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Everything posted by FScouter

  1. Another suggestion regarding checks: When you print them, have two signature lines and a printed line that says "Two signatures required". No bank teller will cash a check with one signature if it clearly says on the check that two are required. Plus, every time a check is written, it is a reminder that the holder of the checkbook does not have the last word.
  2. Once again we "learned" at roundtable last night that boys are not allowed to use or handle white gas. And that the reason for this is "insurance purposes". The truth is that there are rules for the use of liquid fuels, but there is not a blanket prohibition. The G2SS clearly states that "knowledgeable adult supervision must be provided".
  3. The boys in our troop build a bridge using poles and lashings. The single trestle bridge in the pioneering merit badge book works well. They like building it, the Webelos like crossing over it and it gives them a peek at what they can do as a Boy Scout. The ceremony begins with some opening music. Richard Strauss' Thus Spake Zarathrusta (aka theme to 2001 A Space Odyssey) at full volume really gets the attention of the audience, and sets a ceremonial tone to the event. Works a whole lot better than "signs up!".
  4. Ask them if they think training is necessary for the new Scoutmaster. How they respond to that should be telling. And ask them how much they expect to "meddle" in the operation of the your boy-led troop.
  5. Another "fact" one hears in our district is that you are not covered by the BSA insurance unless the the uniform is worn! That is the "reason why" it must be worn while traveling! The general rule I use is if the "rule" is not printed in an official BSA publication, it is not a rule.
  6. It really is not the job of the committee chair to do all the work of the committee. The job is more to see that all functions are delegated to the other committee members, and to coordinate them to completion. Are the other committee members completing their jobs? Does the committee have a copy of the Troop Committee Guidebook, and have they read it? Anyone trained? If there are misunderstandings about who should do what, use the book as a guide to get everyone on the same page.
  7. The troop scribe collects the dues from patrols and records the details on the Patrol Monthly Dues Envelope, # 33816. The scribe reports and turns over the dues to the troop treasurer using the Report to Treasurer Envelope # 33851. The envelopes are available at the Scout Shop or from the distribution center (800) 323-0732.
  8. The G2SS says that anyone approved by the council can present the trainings. The issue here is getting someone approved. Neither our DE, the council training chair (volunteer), nor the council program director (professional) know what the requirements are to become an approved trainer. Maybe there are none. I suppose the training could simply be an in-depth review of the 8 points listed in the G2SS.
  9. I have just been selected to serve as our district training chair. With the summer water activity season rapidly approaching, I want to offer Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat trainings to the unit leaders in our district. Does anyone know what the qualifications are for a trainer to present these two trainings? Is there an official BSA syllabus?
  10. The official guidelines are as ASM7 said. The chartered organization appoints the troop committee. If the chartered organization is less than active, the committee can work it out amongst themselves. The official BSA guideline is the "Troop Committee Guidebook" #34505B. It is available for about $3 at your scout shop. Or you can order it from the national distribution center (800)323-0732. It's got a lot of good information in it. Every committee should have one.
  11. The red wool jac-shirt is commonly available on the eBay for $20-$30. There are at least 10 offered right now. Here's an opportunity for the rest of your staff to pick one up on the cheap. Uniformity amongst staff is important. It helps set the example.
  12. Please Lord, with Your infinite wisdom, why do bad things happen to good people?? (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  13. FScouter

    Foot Wear

    I love my squeaky pants.
  14. I think it is so cool that you want to document that history for your grandson! It is conceivable that the council has some record of the event. More likely, some scouter or some troop has a history that may contain some information. Try starting with the council that serves the Dodge City area. That would be the Santa Fe Trail council. They have a website: http://www.sftcbsa.org . Dodge City has at least three troops: 165, 167, and 168. The council could tell you how to contact the Scoutmaster. Good luck.
  15. The boy's parents should not have to beg and plead with the committee to get a separate court of honor for their son. The decision should be soley with the boys and the parents. They should have as much input into the ceremony as they want. The committee is there to support the unit, not to take the most expedient path.
  16. Get started right. Get several copies of the Troop Committee Guidebook # 34505. Every committee member should have one. There's no need to learn everything from scratch. The book has the answers and the methods.
  17. The troop program features books are a collection of meeting plans, each ending in a big event. The Troop Program Resources book (#33588) contains (among other things) over 50 pages of games that can be done as part of a troop meeting or at a campout.
  18. I am very much into letting the boys make their own decisions. I may have my own opinion, but one must be careful about guiding the boys with too heavy a hand. If they want to stay together, thats fine. If one or more of them want to move to a different patrol, thats fine too. I dont really have a problem with that, unless the boys start to think it is OK to hop around at will. One of our committee persons says that BSA recommends that boys stay together in the same patrol from the time they enter scouting until they leave or turn 18, but cant support that idea with any written reference. It sounds like a good idea to me since the boys in a patrol will grow older at the same rate, and should advance at similar rates. But if a boy want out of his patrol, and is welcomed into another patrol, I would think the SM should not block that. How do other troops handle the issue of boys that want to move from one patrol to another? Does anyone know of any written discussion in the literature?
  19. FScouter

    Web Belt?

    I like it because it's the official uniform belt. It holds up my pants too.
  20. Our troop will have a group of 7 Webelos bridging to our troop. They are wearing the Boy Scout shirt, and have selected a patrol name. When they bridge over, they will be our new scout patrol. At some point they will advance and no longer be new, but more of a regular patrol. I suppose that we could let them stay together as a regular patrol if that is what they want. But suppose that some of them want to join one of our established regular patrols? Id be happy to see all of them move into the regular patrols because the established regular patrols only have 3-5 boys each, which isnt good. The new scout patrol would then be dissolved. What would be a good way to encourage the boys to move to an existing patrol when theyre ready?
  21. The pioneering merit badge book has a good discussion about various types of ropes, and which work well for various purposes.
  22. Suggest to the Scoutmaster some alternatives to accomplish his goal of boy leadership. There are lots of other boy leader positions besides patrol leader. If he has not been to training, I'd suggest the committee send him. They should go too, plus do the Committee Challenge training. Then the committee can intellegently discuss with the SM the importance of following Scouting methods. I'd be hesitant to step in in take over.
  23. Bob is correct. Due to the very extreme fire danger in the Angeles National Forest now, there are some campgrounds where no fire of any kind is permitted, including stoves. Other campgrounds permit stoves only (not charcoal BBQs). Trail camps and wilderness areas have the same restrictions. The next level of restriction would be "no entry". It's that dangerous.
  24. Venture2002 - you said it exactly right regarding the unofficial neckerchief. "... if you put more of an emphasis on these things you're not accomplishing the ideals of scouting." So why not just go with the correct neckerchief and spend one's energy delivering a quality program instead of tinkering with the official uniform?
  25. Red Feather - take a look at the "Camping & High Adventure" section. There's a wealth of info there.
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