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Everything posted by frankpalazzi

  1. @@Cubmaster35 I am not going to let this go unchallenged. This is the second time you have distorted my words to your own "liking." I simply pointed out the levels of removal, CO vs. National. At no time did I ever state that someone committed a felony. Reread the post please. And carefully. Also, the Scout Law states: A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. "Twisting" my words (twice), and calling another poster on this board "a vile human being" certainly exemplifies all the points of the Law, doesn't it? Shall we go through all the points you have broken in this thread? I'll leave that to someone else, for I don't really have the time or desire to get into a pissing contest with you, especially after your engaging in namecalling to another highly respected member of this forum. By the way, Beavah is a member of the Legal community. Any lawyer would ask the same questions based on the information you gave. Are you going to go stomping and sniveling out of the attorney's office when he asks you the same questions? If so, don't waste your time or money. Do you exhibit this same type of behavior in the Scouting community? If so, prepare to find yourself persona non grata in your town, district, and council. I've seen this before in my 35 years as a Scouter, it's nothing new. I had some advice for you, but based on your recent behavior in this forum, I've changed my suggested course of action: Fold the pack, give the pastor the $50, give the boys transfer applications to other units, and find something else to do outside of Scouting. If your attitude and penchant for modifying the words of others are any indication, then you truly are not providing a healthy environment for the youth. I am truly stunned. I have nothing more to add. -Frank
  2. @@Cubmaster35 Beavah never said anything about wrongdoing toward a child. Those are your words, not his. Read his post again, please. @@NJCubScouter I'm very surprised you did not pick up on that and fell into the trap. Let's keep in mind that National BSA can declare a volunteer ineligible for membership for any felony. Chartered Organizations can reject applicants for any reason or no reason at all, if they so choose.
  3. Shelter closures and reservations? That's not customary! If they were fresh signs, there must be some temporary issues on that section of trail, and this is a temporary measure. Shelters are always "first come, first served." What section of the AT did you see this on?
  4. In the last two incarnations of our council (this is the 3rd council patch we've worn in 17 years), any mention of intention of either not attending summer camp or, Heaven forbid, going out of Council was, to say the least, TREASON! BLASPHEMY! HOW DARE YOU! Yeah, how dare we. We never cared. Carry on! It's about what the boys want.
  5. Time was in these parts, the Troop Committee agreed upon which adults would sit on an EBOR, with a representative from district/council present. We would invite a Town Selectman to sit in with the other selected Troop adults, and the Scout would feel honored! Preparation? You told the Scout, "A little tougher than your Life board, you can handle it. You'll know most of the folks there!" That was all the prep the Scout needed. Unfortunately, now you don't know and have no say on who will be on the EBOR, so of course you have to prepare the Scout for "curve balls".
  6. Preposterous. This is NOT a job interview or a military grilling; it's a CHILD being reviewed on a SCOUTING RANK. These ego-laden types of folks need to get their heads out of their butts and remember why they are there in the first place. Tougher questions are OK, but there is no fail, the Scout should not feel intimidated or confused, and the district egomaniac Banana Republic Generals need to leave all that stuff at home!
  7. Absolutely right! Black Bears are passive animals, for the most part. They are only interested in two things: 1. Food, and 2. Protecting their cub(s) if they are so accompanied. Official postings in National Parks offer the best advice. Any other questions? Ask a Park Ranger! They LOVE answering questions! (seriously!) They'll ramble on all day if you let 'em! But yes, they are VERY knowledgeable about the area they serve, and usually other parks as well! Just ask!
  8. I didn't want to last week and I didn't! Nope, skip to the next section, thank you! I can see the views are spectacular, but these old legs just ain't gonna do that! I did 84.7 miles finishing Shenandoah/Skyline Drive and started the Blue Ridge Parkway/George Washington-Jefferson National Forest. Enjoyed every minute!
