To answer your questions:
1. Sorry to say I was not in the video (or the country.) Taking 10 of my 15 vacation days for a London trip with the scouts would have landed me in the doghouse for an extended stay!
2. Yes, despite assurances as to the type of video DJ Casper was creating, later on the scouts realised that they did take a chance on how they would be portrayed in the final video. Each of them also signed a waiver. Now if the singer were someone like Marilyn Manson, not only would they have said "NO!", they probably would have run away!
3. Without going into too much discussion (after all we have the Uniforms forum for that)
Beret (ber'ay) - a hat that:
A. doesn't protect your skin on sunny days,
B. doesn't shield your face on ranny days,
C. doesn't absorb sweat on hot days,
D. doesn't keep your ears warm on cold days.
But, by gosh, put them on 50 scouts standing at attention at a flag raising, and you have an awe inspiring sight!
Some of us "middle aged" scouters wear our originals from the 70's. The rest we buy new (check the back pages of Scouting magazine). Our council store stocks a fleur-de-lis applique (BSA item B00100) which is stitched to the front. We present them to the cubs at crossover. NOTE - even though we are a 100% full uniformed troop, since we are wearing non-BSA hats, were not really 100% uniformed.
4. Our troop is located in Dexter Michigan.