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Everything posted by FScouter

  1. Ahh, the old "cite a higher authority" ruse. That's your first clue it's a lot of bunk. Why don't you ask the person that did the telling ?
  2. Everything there is to know about new uniforms is here: http://www.bsauniforms.org http://www.scoutstuff.org/bsasupply/images/pdfs/BSA_011_broch_AB.pdf You need the latest version of Adobe Reader to read the PDF. For commentary, see the topic in the Uniforms forum.
  3. "I've been curious about the statement that the BSA doesn't require a boy to have a uniform. Is that actually written anywhere in some official BSA document?" It's in the most important official document: The Boy Scout Handbook, right at the beginning where it tells the boy all about joining a patrol, what Scouting promises him, etc. etc.
  4. How about a simple spreadsheet? Put the adult's names down the rows, and the training names at the top of the columns. In the cells put a check mark or a completion date. A paper columnar pad used for accounting would work as well.
  5. Can we tell how many people have us on Ignore? I wonder if anyone has me on Ignore? Scorecard: Trevorum - ignored by 1 GernBlansten - ignored by 1 Gold Winger - ignored by 4 evmori - ignored by 10
  6. Start at the beginning. You have a pack. A pack needs a program. The program is hashed out and agreed upon at the beginning of the program year. Once the program is agreed upon, you write a budget. Determine what the expenses will be to carry out the program plan. Next determine how many and what kind of money-earning events, den dues, etc. will be needed to supply the income to pay the expenses to carry out the program. When a planned money-earning event takes place, you will already know the money will be used to pay for the expense items in the annual budget. You don't need bylaws to know what fundraising proceeds will be used for. If you need any bylaws at all, it would be to simply declare that the pack will create an annual plan and an annual budget to support the plan. If there is no plan, and no budget, it would not be surprising if arguments ensue as to what to do with the money earned. A good resource (as John also posted) for pack planning is here: http://www.scouting.org/cubscouts/resources/packbudget.aspx .
  7. The National Camping Award specifically states that church camp, other youth groups, family camping, etc. all counts. The idea is to go camping. The camping merit badge says camping must be a Scouting event. Other requirements say whatever they say. You'd have to read each one for specifics. There is no commonality.
  8. The idea that a Scout should not salute unless wearing a cap is ridiculous. I think the idea is that there is no need to remove uniform headgear while saluting. Headgear is optional, but not to the individual Scout. From the uniform inspection sheet for Boy Scouts: All troop members wear the headgear chosen by vote of the troop.
  9. "I'm just on here trying to pick up new information on things that I'm not sure of. " Some excellent sources for information: the Troop Committee Guidebook, Boy Scout Handbook, Scoutmaster Handbook, Advancement Committee book. All available at the Scout Shop or http://www.scoutstuff.org .
  10. Scouts will have a more rounded repertoire of camping experiences by camping in a variety of ways: car, canoe, backpack, summer camp, weekend, Philmont. Garden variety summer camp is too easy. I think that is the reason why the requirement limits "long term camp" to 1 week.
  11. Funny you should mention the boxer shorts. I saw a kid this week with about 6-8 of the top of his boxers exposed. Below that was another pair of boxers, contrasting color, with the top 6-8 exposed. Below that, was his pants. I kid you not, they were riding at about mid-thigh. He had to take short steps, and of course they were all bunched up around his ankles. I dont know how they stayed up, no doubt some kind of inner garter straps. If a kids show up for a troop meeting, disheveled, shirt hanging out, missing parts etc. that shows that the troop either does not care about the uniform method, or has not been fully successful implementing it. Troops that are good at it have Scouts that wear complete uniforms at the appropriate times and take pride in it, their fellow Scouts, and their troop. Writing a rule, or failing boys at a board of review my result in the uniform being worn, but it doesnt follow that the troop is successful at the uniform method.
  12. Merit badges are not required. Rank advancement is not required. Summer camp is not required.
  13. ... and what insight about the boy and the troop program can the board gain from a discussion with the boy about why he is or is not wearing a uniform? If the troop is not utilizing the uniform method, can the committee fix that by writing a rule mandating the uniform be worn? Would that help accomplish any aim of Scouting?
  14. I see your 2 posts were only 1 second apart. That's a lot of coffee! Could be a momentarily stuck mouse button or key.
  15. The system does not always respond immediately; it may take 20 or 30 seconds. Double posts result from hitting the "Submit Your Message" twice.
  16. Scout Shops don't carry every item in every possible size; the catalog does. The campaign hat comes in size 7 7/8 for $95. Add 3.50 for a pin. http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=UNIFORMS&C3=UHATS&C4=&LV=3&item=501CH&prodid=501CH^8^01RTL&'>http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=UNIFORMS&C3=UHATS&C4=&LV=3&item=501CH&prodid=501CH^8^01RTL& Or http://www.scoutstuff.org/ click on Uniforms & Insignia, click on Hats
  17. This topic comes up periodically.
  18. This comes up from time to time.
  19. And, the board of review is a requirement. For the Eagle rank only, there is provision for a time extension for the board of review. There is no time extension provision for any other rank, nor for palms.
  20. BALOO and OWL trainings are not about taking Scouts to dangerous places. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills is for Boy Scout leaders, not Cub leaders. It may cover 10% of the BALOO material, the other 90% you get from the BALOO training.
  21. No, Einstein said death was the final experiment.
  22. There is a ton of speculation. The only facts are here: http://www.bsauniforms.org Wait a few months and more facts will appear, no doubt when the new parts are actually available. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  23. Uh, the Honda kids didn't want to ride with the 8 year little sister and the gramma in the Suburban and sing "The Wheels on the Bus Go ..."?
  24. Is is fair to pay double or triple for the guzzling Suburban carrying 3 kids plus driver v the Honda Civic carrying 3 kids plus driver? Or the guy that fills up at the full-serve Chevron v the guy that does self-serve at the Econogas? Both methods have a degree of unfairness.
  25. I would suspect that in a few months, when the uniform is actually released, there will be guidance on what gets worn with what, and all questions will have answers. Until then we have an official pre-release blurb and infinite speculation.
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