  9. Last week during my annual summer AT hike (fun but exhausting!) I had the opportunity to travel some roads in Farm Country outside of Charlotte NC. Small two-lane roads with 55mph speed limits! I suppose if they weren't, going into town for shopping or dining would be an all day affair! Driving like that here in Massachusetts would get one arrested for reckless driving! Talk about "culture shock!"
  10. It's probably a subject for a new thread, or perhaps it's been discussed before, but..... What about the Scout whose parents say they can't afford camping trips/uniform/summer camp, etc., and the Troop bends over backwards to make it happen for the Scout, then..... In September, the Scout is showing the rest of the troop his pictures from his family's trip to Disney? Not the Scout's fault, of course, but what do you do??
  11. I'm happy to award another "OH PUH-LEEZ" (In advance of course, should this ever become a G2SS issue)
  12. By-laws are not necessary unless you are sponsored by a military installation that requires them. Everything you need is in the BSA literature, including the Scout Oath and Law. By-Laws and rules create adult squabbles. SOME rules are necessary, you only need a few. Policies are ideal, as they can be modified to fit individual situations, i.e., you can't "break a rule", but you can amend a policy.
  13. Correct on all counts, but the troop should be given an opportunity to participate. They are the ones who helped send that scout along the Eagle Trail. A few years ago, one of our Eagles had his ceremony conducted entirely by the OA, excluding the troop members. I'm sure you can appreciate how the troop felt about that.
  14. Hooters is a place people can bring their families to. And people DO. Those who complained (the mommies) obviously never set foot inside one. They sell beer. SO WHAT? So does Applebee's, Pizzeria Uno, etc. I'm sure none of them serve minors. Hooters gave away visors, not calendars, not skimpy panties, nothing that would be objectionable. I think the media did an excellent job, intended or not, of making fools of these complainers. These same women probably have NO problem with the school nurse handing out condoms to their sons, but they get all up in arms about THIS???? This gets my often-awarded "OH PUH-LEEZ!" What the hell is happening to our society?
  15. The Scout earned his Eagle as a member of the TROOP. The TROOP is responsible for the Eagle ceremony. Doesn't the OA preach that "Your Troop comes first?" Or is that outdated thinking on my part?
  16. There is nothing wrong with a scoutmaster participating in a flag retirement ceremony, no matter the size of his/her midsection. He/She is a US citizen and has every right. This is Boy Scouts, not the military. Many of the men I learned from and admired since 1970 had much larger waist sizes than mine. It is not necessary to cut up the flag before burning, just fold it and put it on the fire. There is no one proper ceremony for retiring a US flag. Every branch of the military has their own method, as does the VFW, American Legion, DAV, Amvets, each individual scout troop, patriotic organization, etc. Choose one of theirs or develop one of your own. Use dignity and respect, and no one will have a valid complaint. A proper, dignified ceremony can be done in 5 minutes. You need not hold the audience for every single flag, just the first. Remember, it's a ceremony. One and Done. Ceremonies in Scouting are important to the boy and his family. They are something that he will remember for a lifetime. However short it may be, a ceremony leaves a lifelong lasting impression. Always do them, from Scout rank on up! Merit Badges, service stars, everything! They don't need to be elaborate to be memorable.
  17. Much ado about nothing here. If the theme is pirates,and the boys want to do this, let them. The boys should be commended on their unity. It might be respectful to remove the bandanas during flag ceremony---with the SPL giving the troop the command "Uncover!" That'll disarm the "Uniform Police", for whom I've never had any regard for anyway. And no, there are no headgear "rules". If someone finds such, please let me know.
  18. I would need more details before making a comment on this issue. One person is allowed to hold both CC and COR positions, and COs have reasons for doing that. In specifically what ways is this person "not following the BSA program?"
