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Everything posted by frank10

  1. We have two identical scales but a car came up 5.0 on one and 5.1 on the other... Could have caused a problem but it was not a derby fanatic's son so the mom grabbed a pocket knife and trimmed a sliver off the bottom. So I got to thinking... must be a way to test the scales. Just took a quick look online and determined that 5 oz = 141.747616 grams grams and the us mint sight tells me that a new us quarter is 5.670 grams ( http://www.usmint.gov/about_the_mint/?action=coin_specifications ) 25 quarters X 5.67 grams = 141.75 grams so we talking a difference of -0.002384 or 0.000084093125 oz (less than a thumb print?) Seems like a good way to pre-test the scales. Interesting point (to me, at least)... you could mix any combo of $6.25 worth of dimes, quarters and half dollars to do this since their weights are proportional to their values.
  2. Problem here is that you don't sound like the parents would support you. My normal advice to parents is to inform the son that getting caught surfing porn or other online trouble will land him in one level of trouble but getting caught messing with the fire wall, using proxies and deleting history will land him in a whole different level of trouble. If the history is empty for the hours I know you were online then I will assume the worst. Not sure what you can do if mom/dad don't want to fix it. But I'd approach it more from the trustworthy than clean. A lot easier that way. If you go for clean you have to allow his point of view that he doesn't see any harm in it. Trustworthy only requires that his parents/leaders trusted him not to do it and he knows it or he wouldn't be trying to hide it.
  3. If you expand this to camps, we use council property about 5 or 6 times a year. (and about the same for non council campouts.)
  4. Bad news is it's land they already thought they owned.
  5. frank10

    is it okay

    A brass plaque on the finish line sounds reasonable. Tattooing their logo on each cub is a bit over the edge. As for the tax issue, to the donner, it really doesn't matter who they give the track to as long as the do it in the hope of improving their business relationship with the community. It is a business expense no different than passing out free bumper stickers or tshirts in the park. On the other hand, the pack needs to justify having received this "income".(This message has been edited by wingnut)
  6. Yes we do! Either pick your son up promptly or I will sugar load him right there in the parking lot before I return him.
  7. Ok, bad example but only because you do have to join to see the price. (which I wasn't trying to get any one to do.) But trust me, After sign up, the price falls to $5.99 per year. And yes, I'm know that national has to make money to provide a program and I'm not sure exactly what my complaint is since I'd give them $10 for nothing if they had a shaker can in front of me. But It just feels like the like I'm being played along with my scouts when there is a better price for outsiders that the insiders.
  8. I don't get it, the charge my scouts an arm and a leg for Boys Life and ask us to force it on them with a promise of a ribbon for our flag but are willing to sell it to the public for $5.99 a year (today it is at http://www.tanga.com/products/boys-life-magazine-subscription--5 using discount code "boys")
  9. I had assumed the rolling was the one we still teach to allow the snow to absorb the water out of the victim's clothing.
  10. My SM was a hero. He did no wrong, and neither could I when I was with him. I know more about him now, and he was no saint, but back then he never let me see a flaw. I try to do the same.
  11. PWD = Pine Wood Derby.
  12. Shotguns OK but ATV are a problem? Anyone care to tell me what character trait you can learn with a shot gun that you cant learn with an ATV? Sounds a lot like we didn't have them when I was a scout so they must be wrong. between taking away things I did as a kid with the G2SS and refusing to add any new ones no wonder the kids don't want to join. As for cost, we have 10 hay burners at our camp, with the cost of the feed, staff, barn/stables, tack and horses they can't be cheap and I assure you they are not LNT. But they keep the scouts coming back. Most my scouts have never touched a horse except at camp. How is this any different than a PWC?
  13. Should have know it has been done... and in a big way too
  14. Anyone ever tried to do a loop? Any advice?
  15. Just a quick public thank you to BluejacketScouter! He really came through for my wife's den! The cubs had a great time with the kits he sent us. John B
  16. Way back in my youth (1979) I was patrol leader of the Bat Patrol. We were competing in the sledge race in the district Klondike derby, half way I fell down with a shattered hip, Waved my patrol on and the EMT's shipped me off to the hospital. The fool running the thing disqualified my patrol because all members of the patrol didn't cross the finish line.
  17. Thanks for the reply! check your inbox. John B
  18. Long shot here, anyone know where I can get one (or more) Cub Scout "Seeds of Kindness" journal kits, it is a discontinued item and we have 10 kits and 11 boys. Have checked the area scout shops and on line no luck. Anyone?
  19. Can we start Occupy Fort A.P. Hill?
  20. Reminds me of an old joke about 4 ministers talking after a multi church event, first one said it was a good event for his church as they had picked up two new families, the second minister said they also had success having signed up three new families. The third said they had gained five. They turned to the forth minister and asked how his church fared and and he said "We did great, we got read of our ten biggest problems!".
  21. frank10

    Den funding

    83E.: how about a bit of both? split the pot in half, divide one share $$ per den and the other half $ per boy. Recognizes the difficulty of running both large and small dens.
  22. I've waited a while to post this because I don't want this to turn into a game of second guessing nor do I want it to be about this individual case. To protect the privily of the family I'd rather that no one connect this back to news story. With out going into details, I'll say an error cost a young scout his life. The young man was ill and alone. He had time to make one phone call. He called his parents cell phone and never got through to them. He should have called 911. This week, could you please have a talk with you scouts and remind them that the first step in first aid is to call for help. Explain that they need not be sure and that they will not get in trouble if they are are wrong.
  23. for anyone the wrong age to understand about the Dingo boots... http://tomheroes.com/Comic%20Ads/classic%20ads/joe_namath_dingo.htm
  24. and he wasn't even wearing Dingo Brand boots!
  25. Good news! I was contacted by the brother of one of the scouts in the photo and he will help fill inthe dates and other info.
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