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Everything posted by frank10

  1. In our troop, the Scoutmaster would report it to the Committee Chairman and he whould would take over from there. The CC would contact victoms family and assure them that matter is being looked into and that they will be kept informed. Since this case does not look to have any disputed facts, the Scout in question would then be asked to apear before the troop committee with his parents. In most cases the other scout and his parents will also be invited but will may be asked to wait outside the room for some parts of the procedings. In cases where the scout used poor judgement we use the "car accident theory"... (You did't mean to cause harm but you did and as such you will be asked to do every thing with in his power to un do the damage). Here the damage is that another scout (of family) no longer feels comfortable in the troop. The cure is respect and time. The scout would be asked to show his respect by making up with the other boy and to sit out the next event to allow the leaders the time to make the victom comfortable again. In many cases the Scout is also asked for "court cost"... that is he may be asked to work at the local food bank the same number of man hours as the comittee has invested in this issue (normally 2 to 5 hours).
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