  19. She craves attention, and she's getting it.
  20. One of my specialties!! I have hiked sections of the AT with a co-worker for the last few years, and have taken scouts in the past. My recommendations: New England: Best only for the most experienced hikers. First-timers will be miserable in short order. NY, NJ: Intermediate level. Some of the AT in New Jersey is on public roads, white blazes and all going into PA. PA: I call it "Rocksylvania" Nice views---The Pinnacle is worth the climb. Joke is that the rangers go out and sharpen the rocks at night. Pennsylvania eats a lot of hiking boots! Some tough climbs but the views are spectacular. VA: Especially Shenandoah National Park (Skyline Drive) Ideal for beginning hikers!!! Lots of Black Bear and deer to be seen! Can be brutally hot in July/August! HYDRATE!!!! I am planning on doing 100 miles in 10 days in the southern half of Shenandoah this July. I haven't done anything south of Virginia, but you can google PLENTY of info on what the trail is like in ANY section. Many higher end sporting goods stores have or can get topo/terrain maps for any section from the Appalachian Mountain Club. ($10 per map). Do a 5-mile test day-hike with your group over varying terrain with full backpacks, as if you're actually going. All the gear should be carried by the group! Do a shakedown! FITNESS IS KEY!!! No whiny cry babies allowed!! Mommy can't come pick you up, even if your cell phone works! (tell 'em to leave those at home!! Once the batteries die, that's it! Enjoy carrying the dead weight! NO charging stations on the AT!) Those who can't complete the 5 mile test hike do not go on the AT, period. They need to know this in advance so there are no surprises or disappointments! The group works TOGETHER. Much of the AT goes through wilderness!!!! Carry PLENTY of water and purification tablets. Never trust any water source on the AT no matter what. Giardia is NO fun!!! Know where the shelters/camping areas are. Your maps will indicate them! You can't just set up camp anywhere on the AT, there are designated areas. Shelters are first-come, first-served, so always have "Plan B" at the ready, you will need it! "Be Prepared" and an AT hike will be something your Scouts will talk about for the rest of their lives!!!
  21. Pardon me if I'm repeating myself but.... OH PUH-LEEZ! Find something to do. Perhaps, employment? Just saying!
  22. The official form letter from National dictates the individual "sever any relations". And that's exactly what the individual is requested to do, regardless of who he/she is or what relationship he/she has to a member of the unit. The text of the letter reads: ...We are therefore compelled to request that you sever any relations that you may have with the Boy Scouts Of America. You should understand that BSA leadership registration is a privelege and is not automatically granted to everyone who applies. We reserve the right to suspend registration whenever there is a concern that an individual may not measure up to the high standards of leadership which BSA seeks to provide for American youth. Please also understand that this decision and the reasons for it will be maintained as confidential. If you wish to have this decision reviewed, please write to me, explaining your version of the facts supporting your claim that your registration as a BSA leader should be granted or reinstated. Sincerely Yours, (Council/Regional/National office) Now, this is something I pulled from my archives from the 1980s, but I do believe the wording would be similar today. The packet was named "Standards of Leadership" and I believe the form letter was in "Appendix A". My stuff ain't as well organized as it used to be. Anyone have any updated info? This is kind of hush-hush stuff, so I wasn't surprised to be unable to find a link to it.
  23. So basic, so simple, yet so foreign for many to understand. Set your goals for the year (budget), have a plan to raise the money (fundraising), once you meet your goal, spend the money. If you don't already have a plan for such, agree to set aside "x" percent for catastrophe and/or next year's "startup" (first COH/pack meeting awards, September/October activites). Make sure EVERYONE knows what you're doing! (transparency) It's really not rocket science. Yet adults I have worked with wanted to hoard and save. I don't get it. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) I was astounded years ago at leaders who challenged my methods and had never seen the BSA UNIT BUDGET PLAN!!!! So-called "experienced" leaders whose eyes bugged when I showed it to them in black-and-white. YEESH! Go "by the book" and you can never be "called out'. I can't see any good reason to have more than $2000 in surplus for a unit of ANY size. Can you?
  24. Years ago, the ladies in the Troop Committee decided (on thier own) to all get the blue/gold skirts and blouses. Sharp looking!!!! Still like it, but hey, I'm "old school".
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