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How Come We Never See Advertisements For Scouting?
FScouter replied to Its Me's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Forbes magazine has on occasion run full pages ads for Scouting. -
When in uniform, salute. That includes both the field uniform and the activity uniform. Nowhere is it written that a salute should not be given while wearing the activity uniform. One would not salute wearing only a hat, or only socks, or only shorts. One piece of a uniform is not a uniform. Likewise, a troop t-shirt is only one piece of a uniform. A salute would not be appropriate while wearing only a T-shirt. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training syllabus describes the official Scout uniform and refers to it as the field uniform. It also describes the activity uniform in detail which includes a BSA T-shirt or activity shirt (designed by the troop or a Scout camp) along with all the other parts of the field uniform. The expedition hat is an option for the activity uniform. The Uniform chapter of the Scoutmaster Handbook also describes the uniform, including the activity uniform which may be worn for informal activities, or physically active outdoor events. Boy Scout Handbook describes the official uniform on pages 12-13. The T- shirt option for outdoor activities is described there too, although the term activity uniform is not used. There are some specific uniform options. The neckerchief is an option. If worn, it may be a stock BSA design, or a troop design. This is decided by a vote of the troop. (Per the Insignia Guide and training syllabus) The hat is optional. If worn it may be the BSA cap, or the campaign hat. The expedition hat is an additional option for the activity uniform. This is decided by a vote of the troop. (Per the SM Handbook and the training syllabus) A BSA belt is part of the uniform. Which belt is at the discretion of the wearer, as long as it is a BSA belt. (Per the Insignia Guide) There is nothing at all wrong with Scouts wearing other clothes, like BDU pants, Wal-mart pants, custom hats, high-tech outdoor fabrics, etc. etc. But they are not parts of the BSA uniform. Saluting the flag is reserved for the uniform only.
Theres nothing to compromise, really. The Scout handbook spells out exactly how and when to salute the flag. When in uniform, salute. Since a tee shirt is not a uniform, the correct salute is the right hand over the heart. Catholic priests and others should refer to their respective organizations for guidance. The uniform is defined in the Handbook and options regarding headgear and neckerchief are detailed in the Insignia Guide. Uniforms may be customized within these confines. Troops are not given the right to re-define what constitutes a BSA uniform beyond these options.
Gee, maybe the hat should be part of the course equipment. Did the staff from last year turn in their equipment? In our council, staff is expected to pay the full course fee too, the same as participants. And the CD does not get reimbursed for expenses if revenue is short and the event doesn't generate the required surplus.
When the boys in a den or troop dress uniformly, it means they are dressed alike. It does not necessarily mean they are wearing the Scout uniform. Boys wearing the uniform salute, boys dressed alike do not. A Troop tee shirt does not a uniform make. When one boy wears the Scout uniform and the rest of the boys wear a tee shirt (dressed alike), there is only one boy wearing the uniform.
Occasionally we hear the term class X uniform", or class Xs in an announcement at Roundtable, or see it written in a camporee flyer or such. The question that always comes up with new leaders and new boys is What is a class X? The answer is written nowhere. It is so much more to the point to say uniform or activity uniform, terms that are clearly described in every Boy Scout handbook.
Starting a new pack is a huge undertaking. One person cannot get it done. Your son can join any pack anywhere. And you can help there too.
Did the course director already have one prior to becoming CD?
What the heck is this class a and class b uniform stuff? I looked all through the books and couldn't find anything about this? I heard a guy say once there was a class c and class d? What is that??
Call (800) 323-0732. They will take your order online (telephone) for anything in the Scout catalog and ship the next day direct to your door.
The pack could hold a pancake breakfast, with the proceeds going towards uniforming the boys.
"the adult leaders were wearing red-white-and-blue loops." What would that signify?
Aardvark - How did you get that idea from anything in this thread? Quite the opposite actually.
"The solution is start another chess club and allow the families to choose who they want to associate with." Sounds good to me. Let the discriminated Jews start a Jews only chess club. Everybody's happy. It might be different if the school told the Jews "NO, YOU MAY NOT START A JEWS ONLY CHESS CLUB!" That's discrimination. Kicking out the Fischer club doesn't make anyone happy. Are we really better off with no chess club at all?
I can see there might be some embarassment if one had to discuss certain personal medical issues with the girl behind the counter. Social Security numbers should be restricted. Other than that, what other kinds of bad things might happen if an unauthorized person discovered the health history of an individual?
"I can get up at whatever time I need to be up and will go along with whatever the program is.." And therein lies the lesson. The proper time to rise depends on whatever is needed for that day. It's a backpack and we need to cover 8 miles plus 1,000' before lunch. It's summer camp and we want to watch the sunrise from the nearby peak. It's camporee and events start at 8 AM. It's a layover day and it will be very cold before the sun is up. I expect the boys (as a group) to determine the best time and to abide by it. If Sleephead is the patrol cook or firebuilder, he is expected to get up earlier as needed to fulfil his obligation. My personal opinion is that there are already too few hours for whatever we're doing, and we can sleep at home.
Rogue units have been known to subsitute custom loops. I guess it has something to do with rebelling against the standard.
Our council has 3 Scout Shops. 2 are "National" stores, owned and operated. The 3rd store is owned and operated by the Council. They buy their goods from the national store. It could be that that local councils gets a cut from the national store that serves the council. Sometimes the national store is located in the same building as the council office.
Agreed. Retreat doesn't sound right. Maybe recall, or lower.
"Every day at 1600 (4 o clock for you civilians!), the colors were retired." Do you mean retired or retreated? I've always considered that we retire worn out flags not fit for use. Is that also the proper military term from running the flag down the pole at sundown?
This discussion is silly. It is also silly that BSA finds it necessary to address this issue at all. We teach boys to make right decisions. Its impossible to teach the right decision for every possible scenario. We teach them instead to evaluate situations, weigh the good and bad aspects of alternatives, and to make the "right" decision. Do we teach boys about the dangers of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco? Do we tell them about the dangers of tobacco, and then light up? As adults, we should be able to distinguish the right course of action. What positive things come from smoking at a Scouting event? Are there any negatives? Do we really need to have this spelled out in black and white? Is anyone TRULY confused?
The membership of BSA believes "... that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God ...". Thus, any membership policy that supports that belief is good and right for BSA. Your unhappiness about it doesn't make the policy wrong. Likewise, your non-belief doesn't make you wrong either. You are perfectly free to non-believe to your heart's content. And BSA is not going to try to change any of YOUR beliefs or non-beliefs. I'm always amazed when someone tries to force his way into an organization with values and ideals he doesn't believe in. BSA is not going to toss out one of its core values because one or a few people don't like it.
The problem is not the wording in the G2SS. The problem is adult smokers know the BSA position that smoking is not good for kids, know that adult leaders lead by example, yet want to smoke anyway. The BSA tobacco policy is only confusing to those that want to violate it and hide behind the wording with a "clear conscience".
The BSA requirement that individuals recognize a personal obligation to God is part of what makes this a great organization. You can call it "discrimination" if you want, but you're not fooling anyone. You have made your personal decision to exclude yourself from Scouting.
Go the your Scout Shop and sneak a peek at the Boy Scout Requirements for 2005 booklet. A list of revised merit badges is printed on the inside front cover. Meritbadge.com usually has reliable info.