Thanks for the replies....I'll supply a little more background.
Personally I'm in favor of a complete official uniform, socks
and all, and I always wear my complete one to set an example.
So far it hasn't worked, as most of the adults and older scouts wear only a shirt, if even that much. Some adults have tried to
encourage better uniforming, but usually just in terms of a
tucked-in shirt, which is about all they'll get when they're
in jeans themselves.
So, during discussions of trying to do better, we heard the
typical complaint of cost. I've seen many times comments of
equivalent pants for cheaper, but never found them myself, so
perhaps I'm just looking for a lack of a source, in order to
defeat that option...
I also heard that the kids won't wear them to anything but
meetings, so that makes them too expensive....which I also
don't buy, especially compared to sports uniforms. Besides,
despite their sometimes unusual cut/fit, the older switchbacks
can be quite useful....either pants or shorts, lightweight,
much better than cotton in winter, easy to insulate underneath.
They will melt too easily with heat or sparks, though. Overall
not a bad deal, though, in my opinion. And the scouts'
opinions do vary as well, because I know of at least two kids
who regularly wear them to school...because they're not
uniform enough that they'll pass as regular pants!
I've already offered to begin a uniform bank, and would like
to expand that to other equipment as well, outgrown/replaced
packs and sleeping bags, for instance. I've been stockpiling
older used gear for that purpose, and am scrounging for
uniforms wherever I can find the past I've handed
out our own outgrown stuff more than once. While my early
70s backpack may not be state of the art, it'll work better for a scout than a black plastic bag, which I've seen in use.
I'm considering
running this on a minimal-donation basis....say sell each
item for $5, and also PAY $5 for a donation into the bank,
thinking that this may encourage others to help scrounge
supplies for the bank.
As other discussions have covered, the trick is to figure
out how to encourage the boys to want to wear the correct
uniform...perhaps we should forbid it! I have seen some
success with a scout wearing the expedition hat....not the
traditional flat brim, but the more crushable one....which
I just now can't find on the scoutstuff site anymore....
figures.....because other newly joined scouts were impressed
with the look, especially with official shorts and long socks
(also not available any more) and a scout stave, and were
asking where to get one, and how much....while the look isn't
as traditional as the campaign hat, it's still (or was) an
official hat, with logo inside, and is much more adaptable to
actual outdoor use, like rain, crushing while packing, etc.
I wonder if it's gone for good now....
There's the traditional advice that if a boy wants the uniform
and earns it himself he'll value it more and take better care
of it, which another argument I've made, but this gets
scoffed at as the uniform being too expensive for a boy to earn.
This is usually with respect to a boy carrying both a phone,
a video game, and wearing $50 sneakers.