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Everything posted by frank6160

  1. I too have had good service out of Coleman tents. I second the carrying of a tarp in case the rain does get bad. I've had to do this a few times. They were when campming in several days of rain. After a good 36 hours of steady rain I have had a few leaks mostly on the side of tent facing the direction the rain was coming from. Normal on /off rain overnight or afternoon showers they have been fine. If staked properly I haven't had any issues with the "smaller" rainfly.
  2. Check out Bankhead National Forest. Has Smith Lake close by and the 25,000 acre Sipsey Wilderness Area for great hiking/backpacking/camping. Also check Monte Sano State Park in Huntsville. Plenty of hiking trails. Also The US Space and Rocket Center and NASA's Marshal Space Flight Center is located there.
  3. check here for help http://www.oldtownyucca.com/coleman/ a good resource for info on repairing and for parts. I hate to see so many groups give up these old stoves and lanterns also they last for years when taken care of. Supervision should be used with any appliance liquid fuel, propane or whatever.
  4. I live in Madison Alabama. Was in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts as a youth.I enjoy the outdoors hunting camping some fishing and I'm looking to get into some hiking(if my older bones will let me).The forums here are pretty informative.Nice to see Souting is enjoyed today as much as ever.
  5. About 1.5 hours south and west of Huntsville is the Bankhead National Forest. Has the 25000 acre Sipsey Wilderness Area ,some good hiking trails and if Sipsey River is flowing good you can float or canoe down it. I think there is a place you can rent canoes, Not far is Houston Recreation Area (Campground) on Lewis Smith Lake sometimes has some pretty good fishing. Check out http://www.warriormountains.com/ http://www.wilderness.org/WhereWeWork/Alabama/future.cfm http://www.wildsouth.org/ for info.
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