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Everything posted by fredagainlol

  1. Hi there fellow Eagle scouts... it's been a long time for myself...not even sure of the date anymore...is there someway i can look it up on the net...i believe it was at good ole Treasure Island Reservation and on Eagle island for the weekend ordeal...it was funny ,scarey and have to admit that even tho there were adults with us...there wasn't any breaking of the rules overnight and no one got ill...we helped move what looked like an old pavelion that had been destroyed...moving the rocks from one spot to another and that year it was terribly hot...tho i don't really remember any bugs as some mentioned...daddy long leggers yeah but no "skeeters"...guess we had a dry year...as a matter of fact the few years i did have the pleasure of going there for the week...i can't really remember saying there was any significant rain...ok here's the deal...i just came across this page last night but have been looking for info on Treasure Island for years and about my standings in BSA ,AOA etc etc...if i was Eagle back then but didn't pay dues since...am i still or has that been revoked...these were days that i cherish...i know we were from 5th and Clearfield sts in Philly at a Methodist church...i believe...we might of been poor but we enjoyed the scouting experience...btw Bill Ubel was the Scoutmaster and Mr. Hampton (dad) was the ASM...still have pics somewhere of the troop...pics also of a jamboree out in some park in Philly...in the 60's also...any info would be appriciated...thank you guys...john f. hampton
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