I had a similar situation occur recently. We held BORs the other night, one for Star, and two for Life. (advice: limit 'em to 2 in a night, they can go LONG!). One of the Life candidates, our SPL breezed through his board, a model scout. Then, I asked him a hypothetical, only because he is an SPL.
"If you were on a camping trip, and you happened upon two other scouts doing something inappropriate, such as smoking cigarettes or maybe pot, or drinking, what would YOU do?" (emphasis being what the boy would do, not what he thinks should be done). He seemed extremely uncomfortable and fidgety at this question, and couldn't seem to come up with an answer. I gave him examples such as: Deal with it on the spot and stop the activity, inform an adult, do nothing and pretend you didn't see it, etc. He then said he would deal with the problem on the spot and let the scouts know that their action was inappropriate. We finished up the BOR and the boy later came to me and asked if he could speak to me for a moment. We went to a corner of the room, and he asked if he could tell me something in confidence. "What's on your mind, B----?" I asked, "Out with it!" smiling to try to put him at ease.
He told me that another boy had shown him and a few others what he claimed was a joint. I asked him what he did, and he replied "Just what I said in the board of review, I dealt with it on the spot." He took the "joint" away and threw it down the latrine. He didn't want to say who the boy was, and I told him that he didn't have to if he didn't want to, the situation was dealt with. He DID tell me the name of the boy, who is a Star scout, and son of a very active committee member. The SPL is the son of a very active commitee member who is also Cubmaster. I told the SPL we would keep it between us, but if it happens again we have to deal with it at another level. (I didn't specify exactly how.) He agreed and seemed very relieved. His conscience had been bothering him since I asked the question, perhaps thinking I had some idea of what happened, but I didn't, it was purely a concidence.
I know the boy who had the "pot", and he is at that age (14) where such experimentation is likely to happen. I am not overly concerned about a "drug epidemic" in the troop over this, because over the years things like this are just history repeating. Doesn't make it right, legal, proper, or appropriate; I'm just saying it's NOT uncommon, and wasn't shocked at the "news". Kids will always be kids and that won't change. What I've seen change *A LOT* are PARENTS over the years. A situation like this can get out of hand in the Parent Ranks, and can tear a troop apart. Years ago, I could have a one-on-one with Dad about it, and Dad would go home and blister the boy's behind. End of problem. Not so any more! "MY SON DOESN'T DO THOSE KINDS OF THINGS!!" is the battle cry of the land these days. I chose to deal with it quietly...THIS time, and keep the confidence of the SPL (A Scout/Scouter is TRUSTWORTHY). But I can assure you this, I will be keeping a closer eye on the boy who allegedly had the joint. (I attend most camping trips because the TLC and SM request it, I have a big pickup truck!) The SM and the boy's dad won't hear about it unless I hear about it a second time.
Every boy deserves a second chance.