussing world politics, or anything else. My other comment is that I do not believe that 16 year old boys or girls have the emotional maturity to deal with the very strong emotions and extremly powerful sex drives that are present at that age. In my opinion, one-on-one steady dating is inappropriate for children that young. Scout rank and trust have nothing to do with hormones and emotional maturity. -
Sounds like the complaints have been only between committee members. The function of an assistant SM is to assist the SM in working with the boys. How does he function in that regard? Is he abrasive to boys, or only to committee members?
MandatoryTraining again
FScouter replied to CNYScouter's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
YPT has not changed for years, so what does "be up to date" mean? -
The Scoutmaster and his designees sign and date on the right. The check box on the left is of little significance. The Handbook has lots of lists throughout with little check boxes. For instance, the merit badge pages all have a little box next to each one. The boy that is neat and organized may choose to check off the ones he has completed. I think they are there for the boy to check off for himself.
You're going to love this . . . .
FScouter replied to Greying Beaver's topic in Open Discussion - Program
16 year old kids are too young and too immature to be dating "steady". Whatever you fear they might "do" at this event, they've probably already done, numerous times. The parents are obviously OK with this. -
15 days of camping is required; it doesn't have to include summer camp. (I've never heard of a minimum number of boys required to atttend summer camp.)
You'd think from comments here that he was given a promotion, a raise, and a big bonus. He could have been tarred and feathered on the spot and still there would be those bellyaching that BSA didn't do enough soon enough.
Most Unappreciated Jobs in Scouting
FScouter replied to SeattlePioneer's topic in Open Discussion - Program
That "look" in a boy's eyes is a big one. That kind of recognition is very important. BSA has studied the motivation of adult leaders. One of the top ten reasons a person volunteers is "They recieve personal recognition." One of the top ten reasons they stay involved is "They received recognition for their service." One of the top ten reasons they leave is "There was a lack of recognition." Recognition is important, beyond the look in the boy's eyes. -
scoutmaster refused to sign off on conference
FScouter replied to scoutingfamily's topic in Advancement Resources
Most Scoutmasters I know wait until all other requirements are completed before holding the SM conference. If that is the case here, the conference is not the place to go back and reject requirements previously signed off. If the boy has waited for the conference to get all the other requirements signed off, then perhaps it is other uncompleted requirements that are not being signed. In any case, a 45 minute meeting with the SM seems like about 30 minutes too much. -
"If you can't get them to join, you can't deliver the program." That is absolutely right. And if you have a great program, recruitment is a cinch. When boys consider joining, they look for FUN AND EXCITING STUFF. Boys don't not join because of membership "scandals", the ACLU or any of that other stuff. Those are excuses put forth by adult leaders that have failed to create a quality unit program and are looking for someone else to blame for their failure.
#8, a failed unit program counts for more than double everything else combined. If units don't have a quality program, there is nothing. Everything else is an excuse for the failure of the unit to deliver.
"It's not a training issue it's just a question of how to split out the duties ..." The Cubmaster Specific training and Pack Committee Specific training defines and explains the role and responsibilites of these positions. The Cub Scout Leader book has lots of information too.
The Federal Government and Katrina: Incompetent?
FScouter replied to Kahuna's topic in Issues & Politics
It was a 2-part disaster. Part one was the hurricane itself. Part 2 was the flooding, caused by man. Man built a city below sea level and surrounded by dikes, with pumps to pump out rain that falls in this bowl. What a ridiculous arrangement. I'd like to see some serious discussion about rebuilding the city on another site. -
Gimme the Light of the Campfire
FScouter replied to Campfire Fairy's topic in Camping & High Adventure
Now, when the earth was finished in this awful dirty way, It took the Lord a long time for to find Himself some clay; He fashioned Mr. Adam out of a big mud pie, And set him up along the fence to let the feller dry. Adam was the first man that ever was invented. He lived all alone and never was contented. They made him out of mud in the days gone by, And hung him on the fence in the sun to dry. Along came Eve and they had a great battle. She climbed up a tree and knocked down an apple. She knocked down two and they each had one, and ever since then the trouble has begun. Along came Eve with a basket of fruit; Adam winked at her and thought she was mighty cute; So she picked up some apples and they each had one, And ever since then the trouble has begun. Adam was the first man, Eve was his spouse; They lived in the garden in a pretty little house. Everything was cozy 'till the first son came; Then they moved to the suburbs and started raising Cain. -
Scout spirit and participation for eagles
FScouter replied to pmickle1027's topic in Advancement Resources
"Scout spirit is defined as living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in a Scout's everyday life." Bears repeating. Has he or has he not? -
Many private web sites have copied official BSA forms and post them on their sites. In many instances the forms listed are out of date. The best sites link directly to the BSA national website where the latest updated versions may be found. Many forms and publications may be found on the national BSA web site, though they are not all found in one place. A good place to start is at this link: http://www.scouting.org/forms
Gimme the Light of the Campfire
FScouter replied to Campfire Fairy's topic in Camping & High Adventure
OK, one more time ! - "Ohhhh... Young folks, old folks, everybody come. Join the Boy Scout Sunday School and have a lot of fun. Please check your chewing gum and razors at the door, And hear some Bible stories that you never heard before." -
Philmont & National Jambo Vs Troop Program
FScouter replied to SeattlePioneer's topic in Open Discussion - Program
My son has been to Philmont 3 times now and is trying to figure a way to get there next year after he is 18. Must be some attraction there?