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Everything posted by frank10

  1. "Define Camp out!" I may not be able to define it but I know it when I see it.
  2. jhankins: I heard he was thinking about it but had a problem with the food (grin).
  3. Some things were meant to be checked personally not to take some ones word for it. If you hand me an empty gun I'll still check the chamber my self (and if I hand you one and you don't I'll ask for it back.). I hook a volt meter to the lines even if my helper has turned off the power and a camp should see a scout swim no mater how much his SM says he can. Maybe in a pool it is OK since the life guards are never more than 20 feet away and can see the bottom.
  4. I wouldn't go for an out right ban, however, I would go for restrictions on airborne DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE at troop and district events.
  5. Only rule I'm aware of is don't mix stripes with plaid. And even then I'd let it slide as long as it was an all male camp site.
  6. Funny, every time our DE calls to schedule a FOR night I sure, just have our UC arrange to do it on his next visit. He then looks at the records and says we don't have a UC and I reply Hmmm, that's strange, have him call me when you find him. Any one who wants to ask our family for money had better be able to show how he is helping our unit. Since the DE only calls about popcorn and FOS he not much of a help to me.
  7. Probation need not be negative. Rather than thinking in terms of punishment, think of it as a chance for the scout to get back on track AND to get all the support he needs for doing it. Kinda a formal "we need to talk". Could be as simple as a SM conference before and after each event to review how things are going... "Are things still cool?", "Have you been working better with the SPL and PL?", "Do you see the results of keeping your hands to your self?", "How can we make this work" and even "I'm proud of the way you kept your cool at lunch, Bob sure was in your face but you let it go." It might also include an extra task or two. But mostly it should be a chance for him to come back to the unit/patrol. If the scout completes the probation, what ever the original offense is now in the past and never to be mentioned again. Sure beats sending him home for two months to stew about it and then let him come back where his choices are to crawl back or to come back fighting. Probation should be a way of saying "you screwed up but we can fix it together".
  8. There is nothing a kid loves more than getting mail. Send a thank you note that they can hang on the fridge and show off to grandma.
  9. Wow, my normal reply here to a posted problem is "there has to be more to the story. In this case It is "God I hope there isn't any more to this story!" Sounds to me like you are putting your heart and sole into this and still it's not enough. Let me clue you in, it will never be enough. I don't blame you for not wanting to leave. So don't. On the other hand, this can't go on. Tonight might be an ambush or it may not be. For you sake, I hope it is. My advice is get behind them and push! Announce tonight that you are resigning as CM. They want a new CM let them find one. Be the best ACM you have ever seen. That way you will be sure that there will always be two active adults. And you won't be on the hook for all the trouble. Lets face it, you didn't take this job for the glory and the patch, you took it to make sure there was a great program for your son. As ACM or DL you can provide that and you will get to sit back and complain about the new CM. Your family and yourself should not have to put up with all this stress. Don't wait until they break you, act now and reclaim you life. Good luck John B.
  10. That's ok beavah, each time I read it all I can think is - Ask not with whom the SPL eats, he east with thee.
  11. BklynEagle: your making my head spin...
  12. I've always wanted to find an activity for the troop that could fit in a box and be reserved for rain days only. Something so much fun the guys would beg for rain so they could use it. I don't know what it would be but there must be something. I know it's not fly tying. I like the idea of a water slide.
  13. Rifle and shot gun. Back when you has to be able to shoot to get it. Now it's so watered down you might as well let the kid poke the holes with a pencil. Shooting from a bench.
  14. I had a youth who was always making my life difficult. So one day I had a SM conference with him to try to find out why. He told me he had no interest in scouting and was forced to come to the meetings. He was acting up to get me to complain to his mother until she pulled him out. Made a deal with him. HE could be a pain until her car let the lot, if he stopped then I would tell his mother he was trouble for the whole meting. That way I could have peace and he could just sit in the corner. No the best arrangement but was the best I could do for the rest of the troop.... I kept my end of the bargain and so did he... Funny thing, once he was free to do nothing he didn't want to just sit in the corner anymore. Started joining in. Had to call another SM Conference, no sense in getting him pulled out of a program he wanted to be in.
  15. Have you thought about contacting Jerry Springer?
  16. Funny this should come up,I've been wondering all day just how much I meed for my basement - Lets see, about 1 inch deep X 1500 sq ft... Bet that's more than two cap fulls. Maybe I should just break out the swimming pool tablets and toss them down the basement steps and slam the door without looking.
  17. Trevorum - I made too many post here, were you referring to my lass last one or my first last one? either way, that's the problem with wisdom, it always comes too late for your own use. On the other hand, it I knew then what I know now, I'd have missed a few tears but a whole lot of fun.
  18. Is this one played out or did it just get lost with the offline time? I'll add one more... He should know what it means to go without food for a day.
  19. T2: the reason it is kept internal use only is because the BSA does not have the legal right to publish it. Until a court finds otherwise it's all just rumor. The BSA can cancel your membership on a whim but they had better have proof before they publish the reason.
  20. The adults should not involve themselves in the gateways. Each patrol should build their own.
  21. This all assumes that the normal hike/camp/fish/bike is all ready included.
  22. Just for my self, enough hours that if we sit down around a camp fire and I ask you about your project that we will have to add wood to the fire before you run out of info or I lose interest. It's not exact but it works as well as nationals.
  23. If we discount the fall of man idea, here's my additions to the list - Eamonn, you taking notes or going to appoint a scribe? *How to dance. Sure could have used this one as a scout. *How to say I'm Sorry and Thank you. Both in person and in writing. *What to do when your pulled over by the police. Both hands on the wheel, Do not reach for ANYTHING. Do not lie, it won't work. Oh and the good news is you know this officer by name, it is "Sir". *Where food come from and where it goes. From market to flush is not enough. *What is expected of a dad. This one is the most important role of a SM. *How to earn a buck. *How the stand up for themselves AND how to back down.
  24. Engineer61: The difference between the two is would you be willing to give me just one bottle if I asked nice? (This message has been edited by wingnut)
  25. We do one week at camp and a Thursday - Monday troop event. (Block island RI, Beaches of Cape cod, visit to Canada ... ) Not exactly H.A. But more than a camp out.
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